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New Edwards Test Pilot

New Edwards Test Pilot (9/15)



  1. Got lucky with the timing of my preorder with a decent payday sale discount from a local online shop. Plus a 6 mo. 0% interest installment deal which is gonna help make it easier to pay for this TWE MF.
  2. Preordered one to display in battroid with the 1/60. Wanted to get 2 (for gerwalk too) but budget was depleted by the VF-25S.
  3. Just preordered the 1S. It's been a loooong time since I last purchased a VF-1 toy. I've been too content with the Yamcadia V.2 1/60s. I'm very happy with my other Robo Dou figs so I'm excited for this.
  4. If this was a regular retail release, the preorder price would be somewhere close to the VF-31J's. Local preorder prices for the VF-25S are actually higher than the YF-21's since it's a TWE. I'm pretty sure that the Armored VF-25S is more sought-after than the Super VF-31J, so the reasoning for making a product exclusive to guarantee sales and/or ROI doesn't really apply here. This is Bandai giving us the finger yet again. Thanks a lot Bandai!
  5. Thanks for the video link and your insights. Looks good and very solid just like their Evas that I have. I'll skip the 1J but will be preordering the 1S in the coming days after more reviews pop up. I hope they go through all the TV "veritechs" just like Yamato's v2 VF-1 line up... and more.
  6. Finally! Gonna get one for sure. But all this usual talk of getting multiples has me thinking... I knew that money I saved from canceling my YF-21 preorder would eventually go to Bandai anyway Same. Renewal prices were insane and I couldn't justify the inflated cost. I actually owned the v1 twice, waaay back. Sold it twice too, lol.
  7. I just wish they'd hurry up. It's gonna be more than 1.5 years to get the three Mac0 valks when the 0A is released in May. If Bandai decides to make HMR Mac+ valks, it might take until 2030 or longer to complete. Just copy the Yamato/Arcadia or the HGs and get the ball rolling already. They already did it with this 19 Kai.
  8. The cheap preorder price for the 19 Kai is very tempting... but what I want are Mac+ and MacF HMRs. C'mon Bandai!
  9. I never display any of my valks this way but this thing is gorgeous even from its backside.
  10. Mini-Action by Action Toys. Cheap thrill... It looks good and poses well for its price ($35 preorder). A very good representation of Vehicle Voltron, albeit small... can't really display it with my larger super robots, which is why it's with my 144 gundams. I would recommend removing the gyro blades and Ginger while posing and put them back on after. Hands also pop off easily when range of motion is exceeded. I still might consider the GX-88 if it's ever reissued when the Yen is weak like with the GX-71S.
  11. Thanks. Even with its ultra sleek design, I was surprised by its heft. It feels heavier that it ought to be.
  12. The last SDFM/DYRL valks I was able to get at or below retail was during Yamato's heyday. Too bad indeed that that won't ever happen for Bandai valks (even Arcadia now). But being able to get these HMR Mac Zero valks below $100 is a godsend for me since the Arcadia ones were way out of my price range. I had given up on having a MacZero collection after selling off my old Yamato ones. I can't wait for the HMR VF-0A w/ ghost to add to my 0S and 0D, even if they're not 1/60 scale.
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