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Everything posted by Hiriyu

  1. I like the OG un-modded look, but it's all pretty subjective. Your modded intake pieces look great regardless
  2. I have an atom N450-based windows tablet and love the thing. It's got a 10" multitouch screen, accelerometer with 360 degree rotation, 2GB RAM and a 320GB HDD; it's plenty snappy running Windows 7 Ultimate, in fact surprisingly so. It has excellent connectivity (3x USB 2.0, HDMI, WiFi, 3G, Bluetooth, SD media, etc.), and the ability to run any x86 32-bit software. I find the overall utility really surprisingly good. No, you're not going to run anything really computationally heavy on the thing, but it handles basic office, productivity, web and media tasks (and even some games) remarkably well. The extreme portability, combined with 100% desktop compatibility and a very inexpensive price was definitely a draw for me... I got mine for much, much, much less than the price mentioned in the link above. As Mike mentions, low-power netbooks and tablets are a poor substitute for a full PC, but they can make a great adjunct to an existing system IMHO.
  3. Have to admit, I was curious as to what your thoughts would be about these. I'm still pretty sure that the specs A7 posted can't be right though... let us know what you come up with.
  4. Those specifications on the various Lotus can't be right... I'm not impressed. Me-too wannabe Gallardo styling. Porky curb weights. Lotus has never been about muscle car appeal; it's completely anathema. Colin Chapman must be doing 7500 RPM in his grave.
  5. My nephew is a Geek (in the proprietary sense), and I agree with Chewie in that the service you receive is proportional to the tech and managerial talent existent at whatever location you sample. That said, and not wanting to stomp all over my nephew's profession, the Zentrans among us are really much better off in general finding their very own non-professional geek (in the non-proprietary sense) to help out with their PC maintenance and repair. Most real-life computer geeks will do basic operations at no little or no cost - maybe feed them a $20 or a 12er of beer to keep them happy. The real trick is to find a local geek willing to help. There otta be a central databse of willing computer nerds... Lord knows, I've done more than my share.
  6. No fancy wallpaper here, but 5760x1080 goodness:
  7. My monitors are all DVI, and I'm using a Dell active displayport adapter for my main (center) monitor. The main problem with active adapters right now is availability - though there are several models that work, Dell is the only company that has any inventory right now. Running on Catalyst 10.4, I don't experience any of the glitches associated with Eyefinity except for a minor one which involves windows explorer needing to restart when switching back to extended desktop mode. I understand that this was not a problem in 10.3, so this will likely be fixed with 10.5.
  8. YLM, you can expect up to about half a dozen runs total, depending on how many people show up. Steve K. has run there a couple of times, don't know if you still ever see him around. I'll probably be seeing him in about a week, I'll tell him Hi for you.
  9. Hey Vince, You don't need any special versions of games for it to work, it just works, albeit with varying degrees of success from title to title. It's not really hardware-related, but has to do with how various games cope with ultra-high resolution and FOV settings. Mine is 5760x1080 (3x 1920x1080). I've got a largish pile of games that I still need to install, I haven't tried any FPS games with it yet. I've also got a ton of flight sims that are waiting in the wings for installation. So freakin time consuming Some games that I've played with and work well so far: X3: Reunion Sins of a Solar Empire Pirates rFactor GTR GTR2 GTL NFS Shift Test Drive Unlimited Defcon I haven't taken any actual pictures of the setup (it's just three monitors on a desk, heh), but here's a quick screenie: ss1.bmp
  10. Yup, that is what it is. The unique thing about this one is that it's one of the longest-standing events of its type in the Western US. It's a classic.
