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  1. I'm just asking because I never see any Robotech related topics in this forum and wondering why? I realize there's a lot of RT haters here but I'm just curious what Harmony Gold is up to these days, and what their plans are for the RT franchise? Are they still releasing RT-related shows? Do they have any plans to sell the rights to Macross in the near future?
  2. From the album: Personal Macross Kits

    Various editions of various Imai 1/72 Variable Valkyrie kits...
  3. El genio de la resina de MW, Captain america, ha anunciado que quiere intentar sacar adelante un proyecto para hacer un kit de resina del Gurab de Mospeada a escala 1/48. - Como en otros proyectos, el kit viene sin pintas y montar. - Escala 1/48, alrededor de unos 10,2 cm de altura una vez montado. - Incluye cañones de los hombros opcionales. - El precio: 100 USD cada uno. Para que el proyecto salga adelante se necesitan al menos unos 30 pedidos. El pago es por adelantado. Hay que apuntarse en el hilo en inglés: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=40117#entry1081601 Si podéis, por favor difundid el prooyecto Podéis ver algunos de sus otros trabajos en estos hilos: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=35100&hl= http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=35684&hl= http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=33405&hl= http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=38959&hl= http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=user_activity&mid=632&search_app=forums&userMode=title&sid=4c548a28d82b4a59f3d7a98399df5090&search_app_filters[forums][searchInKey]=&search_app_filters[forums][sortKey]=date http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=35962&hl= :http://www.macrossworld.com/800/cool8tor-build-of-captain-americas-172-regult-scout/
  4. Did you miss me? After speaking with a fellow MWer yesterday, I realized that I was really starting to miss making kits! Since I'm waiting on a few other projects, I realized that I have a "window of opportunity" to work on some personal stuff, so I thought about offering a 1/10 Protector Inbit kit if enough people are interested. I haven't quite figured out a price because I don't know what kind of interest there would be for this thing, but I think it's safe to say that it would be under 200. I would need a minimum of 30 orders to get the ball rolling, and so I turn the mic over to you guys... What say you?
  5. Gracias a moderador Azrael por su permiso y cortesia! Hola a todos! Quisiera extenderles la invitacion a un nuevo podcast.... ROBOTECH: EL PROYECTO MCKINNEY; Una celebracion dedicado exclusivamente a las Novelas de Robotech escritas por Autores Celebrados por la New York Times, Brian Daley y James Luceno! Por medio de lecturas dramaticas y resumenes de capitulos, contaremos la historia de Robotech a travez de las palabras de Brian y Jim conocidos en Robotech como "JACK MCKINNEY" desde "Genesis" hasta el "Fin del Circulo". Tambien hablaremos de temas diferentes....como los conceptos exclusivos usados en la Novelas....biografias de los personajes.....las tecnologias usadas.....conexiones a los comics.....los los diferentes mundos y extraterrestres que son visitados en el Universo de las Novelas y sea lo que sea que nos ocurra hablar! Y por supuesto, honrar a Brian y Jim, con su merecido y MUY MUY ATRASADO homenaje pos su immensa contribucion a la franquicia de Robotech......y sin importar lo que pasara con la misma en el futuro....el Legado de Jack McKinney fue, es....y SIEMPRE sera el Legado de Robotech! Con 21 Novelas McKinney...habra much de que hablar y nos espera una gran aventura! Episodio 0 - "DETALLES DE PRELANZAMIENTO" ya esta disponible y es una introduccion al show....un poquito de historia de las Novelas de Robotech....Y ADEMAS un tema en la cual solo se hablara por UNICA VEZ en este episodio..... Toda la información necesaria en preparacion para el Episodio # 1, "Viaje al Génesis" .. Toda la información necesaria para prepararnos para LA MEJOR CELEBRACIÓN ROBOTECH QUE HABIDO! IT"S ROBOTECH NOVELS TIME BABY!!!!! Aqui esta todos nuestros enlances! Official website: www.robotechnovels.com Official Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/robotechnovels Enlance directo a Episode 0: www.robotechnovels.com/2013/07/escuchen-el-podcast-o-descarguen-el.html Gracias! JT robotechnovels@gmail.com
  6. Thank you to moderator Azrael for the permission and courtesy! Hi all! I wanted to extend an invitation to a new Robotech podcast...:. ROBOTECH: THE MCKINNEY PROJECT PODCAST; A celebration dedicated exclusively to the ROBOTECH NOVELS written by New York Times Bestselling Authors Brian Daley and James Luceno. Through dramatic readings and chapter summaries we'll tell the Robotech story through the words of Brian and Jim aka "JACK MCKINNEY" from "Genesis" all the way to the "End of the Circle"! We’ll also have side segments discussing a range of topics.. Things such as the exclusive concepts used in the novels ….character biographies….the technologies involved....comics connection...all the the different aliens and worlds that are visited in the Novels Universe and whatever may come our way. And of course.....we wil honor Brian and Jim with their much deserved and LONG OVERDUE shoutout for their immense contribution to the history of the Robotech Franchise. And no matter what happens to the same in the future....The Jack McKinney Legacy was, is......and ALWAYS will be Robotech's Legacy. With 21 novels under the McKinney belt.......there will be lots to talk about and a great journey ahead. Episode 0 "PreLaunch Details" is online and is an introduction to the show, a little history of the Robotech Novels, and one topic that will be discussed and ONLY discussed on this episode. All the necessary info to get us ready for EPISODE #1, "Journey to Genesis".. And....all the necessary info to get us ready for THE BEST DAMN ROBOTECH CELEBRATION THERE EVER WAS! IT'S ROBOTECH NOVELS TIME BABY!!! Here are all our links!: Official website: www.robotechnovels.com Official Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/robotechnovels Direct link to Episode 0: www.robotechnovels.com/2013/07/episode-0-prelaunch-details.html Thanks! JT robotechnovels@gmail.com
  7. From the album: Otakon 2013

