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Hikaru Is Pathetic

The White Comet

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Then everyone here can relate or live thru the show Scrubs... damn Zach Braff gets all kinds of chicks on that show.


And after a rather lack-luster season last year, it's hitting on all cylinders again now.

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Hikaru never boned minmay. After they kiss in the Christmas episode it shows him sleeping on the couch. The guys got no game. He had it in the bag that night and he screwed it up somehow. She was walking around with no pants for christs sake. What other signals does he need?


No, he was sleeping on the couch the first night Minmay came over (an emotional wreck). The Xmas dinner was later. So, he didn't take advantage of her when she was vunerable, he waited for here wash his dishes, clean his place, and make him dinner - you notice that in DYRL, he bones Misa only after she shows her feminine domestic side. Growing up essentially an orphan, you can see how he would be attracted to women who can take care of him at the homefront.

Not trying to say he was a stud, just getting facts straight


You're inserting a whole lot of fuzzy logic in there dude. Minmay washed Hikaru's dishes and made him dinner ergo he must have put the stones to her. Sorry, I'm not buying it, and it's also not canon. The only chick Hikaru ever nailed was Misa. That's not to say that Minmay was sporting the V the whole time, there is sufficient evidence to support that she was boning (or being boned by) Lynn Kaifun. Yee Haw! West Virginia cousin lovin! :lol:

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I am an average guy with little to no game, yes i admit it. But when chicks do get the chance to know me, and especially in the case of this one hot chick, and when we spend every waking moment together as friends, eventually stuff happens. And it did. So i feel for him, and hell i'm 24, he was doing it big and great at 16. Hikaru, and/or rick, your my hero. :D

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there is sufficient evidence to support that she was boning (or being boned by) Lynn Kaifun.  Yee Haw!  West Virginia cousin lovin!  :lol:


I don't see how there was more evidence for Kaifun+Minmay, vs. Hikaru+Minmay... or maybe I just didn't want to see the evidence :p:p

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there is sufficient evidence to support that she was boning (or being boned by) Lynn Kaifun.  Yee Haw!  West Virginia cousin lovin!  :lol:


I don't see how there was more evidence for Kaifun+Minmay, vs. Hikaru+Minmay... or maybe I just didn't want to see the evidence :p:p


who read the books?

wasn't their son to become zor prime? rick married lisa. Got to love bad endings that try to cover everything :blink:

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I always assumed that while Minmay was living with him and talking about marriage, they at least engaged in some heavy-petting. But I don't really care either way.

Edit: I'm referring to post-rain-of-death. . . not while they were stranded together inside the SDF-1 early on.

Edited by Hurin
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Then everyone here can relate or live thru the show Scrubs... damn Zach Braff gets all kinds of chicks on that show.


And after a rather lack-luster season last year, it's hitting on all cylinders again now.


When it's not preempted by your silly "State of the Union" nonsense, that is.

*shakes fist in southward direction*

Edited by bsu legato
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Oh good!  The "Hikaru is a loser!  Whereas I am a perfect example of a charming, swingin' heterosexual male over whom all women swoon" thread!  It's been a while!



Hey, I don't know about you, but I happen to be the real-world inspiration for Focker! :p

Anyways, Hikaru probably DID have a good chance with Minmay when they were stranded in the ship's guts.

Remember, she wans't an up-and-coming celebrity. As far as anyone was concerned, any chance she'd had died with the alien attack and fold accident. She was just a girl with a pretty voice.

And they weren't exactly just taking a walk. They were stranded in the middle of nowhere, with no hope of rescue.

2 weeks trapped with just one other person, and knowing everyone thinks you're dead tends to alter your usual thought process a bit. At the end, she was advocating a double suicide. Very Juliet.

The fact that nothing happened DOES say a lot about Hikaru's character. He was either too noble and good-natured to take advanage of the situation, or more likely he just wasn't sure how to deal with girls.

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I think it was a bit of both. He is just a kid, not old and "experienced" womaniser like roy, but minmay isn't the type to act slurmty and easy just because she is famous. Realising this, you wouldn't want to come on too strong too quickly, for fear of offending the person. Her movie version where she kisses hikaru was just acting at first. And the paparazzi took advantage of it to make it look like she is a slurmty bitch in front of everyone. :D Note the bridge bunies reaction. "That is disgusting. No innocence at all, it was just a facade.". Obviously she was stressed about this because maybe her image was destroyed and they think she had a secret toy boy or lover who she uses for sex while not onscreen or something. Playing with someone's heart, phucking them, then dumping them when they see something better they can get.

Of course as she realised she was lonely late in the tv series after realising her dream, that is when she wanted comfort from hikaru so I see it as "wanting comfort from a partner who will hold me" (kaifun had left at this point) not a "lust" or "one night stand" sex thing.

Given those circumstances it was easy for Hikaru to score.

-Misa is lonely and scares off the men.

-Minmay is lonely but fickle. (her attitude change after the rescue under the skin of the sdf1)

Two lonely ppl competing for the same guy = easy. Hikaru scoring = being lucky. :D (he didn't have to put in any effort, they just fell into his lap)

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
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Just thinking, but... any attempt at moving in would be delayed a bit, as they were both rather laid back about the whole thing at first. And they had enough spikes of hope(the discovery of water being the first big one) that they sustained their optimism a lot longer than they had any right to.

It took 'em a week or so(I'd have to watch to see how long) to decide that there wasn't an easy way out and a search party wasn't going to find them. Essentially they realized it was less like being lost on a ship and more like being stranded in a desert.

That's when the situation would really start chipping away at their normal behaviors and ways of thinking.

Towards the end, Minmay was in pretty bad shape. She was cracking FAST.

Hikaru was holding up better, probably because his life as a stunt pilot left him remarkably aware of his mortality for someone his age, though he was also a bit more realistic.

He'd been keeping track of their resources and efforts, and already noticed tehir rapidly dwindling options. Reality had settled in on him gradually and he'd had a chance to come to grips with it. Things hit Minmay all at once("Well, that didn't work, but we can still get out some other way. What? We can't? We've already used up all our options? And we're outta food?!?!?!?! I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE!!!!!!"). His biggest mental burden was the cute girl trying to convince him to jump out an airlock.

Had they been less positive about the entire situation in the first place, or been down there a little longer(given Minmay's state of mind, it may've not even been a day), things would've taken a MUCH diffrent turn.

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I dont know if I'd call Hikaru pathetic, I think I'd call him too nice for own good sometimes and it prevents him from getting laid. Eh, hes what teens to mid 20s during the shows run, can't really blame a guy for being young and stupid at that age, especially given the stress of war and lack of fraternal/parental guidance.

He's 16 at start. I think he'd be 19 at the end. Maybe 18, depending on when his birthday lands(current timeline lists the Macross' launch in February, so 19 is mroe likely).

And the assumption that he's actively trying to get laid is a fairly large one since, as you observed, he's a "nice guy."

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