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I've got the same Mac 0 release you have there. :p

I have that one too, and it must be said (for any newbies reading) that the subs are pretty bad. The first couple of episodes are in fairness, ok. After episode 3 the subs seem to less and less accurate. By episode 5 its a real mess and near impossible to make out what is going half the time. My advice - get one of the many Fansubs around (i have one titled A_F & A F and its great).. its nice to have the dvd for picture quality sake, but they suck on the translation side...

EDIT - Ratchet & Ruskii, i trust you both have fansub copiies already? if not... get some. Its an entirely more enjoyable anime when it makes sense.

Edited by vermillion01
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Hey Ruskii, try http://www.anime-eden.com (its $5 for one month of unlimited downloads - they everything macross there too) or you may try a *ahem* bittorrent site... or the imacross server (there is an english dub of episode one too!)


Hope this helps!

(if u get badly stuck... drop me a PM and mail u a good copy!)

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Hey Ruskii, try http://www.anime-eden.com (its $5 for one month of unlimited downloads - they everything macross there too) or you may try a *ahem* bittorrent site... or the imacross server (there is an english dub of episode one too!)


Hope this helps!

(if u get badly stuck... drop me a PM and mail u a good copy!)

By all means find it on a bit torrent site, like box torrents or animesuki.

Why pay for something that isn't benefiting BW?

The fansubs have been around since the show was first released and have always been free, mainly due to HG blocking it's release here <_< .

Just do a search it is still being seeded today.

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  • 6 months later...

The ending made me say, "huh!!?" Therefore a an extended special edition of episode 5 should be done that narrates the events after the bird human.

The 1st episode should also be revised especially the prologue so that they could give us a better background of how and what caused the unification wars. As well as how important the crash of the sdf-1 was to the world.

And of course, a more expanded discussion between aries and roy regarding that protoculture theory.

I'm saying this so that the new generation of viewers that don't know anything about the original 1980's macross will understand it more.

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what the hell happened with the cliffhanger of episode 4?? why so much drama, Sara screaming, the island getting napalmed and in episode 5 in 20sec we just get showned how they extracted the AFOS head and Shin, Roy and their dames getting heloed to the asuka...

Absolutely, I mean, the whole series felt really disjointed but this was the worst! You wait months wondering what happened to the characters after the island got nuked and it's all like "oh we're OK, gonna go over there now, k thnx bai". It pissed me off because I remember when I started watching ep 5 the first time, I was fixing a drink or something just as it was starting, and when I sit down I'm like "Eh? Have I got the right episode??"

Anyway, despite my pet peeves with the show, yes I would like a movie edition, even if no extra scenes are made; who wouldn't want the chance to see this on the big screen?

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I'm saying this so that the new generation of viewers that don't know anything about the original 1980's macross will understand it more.

I hate to say it...but I don't have a lot of sympathy for anyone who REALLY needs to be led by the hand in understanding Macross. If someone sees episode one of Macross Zero, and doesn't get what's going on, that information is easy enough to find. Hell, the original TV series is easy enough to find...

A prologue about the Macross would simply be confusing..."here's this huge alien space ship we're telling you about at the beginning...and we won't show it again in this movie." What would be the point?

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I find it surprising that there was no "movie edition" since they did one of other macross ova's and tv series. I wonder if we will get a movie version of Frontier.


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I hate to say it...but I don't have a lot of sympathy for anyone who REALLY needs to be led by the hand in understanding Macross. If someone sees episode one of Macross Zero, and doesn't get what's going on, that information is easy enough to find. Hell, the original TV series is easy enough to find...

A prologue about the Macross would simply be confusing..."here's this huge alien space ship we're telling you about at the beginning...and we won't show it again in this movie." What would be the point?

I agree with you, no need for more info. But a movie would be still welcomed by me, add more battles and

maybe some extra stuff relating to Hikaru leading up to the first episode of the TV series would be sweet.

In fact a 20 minute add on relating to Roy (him going on a bender with losing his girl and his mate Shin and all)

Hikaru, Misa, Minmay even, and Global would be awesome!

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I wouldn't mind a Zero movie. I don't really see the first several episodes being all that disjointed, the only part where it seemed kinda messy was that last episode. The beginning was so rushed, as others said like a half an episode was missing, and then the end, at least if the fansubs were accurate, seemed to set up Shin remaining behind, but ended with him disappearing into sparkling lights. I don't mind an artsy ending but it seemed kinda clumsy in execution. I do wonder if that could be cleaned up with some re-editing and a bit of new footage?