  11. Just got my Eyefinity rig up and running over the weekend. It involved a migration to Windows 7 64bit from XP, an upgrade to an HD5870 from my HD4890, and the addition of 2 more 24" LCD panels, but all I can say is its uber gaming bliss. Mini-Rant: I will say for the record that Windows 7's startup recovery software is a retarded throwback in that it is truly retarded. I installed 7 on a fresh HDD, but have my previous XP drive installed in the system as well, dual-bootable. W7 found a file that it did not like (a "corrupted" device driver) on my XP drive, and refused to boot because of it. Nevermind that the file in question resides on a completely different physical drive than the W7 OS resides on, and nevermind that the file in question was a driver for a completely different operating system, with the driver not even installed on the W7 installation; 7 just did not like it, and refused to boot due to its presence. Instead, Win7s response was to automatically backdate my install to a previous restore point, disregarding that the "corrupted" file in question was present during the initial install and susbsequent 8-10 boot cycles. In general, I have a problem with software that thinks it knows more about what I want to do than I do, and when it is demonstrably wrong. /Mini-Rant Over Aside from that, Win 7 actually seems pretty nice
  12. I blame Azrael. It was his wiring job after all.
  13. I plan on going provided I can get out of town for the weekend. It's a really cool event, well worth attending. The organizers are good personal friends of mine; if you have any interest, send me a PM and I'll help get you set up. There's room for any level of car prep/driving skill, so don't be shy.
  14. Cool pickup YLM. You must be back in the states now? What did you end up paying for the Corolla? I'm led to believe that these are starting to get difficult to find in decent condition... The vast majority that I see have been riced out and thrashed. A friend of mine had a GTS hatch, and it was a great car - simple, lightweight, RWD, and damn-near indestructable. Y'know, Lone Pine is coming up soon!
  15. Hehehe You can't deny though that toplessness is in general a really good idea when it comes to Sora Aoi.
  16. NMB4M, That is a wonderful custom - it sure has come a long way! Most excellent work! ...And looks a damn sight better than this prehistoric custom model (I'm sure you remember this scan from a thread long past): http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&id=32608
  17. Au contrere, mon frere! Sound in SDF Macross has been supported in MAME for years now. Sorry for the OT.
  18. I have no insight on this subject, but I had always kind of idly wondered about the numbering of Stick's Legioss. As I recall, we do see the "21" markings on Stick's Legioss(s) throughout the series, but sometimes it's there and sometimes it's not in the actual animation. I think that it can be rationalized in-story as the crew having painted Stick's numbers on the Legioss that Jim had been restoring/maintaining. Maybe a viewing of that particular episode where they meet Jim will show something... I think it was the third or episode but may be wrong there.
  19. +1 on this post. For a scant moment (once I had heard of the fairly inxepensive [for Apple] price point), I was mildly intrigued by the idea of the iPad. I caught myself thinking that so long as it had USB, it may actually work well. Three seconds later, as I came to my senses, I realized that software incompatibility for what I would want to use it for would be a deal-breaker anyway. Then, Eugimon mentions that there is not actually even any USB support. Brick.
  20. I had read an article about that a while back, and it spawned a full on OCD research session for me that killed the better part of a Saturday. It really is fascinating stuff.
  21. A good rule of thumb is to merge into the next lane to the right when faster traffic approaches from the rear. Let the faster traffic by, do not play vigilante traffic cop by trying to slow the flow of traffic. If you regularly brake-check people while slowing the flow of traffic as you describe above, you should be prepared to be the subject of road rage.
  22. Not only that, but the scalability of performance of two cards (SLI) is not a sure thing in many games. Sounds like a waste to me when used on an older system.
  23. Stick's invasion group is the Third Earth Reclamation Group. The second invasion group brought Yellow and Jim to Earth, along with their mecha and Houquet's mospeada. I believe the time period between the two invasions was something like 3-5 years... someone remind me. Oh, and the Inbit? The Ibit themselves are purely biological, not cybernetic. Their mechs are bio-mechanical, and are controlled by "lifeforce".
  24. You absolutely need to set your LCD monitor to display its native resolution (1600x900), else your image will be stretched or distorted. You may be able to get away with a lower resolution which preserves the same aspect ratio, but why would you want to? All lowering the resolution to the next matching aspect ratio serves to do is to give you less screen real-estate (less viewable onscreen), defeating the purpose of having a widescreen in the first place. 20" widescreens are on the very small end of the scale anyway, so you really don't want to lower the resolution in any case. Given the screen resolution you have, you have no reason whatsoever to upgrade your video card unless you're using Vista or Win7 and want to take advantage of DX11, which isn't a big deal as of yet. If for whatever reaon you do want to go DX11, then the ATI 5000 series is the only game in town. Your current 8800GT is more than capable of whatever you throw at it with that monitor under DX9/10/.
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