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Macross DYRL - WTF???

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This thread is making my head hurt and does not seem to be going anywhere. This thread needs to be put to sleep. I'm going to bed. :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:


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I figured I may like a two hour version of Macross better than 36 long episodes.

I downloaded Macross: DYRL and just watched the first thirty minutes of it before just skimming through the rest.

DYRL was made for Macross fans in mind, not Robotech fans.

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There's only one person in the world who hates DYRL, and that's whatshisname from years ago. Remember, the guy who kept bitching about it despite never having seen it? Think his name started with an E...

Clearly this is the same guy come back to screw around!

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I strongly suggest you watch all of DYRL and treat it like a condensed version of SDFM. Around here you don't get much street cred if you haven't even watched something you are being critical about. 15-30min is not considered watching something with the folks on this board.

I noticed you watched Transformers, did you expect the movie to be as faithful to the tv show?

DYRL was a film born out of fan demand. SDFM was much like Star Wars, a show that came out of nowhere, caught the imagination of the populace and exploded. The film story added some elements to the TV story and anacronized other parts of the Macross history.

There was a civil war fought with the use of the Meltran and the Zentran, but that took place millenia before the events of SDFM, yet in the movie, the civil war was ongoing.

I too was first exposed to Macross via RT, but soon thereafter I found a copy of DYRL and was hooked on Macross. The story, music and drama captivated me more than RT ever could.

Also keep in mind that for some around here knocking DYRL is like kicking over some people's altars and the same could be said about knocking certain "chapters" of the RT show for those fans. We are a tolerant sort, but the thing that is probably irking a few around here is that fact that you haven't even watched the whole movie, therefore your opinions are somewhat incomplete.

If you choose not to watch Mac Frontier, that is certainly your perogative, that won't stop the rest of us and many more from enjoying the show.

However, be advised that in order to have your opinions considered valid enough not to be dismissed by this forum, you will need to have at least watched what you are commenting on.

Welcome to the forums... B))

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We are a tolerant sort...

WE ARE??? Since when? :lol:

...but the thing that is probably irking a few around here is that fact that you haven't even watched the whole movie, therefore your opinions are somewhat incomplete.

Well...that, and the fact that if one likes Robotech better than Macross, there are other forums that will be more receptive to them.

Just sayin'.

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Robotech was more faithful to Macross than DYRL is.


I think that the REAL problem here is one of sensitivity.

The ONLY way you can say that Robotech is more faithful to Macross than DYRL is if you accept that 36 episodes of Macross dubbed will just HAPPEN to be more similar to the original 36 episodes than a Movie rendition.

That said - has it ever occured to you that there is a big difference between:

"Do you Remember Love?"



As the primary songs in the series?

In fact - I completely DON'T see ANYTHING in Minmey's singing in Robotech that could POSSIBLY have moved the Zendradi to switch sides and discover culture.

Also - the dialogue is attrocious!!!

I mean - the dialogue in Macross is subtle; we get hints - we get mature intelligent dialogue. In Robotech we get "Lisa! I love you! Oh I need you!"


They basically dumbed down Robotech to make it palpable for a mass market audience - aka they don't believe that the masses are capable of higher sentiments and thoughtfulness.

I agree with your critique of DYRL insofar as the "changes" - particularly how Roy's death was handled - but on the other hand Misa and Hikaru get a lot more time together and - as has been mentioned- DYRL is merely a documentary drama in the Macross Universe.

As for Macross 7 - it's NOT that simple. I highly recommend you slosh through the beginning and open yourself to Basaras message.

But in general - look...

Macross Zero is "boring" - well - Macross Zero just happens to be a moving love story and have a highly intelligent plot - so yes - for someone who likes Robotech and the idea of Minmey singing the equivalent of propaganda songs - then obviously Macross Zero is boring.

Dido Macross 7 being about "vampires and some kids with guitars" - obviously the kids should be brandishing rifles, listening to Minmey sing "we will win!!" and charging into battle yelling "Yo Joe!" ....

Kawamori makes a big effort - I think - to create stories that are very insightful, that speak to the problems of human nature and warfare ...

To the extent that Robotech had anything half-decent in it - it was because no matter how hard you try (and boy did they try!) - you can't destroy all of the magic of the original.

But seriously - I have no clue how you can think that "We will win! Life is what you make it! bla bla bla!" is a better song than Ai oboeteimatsuka - or that ANYTHING Minmey sings in Robotech is at all comparable to the beauty of what we hear in Macross...

But I don't think you're a troll. I invite you to read all of the various threads on this forum and see how much great stuff there is in the Macross universe :)

and I also recomend that you do watch Macross 7 :)

not to mention Frontier :)


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and I also recomend that you do watch Macross 7 :)


Dude, you are telling a Robotech fan to watch Macross 7? We'll start having even lower quality threads than this one.

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