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Everything posted by m0n5t3r

  1. most probably a prototype... i like it nonetheless... they just wanted to put it out there ASAP so we'd all pee our pants from all the excitement!
  2. m0n5t3r

    1/48 GBP-1S Set

    IMHO... MWer = OCD ... :lol:
  3. m0n5t3r

    1/48 GBP-1S Set

    it went on sale here locally for around $65 (and ver.1 1/60 1J w/ GBP for $40 )... but the OCD corner of my brain just couldn't take the chunky leg armors ... i'm patient anyways, so i'll just wait for the 1/60 ver. for my 1/60 1J... EDIT - i want it to look like the gasha in the middle of the pic below... pic link
  4. m0n5t3r

    1/48 GBP-1S Set

    the only thing that put me off from buying the 1/48 GBP for my 1J are the leg armor/s... too bulky indeed, otherwise it looks great... hope the new 1/60 will look better w/ the thinner legs + foldable fins.
  5. m0n5t3r

    Yamato stands

    they should bundle this w/ the v.2 1/60 VF-1's and give it out for free for owners w/ cracked shoulders. one stand for every cracked shoulder
  6. m0n5t3r

    Yamato stands

    cool! gnu stands can support v.2 1/60 and stackable... i wonder if it's still stable enough w/ FPs. hope they ARE cheap.
  7. just copied this from the SCOOP thread c/o "sturmvogel's poking around IXTL's link"...
  8. my contribution to the VF-0S revival... (still w/ a crappy cam... )
  9. yeah, Overdrive. they specifically stated that the VF-0S that they have is the fixed version. EDIT - yeah, this new VF-0S totally erased all the doubt and sh!t that i felt about it from when i got my hands on a super floppy one before. just awesome!
  10. just as somebody mentioned (w/ pics) a few pages back... there's some extra bubble wrap padding for the tailfins w/c can be seen through the box's window. Go get one....NOW!
  11. i 2nd that! if i will get a 25G it'll stay in that pose indefinitely...
  12. man, you own gerwalk mode! ...didn't have any patience to attempt a cool gerwalk pose... going to go ahead and transform to battroid.
  13. man, those karate-chop hands really don't suit a valk... karate chopping Bandai SOC daimos yes, Bandai DX VF-25 valk no...
  14. m0n5t3r

    0S w/ Nora

    From the album: Toys

  15. man! she's tight!... and i got a super floppy one before (that i was very fortunate to have replaced by something else from the store i bought it from)... very tight in f-mode right out of the box... some quick pics (used the glass table thing a la Vegas... but still w/ a damn crappy 7 yr. old cam and no background ). shooting down Nora w/ head lasers (oops, forgot to put Nora pilot... )
  16. m0n5t3r


    From the album: Toys

  17. m0n5t3r


    From the album: Toys

  18. woah! nice body sculpt (coz it's naked!)... face seems to need a li'l work though.
  19. m0n5t3r


    nice battle sequence... cool... poor destroids, looks like they're just 1/2 notch higher compared to CFs in the food chain...
  20. pretty sure it will be, maybe early next year... just look at all the 1/48 DYRL? Kakis going on sale... might just put this in my 2010 to buy list together w/ the on-sale destroids. too much good/better stuff and some "never-been-done-before" valks coming out this year...
  21. no 2-seaters? only got 1 1/48, pretty much done w/ Mac+ & Mac0 except for the VF-11B (and VF-0D, if it ever happens), so i'm gonna take this to wherever my wallet can take me. i think putting a number to it will just make us eat our words (in this case number/s) in the end...
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