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Everything posted by Mechamaniac

  1. How come noone's bitching today about the "political content" in this thread? Time to start looking for a job in California, too bad you have to make 200 grand a year there to live anywhere but the projects.
  2. And yet, two mods have posted in this thread, and it remains open. The only reason this thread has gone off topic is because some people have chosen to let it do so.
  3. Mad props to your painting skills man, now do that on a 1/48!
  4. Does it really matter what the "intent" of the thread is?. You guys are acting as though the whole goddamned world is tuning into Macross World's Other Anime and Science Fiction forum right at this moment, and making their decisions based on this very thread. The opinions of the 15 or 20 people that have responded to this thread aren't goint to make a lick of difference, how many of you are even IN CALIFORNIA??. I'm not, so my opinion matters not here at all, and that's the point, none of what we say will make a difference in tonight's election. If you don't like it, or think it's not fair, then start a similar thread about Larry Flynt, or Gary Coleman, or Martin Sargent, or anyone of the other "celebrities" that are running.
  5. Predator - Fav Arnold movie of all time, but closely tied with Conan - The Barbarian. Although Predator takes the cake for the best one-liner being stolen from Arnold.... "Time to bring old painless outta the bag"
  6. LOL, I always thought Basara bore a striking resemblance to Harry... Or could it be that JK Rowling is a Macross fan??? Macross 7 predates Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by 4 years after all .
  7. Edited in respect of keeping the thread unlocked and on track. Arnold is da bomb!
  8. And the ever popular sound of.... PUMM.....SPAK!! Justice is served.
  9. Sorry, I think he's gonna be busy for the next four years after tomorrow
  10. I know, I was just working in a shameless Arnold plug. Frank Castle was a big dude though, but he was not HUGE as most Superheroes are. I mean, he wore the whole skin tight uniform and all that as well. I'm not sure if DeNiro would be the right choice, it would be nice to get someone to play the role who's at least within a vertical hop of 6 feet, so that rules out Bobby De Niro, and Al Pacino right there. Maybe Clint Eastwood had the movie been made 20 years ago, he's always been respectably big without being massive. Hell, ANYBODY is better than that waste of DNA - Dolf Lundgren though.
  11. Yep... Looks like a sissy to me. He is a wimpy little girly-man. They're all sissies, especially when compared to:
  12. Have you not seen Megazone 23?. Megazone is a great OVA series consisting of three movies. Part 1 - Sucked. Part 2 - Best ever. Part 3 - Haven't seen. Overall, the story is very good, and it is one of the overall greats for us "old school" anime freaks. However, you would probably not get noticed too much as Megazone is really a cult classic. EVE on the other hand is a pretty cool character, but she is really not a character at all. EVE is/was kind of the first virturoid idol, think of her as kind of an early Sharon Apple. EVE is the computer system that controls the Megazone 23, which is a gigantic starship containing the survivors of Earth. The starship is/was sent on a long journey around space to eventually arrive back at Earth after it had time to regrow itself. The neat thing is that the computer system keeps all the populace living in the same era as when Earth was destroyed. I believe the liner notes somewhere say "the idyllic 1980's". So get ready for some big hair, and parachute pants.
  13. Man, I've been wanting one of those for the longest time. Believe it or not, I had to sit and watch one of them end on Ebay for $102.00, noone bid on it, and I had no fundage at the moment . But one day....it will be mine, OH YES!, it will be mine....
  14. Yeah, I wondered about that as well. If you accept RT Canon, then those mounds are the overgrown hulks of starships, yet they are all uniform in size, and COMPLETELY covered with vegetation and trees. Again, taking RT as canon, The RT Masters starts 15 years after the end of The Macross Saga, so we're to believe that all that growth happened in 15 years as well.
  15. Then perhaps it should have been left over at the Robotech Forums. Anyone here who cares enough about Robotech will have an account over there, and can read it there. This is clearly a case of Robotech "what if" ing, and should have stayed on their boards if they wanted posts that agreed with the theory, or wanted to further the theory. Posting it here, invites discussion, and as this is a board devoted to Macross, it will get Macross related comments.
  16. I will see it because, anime + swordplay = me in the theatre. But I do agree, Tarantino is overrated, and the retro thing has been dead for years (thank insert deity here) Uma is too much of a dirty hippie for me, to consider her hot.
  17. I never said that I didn't like Robotech, I own the whole Macross Saga of Robotech, and was watching Robotech when you were little more than a faint gleam in your Daddy's eye. I was merely trying to point out that a page long expository on what the three mounds could be is like trying to explain the existence of the Crumple Horned Snorcack. The creators of Robotech have acknowledged that it was created from three different, and wholly un-related series. So, the explanation of the three mounds could just as easily have been explained off by the creators of Robotech as sand pail castles left by Zentraedi children, it doesn't matter. It's called "willing suspension of disbelief", and if you are a sci-fi or anime fan, then this is probably engrained in your psyche at birth, otherwise, you would watch it, and say...That's crap!, there's no way that can happen!.
  18. I cannot believe that anyone would take the time to even come up with that post. Do they not know?, or do they choose not to believe that RT was manufactured from three different series, that had absolutely nothing to do with each other?. The simple fact of the matter is that they dont LOOK like the ruins of the SDF 1, because they AREN'T the ruins of the SDF1. That's like trying to explain why the White House is white, and the Kremlin has those nifty spires, they have NOTHING in common. Why don't you ask that guy what the combination to Captain Kirk's personal safe is?, he sounds like the type that would know.
  19. Is that a live action adaptation of Blood, The Last Vampire?
  20. I kitbashed a set of 1/35 scale MG Patlabor hands and it worked fine.
  21. Mechamaniac

