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Everything posted by Mechamaniac

  1. Yay, craptastic 1/72 I certainly hope not.
  2. Heard alot about it, and picked up the July back issue of Newtype USA this weekend, and read teh Yukikaze vs Macross Zero article, and want to see it now. Where's the best place to snag this?. Doesn't seem to be an official R1 release yet, I found some HK boots on Ebay, can anyone recommend the best quality way to see this OVA?. Sorry, I'd buy the R2 discs if they had subs, but I assume they don't.
  3. Kewl, the next wave of the future! If it's anything like the Segway, it will be available at the ultra affordable cost of $120000 dollars/
  4. Hi all, watching Tech TV last night, and saw a preview that this coming Thursday, none other than the infamous male Faye Valentine cosplayer will be appearing on Unscrewed. http://www.techtv.com/unscrewed/ This Thursday, 9/25 @ 11PM. Kind if like a train wreck, I feel compelled to watch.
  5. You'll never really quench the addiction man . Welcome aboard!
  6. Some interesting thought disheartening information from our local big power monopoly. QUICK FACTS As of 3:00 PM, 9/19 3,000 field personnel are working to restore power, including 400 BGE crews and 400 external crews from several states. Isabel knocked power to 650,000 BGE customers. Restoration is complicated by multiple trees and limbs on powerlines. As a result, many customers may be without service for several days. While BGE secured several hundred thousand pounds of dry ice in advance of Isabel's arrival, demand is outpacing supply at all locations. Here are some breakdowns by county: As of 4:00 PM, 9/19 Anne Arundel Total - 211,000 Without power - 174,000 Baltimore Total - 343,000 Without power - 188,000 Baltimore City Total - 269,000 Without power - 66,000 Calvert Total - 7,000 Without power - 6,000 Carroll Total - 52,000 Without power - 25,000 Harford Total - 88,000 Without power - 41,000 Howard Total - 103,000 Without power - 61,000 Montgomery Total -13,000 Without power - 3,000 Prince George's Total - 70,000 Without power - 29,000 System Total 1,156,000 Without power - 593,000 Let the looting begin!!
  7. Well, it seems the worst has passed. Power went out again last night about 10:15PM right in the middle of me watching the Bebop movie on DVD!! Power still out this morning, though in all, the storm wasn't really that bad here. I had my window open most of the night, and only got the occasional cross breeze, I could hear the wind blowing and occasional rain, but IMHO, meh, I've seen better. Out of 1.2 million customers serviced by our local power company, 600,000 are without power with no estimate yet as to when it will be restored. Seems it took a toll though, 9 deaths attributed to the storm so far, three happened yesterday evening, and the strange thing is that one of the people who died was a gentleman that lost control of his car and hit a utility pole no more than a mile from where I live. And the final injustice...though half the area is without power, the bean counters at my office have only postponed opening until 10-1030 AM this morning. Gotta love it when they put the dollar ahead of the safety of hundreds of people that have to commute from all over the state.
  8. I still think thess guys are artificially souped up from that drug (performance enhancer or some kind of anti-rejection agent?), and any other treatments they are given. Kind of like a poor man's artificial newtype. In this case artificial coordinator. Would help to explain their instability. Also note that one is classified as a Stage 4, one as 3, and one as stage 2. This would leave Kuruze to be Stage 1, hence all the pills he has to pop. Although Kira and Athrun did comment that these guys were like neither coordinators or naturals. Hmmm. Maybe I'm reaching a little far. We'll see. I am waiting for those 3 to be stepped on as well, by the way. Especially the guy in Forbidden and his bug eyes. Yeah, I meant to say that, they are kind of like artificial coordinators, but to do it, they had to wipe all their memories etc, that's why the ultra homo Azrael keeps referring to them as Unit X's CPU etc. And the reason why Klueze is popping all those pills was explained in like episode 45 or 46, it's because he is a clone job of fmfmfmflaga's father gone bad. They mentioned something about advanced aging as a result, so I think he pops the pills to keep from aging too fast. Notice that the trio pilots seem to get their drugs via injection as well.
  9. Sucky thing about the Enterprise E is that they made it 1/1700 scale, so you can't display it in scale with the 1/850 . Yes, it would be big, but did they have to cut it's size in half? That really sucks IMHO.
