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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. Oh wow... yawn. Eyeball flies in slow motion across the screen and scantily clad asian women. clap clap.
  2. I had missed out on all the pre-orders due to life related chaos in the past 2 months... still seeing the toy on Nippon Yasan as being on stock. My gut feeling is that I'll probably be disappointed come Monday if I put in my order, as it sounds too good to be true at this stage of the game .
  3. I have started Accel World, really loving it ! Edit: Saga to World... getting old
  4. Don't mean to sound harsh but looks to me like your going through some tough times, but despite this your priorities seem to be misplaced. It doesn't make any sense to relocate across the Pacific out of the blue with the hopes of something happening (unless of course you do have prospects lined up). Also... Japan and LA, if you want to narrow your future down to 2 places, that seems to be a pretty extreme and unusual choice don't you think? Please try and spend your time securing employment, and spend your limited resources perhaps learning a new skill or something instead of sinking it into a ticket to uncertain prospects abroad. I say this out of compassion and not spite, as I've been in a similar situation. Regarding the boxes, I would chuck them, hoarding only makes sense when it's something of value, since the Hasegawa kits are pretty widely available, it does not meet this criteria.
  5. I saw all the 3 revamped endings, and the extra one, don't think I'm going to bother replaying or redoing anything just for those. The extra content (if you could even call it that) was nice but not groundbreaking. ... so where to next, Mass Effect IV: The Krogan Rebellions II ?
  6. I admit that I forgot about change in direction, but it wasn't a factor a few pages ago, when trying to dispel the notion that you can... drift as leisurely out of the atmosphere.
  7. I am the real winner of this thread because I understand that if you're accelerating, your speed is increasing!
  8. Todo esta bien... excepto el nombre. Cuidado porque los abogados de HG tienen ojos por todas partes!
  9. Anime's content is up to date with the world's latest events:
  10. This should be a WWE movie staring John Cena.
  11. When it's the daughter that's taken: it's your own flesh and blood so you use every black-ops skill to do whatever it takes to get her back. ... when it's the ex-wife: meh... just leave it to the local cops, they're experienced in this sort of thing!
  12. As a side note, I've noticed that videogames have been getting much love lately. We've seen in recent times models for ZOE and even Ikaruga (which has more of a cult shooter status), and now this. Even R-Type is on the horizon.
  13. Seems legit... Source: http://www.tomopop.com/kotobukiya-is-making-a-metal-gear-rex-plamo-kit-25526.phtml
  14. I like how they incorporate just a tiny bit from the game each time one of these is pushed out of Hollywood's sphincter. Is that supposed to be Jill Valentine with the same "mind control" device attached to her chest? ... and the red dress, I don't think they got Ada Wong right with the casting.
  15. Hmm... is this your opinion or is it actually stated somewhere that organics are processed to make carbon plates? I'm familiar with the idea that certain allotropes of carbon are some of the most durable materials ever, but living beings aren't necessarily good pure sources for Carbon, as amino acids also contain Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Hydrogen. Something as simple as mining for Graphite would be preferable. Then that leaves as you say, some perverse AI influence that is driven to harvest. In my opinion, pop culture has completely defecated on the word organic, which we've taken to mean eco-friendly and/or living. The word is really used to describe any molecule that contains carbon, so yes... a pencil (which contains Graphite) is organic, pesticides are organic, Viagra, Amoxycilin, and most meds are organic, and if Reaper hulls contain a healthy dose of carbon, they are organic as well.
  16. Fate Zero's finale is next week. I will truly miss this show. Hope they do Fate Prototype next. Why couldn't the original FS/N be so awesome?
  17. I don't think that Reapers are synthetics, at least not in the same vein as the Geth, EDI/EVA, etc. Per ME2, the Reapers need to harvest "organic material" in order to bring a new Reaper to life, and there is that whole discussion at the end of part 3 about how each cycle's organic life is incorporated into the Reaper community. If anything, they are hybrids much the same way as Shepard is, though the machine to meat ratio is probably much higher for the giant space cuttlefish. This ratio was probably high enough to prevent their survival in the red ending. Since Shepard is partly synthetic himself, only he/she can defeat the Reapers, he is in fact fighting himself... and Bioware's atrocious writers.
  18. Fresh off the press. Microsoft's new Windows 8 tablet: http://www.engadget.com/2012/06/18/microsoft-tablet-announced/ The "smart-cover" is really intriguing, I have OCD so I've always found the idea of smearing a finger on a screen a bit unsanitary. I think that Microsoft with the Nokia Lumia 900, this, and making Windows 8 "app-friendly" is slowly starting to close the hipster technology gap, and has given me reason to cheer for the big-M again. I prefer the Microsoft branding of the hard working "professional" to the unemployed weed smoking college drop-out any day . (that was a joke guys)
  19. Madoka deceives with the premise of the magical girl theme, as it is really quite dark and succeeds in turning the whole genre on its head. Definitely one of the top shows in recent times. I seriously was not expecting to see things like decapitation and gun violence on the show, and... I never get tired of watching this
  20. In my opinion the most frightening and goose-bump inducing creature of all RE's are the mutant frogs (or are they toads?) from RE0.
  21. If you're accelerating by more than 1g ( > 9.8 m/s^2), what do you think is happening to your speed? ... Of course velocity matters, and there is a minimum speed. ΔKE = PE (1/2)m(vfinal)2= - (gmM) / (r2) Where: m = mass of ship M = mass of planet. The 'm' cancels, so the only relevant factor here (that you can control) is the end velocity needed to overcome the Gravitational Potential Energy of Earth (or whatever planet). And that velocity is a huge number for any respectable sized planet, in order for the formulas to work out. Granted I don't think we're disagreeing per say, if there is enough fuel to constantly accelerate yes, you will eventually reach escape velocity, but at the point in time where you do, you'll be traveling fast... because you've been accelerating. And that acceleration had to overcome the planet's PE.
  22. No not really , I think you're misinterpreting what that paragraph states. It never says that you can slowly chug along as slow as you want and eventually get "there". The statement: If the vehicle's speed is below its current escape velocity and the propulsion is removed, the vehicle will assume a closed orbit or fall back to the surface is misleading. I'm pretty sure what the author meant is that you need enough velocity (about equal to escape) to get to orbit, and perhaps more to break free assuming we're on the same trajectory. If you're slow-boating the likely scenario is that you'll fall back to the surface. It is true that the higher you go, the next kilometer will be "easier," because the Gravitational force is inversely proportional to the square of the radius between the 2 objects (the planet & the rocket), but you need to be able to get to that altitude in the first place. So the PE calculated for an object that is at rest on the planet's surface is the minimum amount of energy that needs to be overcome (which is where escape velocity values are traditionally calculated). The fact that it gets easier at higher altitudes is not relevant, because you need to get there first.
  23. I haven't seen the movie, but leisurely drifting into orbit at a relaxed speed goes contrary to my basic understanding of physics. Escape velocity is basically the point where your ship / rocket's kinetic energy exceeds the potential energy of the planet you're on, which for any decently sized chunk of rock is robust, simply because the radius from the planet's center out to its surface would be in the thousands of kilometers. So you basically need to go fast, irrespective of how efficient or good your fuel is, there are simply no other variables. ... but yea it's a movie .
  24. Hmm.... when was Zangief ever a bad guy?
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