    Your Valks

    Thanks for that pic of the Zeta Plus Guppy!. I had forgotten that I had one unbuilt in my closet... Well, it's built now, and on a stand just like yours. Looks great that way!.
  22. hmm...interesting. That last scene, where Ikari Shinji decides that he COULD be happy in a world in which he doesn't pilot EVA, and is congratulated by everyone always seemed to me to indicate that Shinji rejected the idea of giving up his identity. First of all, the whole episode, and Shinji's realization seem to certainly point to this conclusion. Secondly, the congratulations he recieves seems to indicate that his friends/family are proud and/or happy that Shinji managed to come to this (supposedly "correct") conclusion. I'm interested to hear your interpretation. That's the way I saw it as well, or this is the way I see it.... In the series, Shinji chose to stay with Complementation. The last two eps are basically about Shinji;s after death stream of consciousness. He is re-living or re-visiting his life, by himself, with memories of past friends popping in here and there. He is alone in a darkened room, kind of like the classic "On trial for your life" scenario. However, once his decision is made, he is all of the sudden not in the darkened room, but surrounded by all his friends, and he says "I understand!I can exist here!". This happens because he realizes that he has self worth as something OTHER than an Eva pilot, and that he is happy to co-exist with everyone else in Complementation. He is then congratulated for his decision, by friends living and dead, including his Father, who he has been trying to connect with all along. However, the film ends differently. Shinji rejects Complementation and chooses the reality that is the pain of day to day existence. He realizes that he has self worth because of that existence, and basically comes to the realization that Life Sucks - Get a Phuckin Helmet. In short, he matures. The big difference between the series, and the film is that in the Series, EVERYONE is in Complementation, and you don't get the feeling that they have a choice to be there or not be there. In the film, each human that is alive at the time of Complementation gets a choice to stay or to go back to reality. There is some question however as to whether or not Shinji gets to choose for the entire human race at the end of the movie. The only two people you see at the end are Shinji, and Asuka, so it is possible that he chose himself, and Asuka, kind of like an Adam and Eve situation, and they are the beginning of humankind again. Further, the Newtype Filmbook description for the scene states (literally): "Amidst the many words of congratulations, a faint smile starts at the corners ofShinji's mouth (and spreads across his face). A happy face -- that is the figure of the Complemented Shinji. This conclusion is also one form, one possibility among many."
  23. The scene in the first few episodes where Minmay is trying to illustrate her idea of a Compass to Hikaru, which involves her tenting her fingers, and rocking them back and forth, all the while with this vapid expression on her face... It was at that point that I realized that Minmay was evil, and needed to be destroyed.
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