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Everything posted by m0n5t3r

  1. pass... will wait for TV 1A Kaki...
  2. will do! might not get any sleep waiting for this baby!
  3. gonna get mine tom... can't wait!
  4. coming soon... broken plastic vs. broken metal debate...
  5. that's the 2nd one... the other guy was able to remove the screw and replace it... a few pages back...
  6. YAY! good business opportunity for Yamato members~Yamato employees/Japan residents!
  7. hope so... coz we mere mortals can't afford to jump through the proverbial hoops to get this thing... but a real and non-sarcastic YAY! for all the 1/48 hardcore fans/completists! but i remember Graham saying that the "1/48 line is finished"... maybe this is it and it will die with Kaki...
  8. pics like this makes it even harder to resist!... must continue to resist... it'd be cool if someone could post a side-by-side w/ a VF-1J since they have similar colors and head lasers.
  9. cool new pics. i'll get both G and RVF since both have the Super Packs bundled w/ the valks... would've gotten the Alto if Bandai had included the FP's in the first place... still hoping they will eventually. i keep forgetting... do stands come w/ the G and RVF?
  10. a TIGHT "she" is indeed very NICE! i'm assuming you can see the extra padding from the box's window... at least there's a way to tell that you're getting the updated release or not w/out opening the box.
  11. i figure it would be the same as the TV Hikaru pilot in blue and white...
  12. check this - link ... but i doubt Yamato will go that far...
  13. if its 100% accurate that the pattern that Yamato is using for releasing these new 1/60 valks is by pilot (Roy first, then all Hikaru and now all Max) then there might not be... but i'm still on the "i hope they eventually do it" bandwagon...
  14. the 1/48 shoulder hinge looks massive compared to the new 1/60's...
  15. dedicated thread/s... cool! now people have a reason to repeat everything they already wrote in the old v.2 1/60 thread...
  16. do the feet lock in b-mode?... ff95gi said that the new one he got didn't enough so it collapses... BTW, congrats on the VF-0S, nice to hear it's tight, you've been waiting a long time for that...
  17. you could always mod the pin to make the hinge crack-proof. call it "preventive maintenance." i know people are going to say "why do i have to do this and that for something that i paid a lot of money for?!?!"... but that's life, sh!t happens... you can either mope about it or get over it and/or do something about it. nothing in this world is "perfect" least of all these toys that we are all so obsessed about (including me)... i have also had my share of defective/paint chipped or scratched/missing parts/broken-needs-super-gluing etc. items, may it be from Yamato, Bandai, Takara, Konami etc. 2ยข
  18. i think there's a lot of us who figured that this would happen... those so-called "limited" stocks w/ crazy prices are just for those who are antsy about getting their VF-25's. i for one, am waiting for these to go down around the same price it was offered during pre-ordering or even less... if i do decide to buy them... for all their faults and shortcomings, i won't pay those "crazy" high prices you mentioned. i think you meant shipment via sea freight... BTW, thanks for the current price info there... do keep us updated...
  19. COOOOOOOL! lego valks, destroids and glaug... awesome stuff!
  20. m0n5t3r


    well, MY wife doesn't like it, so i can't get it ... she says it looks like a robot w/ its BALLS on it's back/shoulders... always like seeing that Q-Rau pic of yours, Vegas...
  21. wouldn't it be hard or damn near impossible to bend a die-cast hinge to get it up past the tab that holds it battroid mode (and that tab will surely wear out faster if it's rubbed against metal)? or is it... the inside part plastic and the outer cracking part die-cast...
  22. YES. it would be great if Yamato could make a transformable VF-4 (even just like that kit, SHE i think, i saw in that other thread), however, if it proves to be "impossible" or too complicated that it'll be prone to breaking, i agree w/ vaddict that a non-transforming VF-4 fighter would suffice.
  23. a dab of super glue would do on either end of the pin. if the pin is fastened, via the serrated edge of the pin or super glue, the movement of the hinge is much tighter (not the shoulder)... whereas w/out it being fastened to the plastic, the movement is not as tight (but not loose at all), but the pin is still secure and will in no way slip out of the hole... boxing gloved VF-1's FTW!
  24. LOL, boxing gloves 1/48 hands on v2.1/60 ... definitely the first i've seen...
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