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Everything posted by m0n5t3r

  1. yeah, the 1J is like the squad leader of the brownies and Hikaru was in the 1D when it was shown. ep. 2 ...but in ep. 6 it was shown during hikky's training... like 2 seconds. and it has the stripe outline on the chest just like the red stripe on the reg. 1J, while the 1A CF doesn't.
  2. and no exclusives please... they can just keep doing the exclusives for 1/48 like they're doing right now.
  3. whoa! nice! ...isn't it supposed to have that 1J stripe on its chest? i wish they'd pack this w/ a CF 1A head...
  4. my theory as to why Bandai released small quantities is because of all the negative comments the DX 25 got before it was even released... and Bandai might have decided to "test the waters" first... but by the time these small quantities were released the demand was actually higher than the supply... hence, the price gouging and re-issue in April. Unlike the SOC Daimos which Bandai made tons of (over-saturating the market) and was somewhat panned after release (due to paint chipping and non-anime accurate transformation) subsequently causing the prices to fall... it's just a theory but i really hope they make tons of it when they do the re-issue so the prices will go down.
  5. i thinks he's talking about the pic that made you tap out...
  6. yeah, the 4th pic shows the cockpit is a teensy weensy bit longer... maybe enough to satisfy some except ones who are totally @n@l about it...
  7. is it out already?????? thanks for the pics... EDIT - there it is... a few nm(?) longer (the fuselage/cockpit). minmay looks.... better than nothing, i guess. woohoo, so excited to get this!
  8. why?!?!?!?! you were totally pwning! (+ points for less clothing!) @Alain... man, i think your 21 is mis-transformed... fuselage/nose part.
  9. on a lighter note... ...and here i thought i was cheap, thinking that changing the pin would be the cheapest solution (no required re-tooling or re-design)... Yamato totally got me with their "we-will-tell-the-factory-workers-to-be-more-careful-inserting-the-pins" solution! :blink:
  10. nice to finally see some of your collections, man. (kawawa YF21, na-piki sa pagsik-sik sa kanto... ) more...
  11. i'm definitely gonna get the 1D... i passed up a MISB v.1 for $50 to wait for this...
  12. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=28698 NOTE: i never got my mars bar ...
  13. this is good news... this will definitely help bring down the price of the remaining 25F's out there w/c has been "no-stock" or "discontinued" etc. on most online stores...
  14. i noticed that the paint on the metal ball-joint for the hip started chipping and made the hips a li'l loose... maybe putting something like nailpolish on the 2 pieces of plastic holding the ball joint (or repaint the balljoint) could help...
  15. that is too cool! rock-on... EDIT- the YF21's left hand really looks like its doing a bar-chord (2nd take - oops, it's a bass guitar! ) ... cool.
  16. wow, very low pre-order price... only $5 difference w/ his 1D pre-order...
  17. keep it coz you did a good job w/ it ... buy the official one and display them in diff. modes
  18. ...thought i'd bump this up since it's now Feb. and the VF-1D is just around the corner... can't wait (starting to go into valk withdrawal syndrome again and needing a new valk fix )...
  19. nice work... i like how the neck looks on the 2nd pic better... the first one is a tad too long... BTW, anybody know the state of the prices of these DX valks in HK/Macau, Japan or Singapore?
  20. from ngee khiong Revo Fraulein Yoko Movie Ver. ...good thing i already have boota...
  21. found this - LINK i think it says its limited... "フロイラインリボルテック「ヨーコ劇場版」前売券セットアニメイト限定Ver. が2月6日より予約が開始になります。" Babel fish translation - "Sale ticket [setsutoanimeito] limitation Ver of [huroirainriborutetsuku] “[yoko] theater edition” front. From February 6th reservation it becomes start." i'm just guessing but it might be limited to people who watched "紅蓮篇" - Crimson lotus volume GL movie last year... or to people who will be watching the 2nd installment this April????? ... but i want one!
  22. nice "movie verison"! w/ boota and more guns!... i still prefer her hair tied up. i still wish they'd make the mature Yoko w/ black jacket and thigh-high boots (like Alter Yoko but in action figure form)... and throw in her gunbee while they're at it... (credit image to testrun of a local board)
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