  10. Funny as hell. Though the Brits just don't say the F word like they mean it, truly the most American of curse words .
  11. Yes, kind of like the MG or PG Gundam kits. I call them "Toydels" Very nice btw! After having, and building this kit myself, I have one major complaint. The porthole lights should not be as brightly lit as the damned Deflector Array!!.
  12. I prefer the Sazabi's funnels, though the NU does look wicked with the funnes attached, even if it does keep the DX toy from standing up. . I hate Mafjsafjalfjsdfjlasffflaga's fighter funnels though, lamo. And yeah, I called him Mafjsafjalfjsdfjlasffflaga cuz damn, what a name. What kind of rock were the writers on when they came up with the names for this series? Also, I cannot stand that team of souless coordinators the earth govt is using, their Gundams are crapola, especially the one that looks like a zoid with a Gundam's face on it, and how many freaking times are they going to use that scene where the one guy cranes his neck out at that impossible angle?, they seem to like it, as they have used it at least twice per episode for the last three episodes.
  13. Well, power just came back on after about an hour and a half downage. Keeps flickering though, so I don't expect it will stay on too long. Like CAG said, it's supposed to get bad later tonight. Estimated 150,000 persons without power in the Baltimore metro region. Winds really kicking up, 35 - 40 miles an hour now. Rain really starting to pound down.
  14. Well, here we are at Hurricane +2 hours. So far, the power has flickered several times, and the cable (including my cable modem) was out for a couple of hours, but obviously it's back on now. So far, just wind and rain here in my area, and not too terribly much at that. But, it's not supposed to really hit until this evening.
  15. Neck dimensions would have to change a bit though I think. I had one of the Chris B heads on my Chunky Monkey custom 1D, and it was awesome!. Suggestion though, Chris B's mold was obviously down the centerline of the head, and on mine I had to do some serious puttying as one side of the line was significantly lower than the other side, so if you can correct that, it would be great.
  16. Ahh, I remember the days that anytime someone mentioned a HK bootleg set, they would have been verbally attacked by at least two of our former members. "People who buy HK boots should be strung up by their genitals, and sodomized with a flaming rattan dildo" Stuff like that. Glad those days are gone.
  17. That seems strange... I can't imagine Yamato designing a whole new box just for this valk. So they are either going to do more FP bundled releases in the future, or HLJ is just bundling the FP with the 1J themselves. Additionally, if Yamato is releasing a special bundled edition of the 1J with the Fp, and presumably the TV style hands, I bet it would be carrying some sort of special edition price tag. That price that HLJ shows is barely current retail on both items. Graham, is there any confirmation on this??
  18. Me too man, and the little bit of Japanese porn I saw was STRANGE!!!!!. I mean....really strange....
  19. Yeah, I am about to feel your pain Noriko-Takaya. I live on the Broadneck Peninsula, so I'm right in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. I don't know how far above sea level we are, but it aint much. Noriko, I know you live in the Shady Side/Deale area, like my Dad, who actually looks out his window, onto the Bay, so I guess it's gonna be pretty wild where you guys are. Regular storms are outrageous here on the peninsula, so I bet this one will be a real doozie. Here's hoping that you don't get hit too hard, I for one wont give a damn unless my basement floods, in which case I'm phucked since I don't have flood insurance, and that's where all my toys, family room, and computer are etc etc. Good Luck to all my fellow East Coast MW brethren, hope you guys all stay dry and safe. (PS - Thank god I don't work for the cable company anymore, I would be out driving in that crap, risking my life so people could watch TV, just like I did back when Hurricane Floyd came through.
  20. Hello, if this works out, I need the following parts on your next order. L-W1 L-W2 - Freaking flap keeps falling off. N2 N3 And a cockpit chair if they are available?
  21. No, just proves that Prime needs a pinned thread. Apparently, lots of closet transfans around here, like me...
  22. Dammit!! If not for my split second lack of hand eye coordination, I would never even have clicked on this thread!. Gotta go cut off a finger now....
  23. Ummm, yeah. HERE And HERE And HERE and HERE I think Prime needs his own PINNED thread ! Sorry, and also HERE on the old forums.
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