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Everything posted by Mechamaniac

  1. Gee, I've never seen the original, but I wonder how much they'll dumb it down for American audiences.
  2. I have read articles about guys that have purchased mothballed MiGs, and such. Surpisingly, the fighters themselves are only a couple hundred thousand. It's the maintenance that kills you, costs an ungodly amount of money to fly the things for like 10 seconds when you factor in all the fuel, and ground maintenance etc.
  3. How about "ich bin ein hamburger"? I am a hamburger, a frankfurter, and a donut. Somebody paid attention to their Eddie Izzard "Hilda, Hilda!! I've invented a Manuever....!!!" "What Are you, a bloody Tank Commander??!!" A fist, a hand, hootcha hootcha hootcha...... lobster.
  4. How about "ich bin ein hamburger"? I am a hamburger, a frankfurter, and a donut. Somebody paid attention to their Eddie Izzard
  5. That would be me, Cap. There was a guy that used to post here, can't remember his handle but he used to post in pirate speak or some other strange vernacular. (Yar matey, etc) He was 45 or 46 at the time....
  6. Nice! - I like how mean it looks in robot mode.
  7. Voted for Priss, because my wife most closely resembles her.
  8. I used America's Army to live out my greatest fantasy. That's right, I shot the goddamned Drill Sergeant. Oh, it was great, and the best part was that after you do it, the screen fades out, and fades back in with you looking out from behind prison bars. And that's IT, you just sit there forever, there's someone whistling in the background, but noone talks to you, noone interacts with you, you just sit. I let it run once for hours, and nothing changed.
  9. LOL, I love the berserk Ren Hoek idea!!
  10. Wouldn't painting a French girl on a fighter plane render it combat ineffective?. You would lose interest in shooting down the enemy, and be overwhelmed with the desire to surrrender. Sorry, just had to work in a French surrender joke there.... it's been awhile since Yoshi doesn't come around much anymore...
  11. Yeah, tiger paint schemes are foul in general. Might as well do one in Zebra stripe, and call it the "Ted Nugent" special. The wam a lam, zim a zam, wango tango, fantastic bombastic, valk!.
  12. Sorry to hear about that Kanata, I feel for you, but not for her, sorry... I have zero tolerance for drug addicts, my cousin is a long time addict that cannot get her crap together even to give a good life to her children. All addicts do is destroy the lives of those close to them while they destroy themselves. I hope she can pull herself out of it, but if not, you are better off away from her. On a lighter note, if you need to assemble a crack team of toy rescuing commandoes, I stand ready for a midnight raid, just have to break out my black PJ's and entry gear again. .
  13. Jeez, Neil, you looked like that at Otakon this year as well. Are you always completely destroyed??
  14. Come out to Endor, we'll get together, have a few laughs....
  15. Might help if you posted it here. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...=ST&f=26&t=2210 But a very (and I mean very) quick search on Google revealed this link. http://www.coltparts.com/pt_51navy.html Hope it helps.
  16. But it sounds as if you are OK, and that's all that matters. Cars are material, and can be replaced. Of course, I wrecked my car when I was 19 as well, and being too proud for public transportation, and having no cash for a new vehicle, I dropped out of college, and joined the Army .
  17. I love Big Trouble in Little China, absolutely great movie. I got the two disk edition from someone here on the forums, and love it. Surprised noone has mentioned Prince of Darkness - That movie freaked me the hell out.
  18. Correct, so he decided to go off the deep end, and prove what a GIT he really is!. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093773/board/nest/3387857
  19. The other nifty side effect of FMJ rounds is that if they don't fragment, they tend to bounce off of ribs etc. My father's friend caught an AK round in Viet Nam. He was hit in the upper right shoulder, and the bullet bounced and tumbled all over the place, finally exiting his right ankle. He lived to tell the tale, and show the scars.
  20. That's just neat enough that I'll have to be on the lookout for one. Probably have a better chance of getting struck by lightning though....
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