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Everything posted by Mechamaniac

  1. The only movie I would pay to see Minmay in if I were in the Macross universe would be Shao Pai Dong!. Seriously, after the end of the war, when Kaifun was all alcoholic and stuff, and Minmay's career was tanking, she would have had to have done some porn. She's such a mindless bimbo in the series, that's all she was really suited for anyway .
  2. So, it's kind of like Evangelion light. Evangelion - End of the world Blue Gender - End of the world - Kinda Evangelion - Shinji - putz Blue Gender - Yuji - putz There are more comparisons I'm sure, but it's really a joke so I won't go on.
  3. I have to say that the gray low viz missiles don't make any sense to me at all. I've never heard of missiles painted to match the plane, they should have left them white. White after all is a low viz type of thing since the underside of the plane really should be a light gray or white anyway. I have toyed with the idea of painting the tips red, but am still undecided.
  4. Amen, unless you pay UPS out the ass, they are the slowest, most dicked up shipper there is. I have had two packages arrive at buyers damaged thanks to UPS, so I will not use them again.
  5. Hey WM Cheng, I love the effect of the dark oil wash.... Can you give a brief how to?. Arigato!
  6. Building X-Mas list for the Mom, and wondering the following... I know that there are no official "boxed set" releases of Gundam 0080, 0083, or 08th MS Team. Does anyone know of any sites that sell them all as a lot, shrink wrapped? I usually just send her a list of links, one stop shopping is a good thing, so I like to keep it as simple as possible. thanks!
  7. If anyone from this site votes that the MPC is better than the 1/48, I would be shocked beyond comprehension.
  8. Are you talking clear heat shield, or clear chestplate. If clear heatshield is what you want, go get some Thermaform, and make a copy of any existing heat shield. It would be a little thin, but you would get the desired effect. If you want a clear chestplate, to be honest, you're not talking about a PG Gundam kit here. All you would see with a clear chesplate would be the sliding die cast bar, and a couple of screws.
  9. Here's mine, still waiting for my Fast Packs, can't wait to let the ground crew swarm all over them.
  10. I watched it from beginning to end starting Monday night, and was totally following the story up until about ep 22, then I needed a break. But, if you do do a marathon, then watch eps 1-24 first, then take the series dvd out, and watch End of Evangelion instead, it makes much more sense that way.
  11. Ebay, I grabbed the whole series in an ADV Official Paul Champagne collector's box with both movies for $130.00. Unlike most, I had avoided it for years, I never cared much for the mechs, but having seen it this past week from beginning to end, I am sorry I avoided it for so long, it really is a good story.
  12. I couldn't care less about Reign of Fire, after seeing his performances in Amercian Psycho and Equilibrium I think he's the perfect choice for Bruce Wayne. B) Other than the fact that he's a limey of course. Bruce is Amerkun.
  13. You mean someone let him work again after Reign of Fire . Whatever.
  14. Yeah, Jailbait is synonymous with "pedophile".
  15. Screw that noise. I just got the whole EVA series in one of the ADV numbered Paul Champagne boxed sets complete with both movies from a guy on Ebay for $130.00. I have seen some pics of the remastered stuff, and it's not all that much better than the original. I mean, let's face it, at least with the Macross set, you were paying for them having remastered, and restored alot of 20 year old footage. Evangelion is from 95, it doesn't need restoration.
  16. You know what would work as a display stand?? One of the three legged acrylic jobbies that SITHLORD sells from time to time. Nice Custom!. Too bad that the toy in planet mode doesn't really look like the movie, I don't remember Unicron having the big flat portions on the bottom.
  17. Considering that all of the toys they release seem to be 70 dollars or more, they all must have money hanging out their asses, so it's hard to say what they consider "expensive"
  18. Having just begun to really appreciate Evangelion since I bought the series and movies, these are really nifty. But man, they are just so little for all that cash. But from what I have heard, they pack mad detailing, opening hatches and stuff. Perhaps I'll add one to my Xmas list.
  19. Bing! - What he said.... Star Trek fans - Stop watching the series just because it carries the Star Trek title. You don't have to like it just because it's Star Trek. Boycott this crap, and make them take the series off the air for 5 years or so until they come up with a GOOD idea. If, a few years down the road, the FANS demand a new series, then they will bring Star Trek back. If not, then let it die, don't let Star Trek become some aging pathetic rock band who's still touring at 65 when they should have hung it up 20 years ago....
  20. I know I've asked this before but.... Does anybody know what SCALE it is?. Is it nice and big, a la the 1/48's or is it craptastically small like the MPC Alpha? Sorry, but an incredibly detailed 6 inch figure wont get my 90 bucks.
  21. If you think that there is an offender that would edit their post, then take a screen cap of the post, and keep the image. You can submit it to a mod later as proof. Capturing exigent to editing!. Or do what I have done, if somebody hits somebody else with a real zinger that you know will get deleted, print the post out, that way, even if it is deleted, you can go back, and laugh at it later on, it's good reading for the crapper at work.
  22. As Emeril would say... BAM!! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...2&category=1193 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...2&category=1193 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...0&category=1193
  23. I thought his head was actually made of metal!? Iunno, I thought it was a mask.
  24. Sorry, but I don't think the Baroness character was supposed to be "hot". She always struck me as one of those Eurotrash revolutionary hippie chick types who refuses to spell the word Women without substituting the E for a Y so it does not contain the word MEN in it. You could probably braid the hair in her armpits. And Destro never knew cuz he had that stupid mask on all the time.
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