    Countdown to Otakon 2013. Music is a huge part of Macross and we'll include some live performances at our fan panel this August.
  8. Hello In a few days I have understood it was released ROBOTECH LOVE LIVE ALIVE, by crazy and disappointing that this is also a public facebook known this http://m.tu.tv/videos/mospeada-love-live-alive , and despite the truth that after the whole story of HG and see that "SHADOW CHRONICLE" at least had done something new, this gave me the pattern that these people do not get the lead to anything new and just some other country remasterizan adapt it and sell it. what you think? not even thinking about a new title?
  9. http://www.robotech.com/news/viewarticle.php?id=496 Starring Space Pirate Roy Harlock!
  10. We'll be presenting our Macross/Robotech: Mythology & Physics panel at Otakon 2013 in Baltimore, MD. We tap into the full 30 years of Macross & Robotech and beyond. Mythology will dip into the past and swing around to things with a more recent pop-cultural sci-fi/superhero flavour. Deculture! We'll also have some fun with physics without making your head hurt too much Bazinga! PLUS, Music is such a huge part of Macross/Robotech, that we will include a new special live performance. If you are cosplaying any Macross or Robotech character, join us after the panel for a group photo! So far it looks like we'll have Max, Milia, Minmay, Basara, Sheryl, Ranka, Ozma, Michael, and Yellow Dancer. Otakon 2013 Baltimore, MD August 9-11 www.otakon.com
  11. We are thinking about doing a short Max & Milia wedding ceremony at Otakon 2013. It'd be great to have fellow Macross cosplayers in attendance. We're looking for someone interested in being Captain Global to conduct the ceremony. Contact me if you're interested.
  12. From the album: Zenkaikon 2013

    Picture of us with Robotech's Ben Dixon voice actor Richard Epcar at Zenkaikon 2013. During our Macross/Robotech panel at Zenkaikon we showed a special tribute to Ben Dixon. It's posted on vimeo now: https://vimeo.com/62740839 It depicts the fun loving & jovial Ben Dixon and hints at the aviation origins of his Robotech name, the character was originally Hayao Kakizaki in Macross.
  13. From the album: Macross at Tekkoshocon X-2

    I composited our group picture from Tekkoshocon with a great valkyrie picture that I found with google. I can't take any credit for the background image but my hat's off to whoever created it.
  14. So the Kickstarter launched for Robotech RPG tactics: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/rrpgt/robotech-rpg-tacticstm It easily met it's target already. The miniatures look pretty good but it's quite expensive. $70+$30shipping to get into the game....? I could swallow the $70 but the $30 to shipping outside of the US seems a bit steep. Anyone thought of getting into this? I bought into the $140 pledget (+$30 shipping) but I still might back out to the bare minimum pledge yet. There is 32 days to go. Then again I might not....with no valks to buy my toy budget is actually starting to acumulate money! I might just go through with it for shits and giggles. Anyway..... I know everyone here is not a big fan of Robotech and/or Harmony Gold but it looks kind of cool.
  15. Sorry if it is somewhat off topic, but this seemed the best location for it. Palladium is doing a kick starter for their Robotech mass combat game, and the models looked very nice and are in the common micro armor scale. Though you diorama folks might be interested in checking it out. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/rrpgt/robotech-rpg-tacticstm
  16. Macross doesn't shy away from presenting viewers with some heavy issues. This AMV illustrates the troubled relationship between Kyle & Minmay. Not everyone survives the pitfalls of the celebrity spotlight, it can be very unforgiving. https://vimeo.com/63944523
  17. From the album: Macross at Tekkoshocon X-2

    Max Sterling, Rick Hunter (Tony Oliver) and Miriya Parina Sterling at Tekkoshocon X-2.
  18. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2013-04-02/makoto-shinkai-hosts-the-garden-of-words-world-premiere-in-australia 'Additionally, the festival will screen a documentary about the Robotech franchise titled Carl Macek's Robotech Universe. The documentary will include cast and crew interviews, as well as pictures and anecdotes from the creation of the series and a sneak peak at the 2013 film Robotech Love Live Alive.' (I find this hilarious since the original LLA is alreasy legally available on DVD in Australia as part of the Mospeada DVD box set.)
  19. We'll be presenting our Macross: Mythology & Physics panel at Tekkoshocon X-2 in Pittsburgh this April. The schedule has not been released but it will likely be on Sunday. We will discuss Macross/Robotech connections to ancient & pop mythology and toss in a healthy dose of physics from quarks to m-theory. We're hoping to welcome a guest appearance from Sheryl & Ranka cosplayers for a live performance, it depends on when we get scheduled. http://www.tekkoshocon.com/
  20. We just received word that our Macross/Robotech panel was accepted for Zenkaikon 2013 in Lancaster, PA. We are currently scheduled for Sunday the 24th at 2PM. We will delve into some ancient & pop mythologies and dabble in some 21st century physics. Robotech voice actor Richard Epcar will be a guest at Zenkaikon this year. www.zenkaikon.com
  21. Warner Bros. Chooses 'Robotech' Director Algunos de los trabajos de Nic Mathieu como director de comerciales. http://www.anonymous...ors/nic-mathieu
  22. This seems promising http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=99333
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKND8f6QYCQ&feature=player_embedded http://www.anmtvla.c...entino-del.html http://www.taringa.n...ie-Project.html
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