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I agree. I would have loved for Roy to finish the last episode in the combat premiere of his VF-1S, but that wouldn't be necessary (especially against the newer coolness of the VF-0). From a storytelling perspective, there's no need to establish any real connections to the main Macross storyline; Macross 7 barely did it either, and they HAD characters from the original series!

Likewise, the ending of Macross Zero is hardly atypical for Japanese storytelling. Lots of Western fans have freaked out upon watching an anime where the hero DOESN'T get the girl, kills the bad guys, and lives happily ever after with his friends. Happens all the time in anime. We get used to it. :)


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I would add something else here:

The whole point of the way that the SDF-1 and the Unification Wars were presented in Macross Zero was to have them seen from the perspective of a young boy. Something crashes and lights up the sky, next thing you know people are fighting and dying and then his family gets murdered so he joins the side of the UN - presuming that the Anti-UN murdered his family.

The whole point of the story is to show how little KNOWLEDGE it takes to get human beings to start killing one another, and how easy it is to manipulate people's emotions.

Roy joined the army because his friend was killed in a bombing raid; Shin joined because his family was killed, Nora joined because she was raped - everyone has a Kadun of strife implanted in them - and no one knows what the fighting is about, they only know that they have suffered pain.

This way of approaching the story is far better than a historical documentary about the movers and shakers of the Unification Wars.


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I agree with you, no need for more info. But a movie would be still welcomed by me, add more battles and

maybe some extra stuff relating to Hikaru leading up to the first episode of the TV series would be sweet.

In fact a 20 minute add on relating to Roy (him going on a bender with losing his girl and his mate Shin and all)

Hikaru, Misa, Minmay even, and Global would be awesome!

You know - I've got to wonder is this kind of feelings is not part of the reasons why Zero was met with such mixed reactions. It seems to be that the minute it was annouched they were doing a "prequel" many people came expecting something that would really ties up with SDFM rather than (essentially) a side story that mostly stands on its own.

Personally I must say I really love Zero has it is... eck if it had to change something personally it would be another episode between OAV4&5. It really feels like you missed an episodes between OAV4&5 and the build up toward the final battle felt a TAD too fast. I've always felt Macross Zero would have need a extra episode to really be perfect.


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While waiting for the next Macros Frontier I sat down and watched macZero all the way through and on a big screen for the first time. It's actually a pretty cool ride with lots of characterization and an involved plot. It does feel truncated but so does MacII. Aside from the missing 5th episode, the last episode as it exists is a real head scratcher. There is a big dump of narration about what the AIPHOS/APHOS/AFOS actually is. What we are shown happening at the end is a cause for debate.

Some people seem to think the AFOS does a space warp and somehow Sara and Shin survive. It's obvious, at least to me that Sara and Shin are meant to die - at least materially - but persist as Spiritua ghosts or something. Basically people don't like it and I'm not sure I do either but I guess it works thematically. It's a real WTF moment and not consistent with the rest of the series.

A Special Edition or something could definitely make it more satisfying. And certainly the quality of animation and music is exceptional.

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Its been interesting to see the different opinions made and claimed here since I added this original post. I think the part that makes me scratch my head more than anything are the people who complain about either "Why do we need a documentary?" or "the answers are already there, what more do you need?". Above all, this is supposed to be a prequel, which means it should lead up to the original story. And remember guys, this is to the events of Macross DYRL, not the TV Series. If this was only about a secret operation, why not just call it "The Roy Fokker Chronicles".

But as was done in Macross Plus, I still say they should take the best parts of Macross Zero and add in about about 30 or so minutes of all new scenes and a real ending. Give an ending, do I dare say it.... Like how Gundam 0083 ended, great ending, All loose pieces all tied up.

Again, why sit and say, the series was so-so or yeah I guess, or my personal favorite, who cares I am all about the new series now. Why not go back and turn what was a masterpiece of art and design and obliviously rushed at times and probably budget cut series into probably the best macross series to date.

Long story short is that Anime is a business, and its about money. I will bet that if they revisited it and reworked it, made a series of improvements. People who have a negative opinion or just a lack of enthusiasm, would do a 180 on Macross Zero and see how great it is.

But its just my opinion....

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