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Everything posted by m0n5t3r

  1. wow, more casualties... one of the shoulder hinges on my Roy 1S has some itsy-bitsy stress marks around the fat end of the pin... afraid to transform him anymore... any materials engineers here know how to reinforce plastics??? something that can be applied like paint??? Yamato should just put in a pin that doesn't have a fat end... only on that end are the cracks/breakages/stress marks happening. if they don't want to do another mold for thicker plastic parts then that's what they should do.
  2. OP really looks O.P. (out of place) and i get that its safer to put the old 1/60 on your makeshift stand than the new ones... smart move
  3. check here - link there aren't too many glued parts on the v2 1/60 compared to other VFs... just a lot of "screwed" parts (including the "screwed up" shoulder hinge)
  4. reading through this thread again... i think it would be safe to say that if Mr. Scream Man gets a broken shoulder hinge then that would be the time to panic .
  5. one thing i've noticed on the shoulder hinge of my Hik 1S is that the serrations on the supposed fat end of the pin is not discernible anymore compared to my Roy 1S and Hik 1J...
  6. i watched this again during the holidays (finished in 2 days) and i sorta forced my wife to watch w/ me... that's what she said - why the hell is everyone dying??? but, i guess, that's what moves the audience... when Kamina died, i figured "that's why his character is so over-the-top, 'coz he's supposed to die early... and it'll be where Simon will move into the main character position..." but coz Kamina was soooo over-the-top, you still get a feeling in every episode after he died that he was still a very big factor in the development of the story and the other characters, esp. Simon and Yoko (even Viral, even after he realized that Kamina had died). BTW, Kamina is my fave character on the show. Kittan's death was really a tear-jerker... poor poor Yoko, guess that's why her alternate character is a teacher... she ends up becoming a HOT unmarried woman (i would've said "old maid" but i didn't want to insult Yoko's character ). i also hope somebody makes an action figure of mature Yoko w/ black jacket and thigh-high boots, it's my fave Yoko look. i'll wait for your reaction on the ending between Simon and Nia... sad...
  7. credit to dante74 for inspiring me to do a "look-up" pose a la superman.
  8. m0n5t3r

    super hikky

    From the album: Toys

  9. m0n5t3r

    super hikky

    From the album: Toys

  10. i use the U-shaped connector (i think the mid-sized one... or is it the smallest???) and clip it at the bottom of the backpack (see pic)... but i haven't tried it w/o the FP's on. i know its not secure but it doesn't fall off unless you hit it hard, i guess ... i had my focker 1S in a similar pose below in my display case for around 4 months and it never fell off... i even tried to shake my display cab to test if it would fall off and it didn't even when one of my SOC Mazingers fell back off its display platform (good thing the glass is tempered) ... but Maz got some battle-damage on his a$$
  11. m0n5t3r

    Hik 1S

    From the album: Toys

  12. thanks! i initially wanted to have the gunpods pointing straight forward but the arm FP/armor makes it a little difficult.
  13. hey ruskii, that's a 1J 1/48 right!? cool!
  14. i'll definitely try those out when i get me flexy stands!
  15. can't wait to try out these flexy stands... the ones i ordered thru my uncle in the US will be arriving next week!
  16. m0n5t3r

    Hik 1S

    From the album: Toys

  17. m0n5t3r

    Hik 1S

    From the album: Toys

  18. you need to separate the two pieces of the backplate (the whole thing that's holding the wings, shoulder hinges and the swingbar) by unscrewing the 3 screws located on the inside of said backplate. two of the screws are the ones holding the left and right wings and covered by the shoulder hinges when positioned in battroid mode... the third screw is the one holding the swingbar. after you've removed these screws, the two pieces comprising the backplate will come apart and you can access the screw holding the shoulder hinge to the backplate.
  19. just got my VF-1S Hikky c/o a friend in HK for 740
  20. 3 of those tablet type batteries that's used for those little keychain or pen LED flashlights... or the ones used on those old game & watch games...
  21. i want one!... great job, man!
  22. m0n5t3r


    From the album: Toys

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