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Everything posted by Hiriyu

  1. They look like they could be Chia-Valks. No thank ya.
  2. It looks like it's got the SDF-2 / Megaroad-style bridge:
  3. Just spitballing, but there's another possible scenario that I've wondered about. Given that HG is already established as a distributor in the US and has already been granted US trademarks, I'd guess that there may be a possibility that Tatsunoko could renegotiate rights with HG with the proviso that HG be bound to honor any potential distribution arrangement between SN/BW and Tatsunoko for distribution of the sequels. It wouldn't be the most positive possible outcome, or indeed most likely, but it would potentially give each of the companies presently involved a piece of the existing pie and an expansion of the pie for all involved (well, except for maybe HG). Tatsunoko would likely have more favorable prospects by cutting HG out of distribution entirely, but then would have to come to some kind of distribution arrangements for America on its own. If SN/BW want to have an American distribution, they pretty much have to work with Tatsunoko, but they carry a pretty large bargaining chip in the form of the sequels. Of all of the companies, HG would seem to have the weakest position in a license shake-up. Whatever happens it will be interesting to watch.
  4. Was quite bummed to hear the news. Great actor and musician. RIP Harry.
  5. Your degrees of silliness comment recalls something my stepbrother told me back when I was 12 and building a 1/72 variable Valkyrie kit. He was a few years older and of a very regimented turn of mind (he later studied as an astrophysicist at an Ivy league school). He took a look at the model I was building, the instructions, and the box art, and quite magnaminously declared, "Wow. This is much less stupid than all of those other robots you have." It was quite the compliment.
  6. I trust Toynami about as far as I can throw an Eldorado, but heck yeah. Bring on the Auroran.
  7. I do remember a non-Convertors version that was sold in a couple of local SoCal drugstores and knickknack shops when I was a kid in the '80s - they may have been unauthorized versions, or imports from another market. I do not remember the name/label that they were marketed under, but they did use the Takatoku TV color schemes and artwork on the packaging (they were blister carded like the Convertors). The only thing I remember from the packaging is that they were badged as "Battroid Walkyries".
  8. Those are the Toynami/Aoshima "1/55" toys.
  9. I haven't seen the movie yet, but I worked last summer with a model maker who worked on some of the aircraft models used in the film. They used actual quarter-scale RC models of the Spits (and I think a slightly smaller-scale HE-111) and filmed and controlled them from camera-equipped helicopters and ocean vessels, rather than going CGI. I think that should be applauded.
  10. The Gakken 1/8 is a great toy, still well worth picking up even if you have newer versions of ride armor.
  11. The Rpi and other mobile-device versions of MAME tend to be based on pretty ancient versions of the MAME core. There's pretty much zero chance that an emulator update will fix the lack of sound since the later MAME builds that do have sound in these games require much more processing power than Rpi or other SOCs can handle.
  12. I've got a couple of empty and untitled gallery folders that have been lurking on my gallery page for years. I would love to know how to delete them.
  13. It's all been sold, except for one Takatoku Gerwalk Nikick KO that never found a home. Send a PM if you'd like to adopt
  14. I successfully sold a pretty large toy collection here at Macrossworld a couple of years ago. It was a little bit difficult for me to initially get "over the hump" with regard to a decision to sell, and it required significant time and motivation to catalog, organize and prepare all of the items for sale. But once I got started, I actually really enjoyed the process for multiple reasons: Selling required me to to give each item a thorough check out. In the case of toys that had been stored in boxes for many years, there was a kind of rediscovery of what I liked or didn't like about any given piece similar to what I had experienced when I had first acquired them. It was kind of like "new toy day" for each item all over again. It rekindled my enthusiasm for the items and made researching prices and writing descriptions more of a fun exercise. An enthusiasm for the item you're selling helps you "sell the item". Selling the collection required me to photograph each item - now that it's all sold I may not have the physical items anymore, but I do have a nice photographic record of it. The photographic record does a better job of reminding me why I loved that stuff better than sealed and untouched boxes in storage ever did. Selling at MW in particular is fun, because there are a lot of great like-minded people here who share your enthusiasm. In many cases I'd end up having long chats/dialogs with other members outside of the scope of the sale itself. It's good to make friends. Finally, I found the process kind of liberating once I had made the firm decision to sell. I was able to de-clutter, reclaim a pretty fair chunk of $$, and no longer had any vague worries about the mountain of vintage plastic in my closets slowly and quietly yellowing, degrading and devaluing.
  15. While the overall sculpt looks OK, I'm not super impressed especially given the price. It may just be prototype issues, but there seem to be several areas where the panel-fitting doesn't look particularly good - the winglet to intake interface, the sensor pod door, and the way that the head recesses under the cockpit all look kind of janky. Not a big fan of the CM's-style concave inner knee/shin joint either.
  16. Ah, yes. The good old Galaxy Defender. There were also those red/white carded ones with the opaque canopies and LEDs - I believe that those may be the ones you describe as being poorer quality than the packaging they came in.
  17. Very sad. Bill was one of those actors that, when seeing his name pop up on the intro credits, could make you look forward to see any movie. He was always just so damn enjoyable to watch.
  18. Although my toy collecting days are behind me, it is frikken awesome to see a successor to the Beagle in development. The Beagle is still very close to the top of heap when it comes to transforming toy engineering, in my opinion.
  19. Gundam newb here. I recently watched 'War in the pocket' and found it enjoyable. I'm looking for more to watch, but could use some recommendations. I'm probably not going to be inclined to go through the whole series chronologically, but if there are any series that you feel that especially stand out please let me know
  20. Never before has Macross recalled Steppenwolf for me. Now it will, forever. I know it's an older post, my apologies.
  21. It's been a good while since we last treaded a Tlead thread. How are the values holding these days? Anyone see them coming up at auction recently? Any Red/Green sightings?
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