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Britai 7018

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Everything posted by Britai 7018

  1. i got the first day, and i've been hooked. this game rocks! i loved the russian levels that were taken out of the "enemy at the gates" openin sequence. everyone should check it out. if you think you have a hard time seperating people in the single player, wait till you get to multiplayer.. i spend more time just staring to make sure who's who.
  2. does anybody remember "wheeled warriors"? there was the side that was humas w/ white vehicles and the bad guys were these like... brain gels or something. or how about dino-riders? i think coleco made starcom also
  3. i was originally going to pass it up, thinking that it was gonna be another everquest, or not have alot of fans who are interestd in teh game, but our store sold almost 50 copies in 2 hours this morning. it kind of changed my opinioni about the game.. and for $30 (50- 20 mail in rebate) its not a bad try for a month...
  4. you know, even though this fire has got me depressed, its nice to see alot of you guys live like, right next to me. (Lassen +corbin). But yeah, seeing the porter ranch shopping center in relation to the smoke is kinda scary. Any updates on the valley? Hows porter ranch and chatsworth?
  5. yea, im not there right now, but my house is in chatsworth (lassen + corbin), so im kinda worried about it. I heard that they shut down parts of the 118
  6. if you get the PS2 hard drive, it'll come preloaded with XI, so you don't have to buy the game again. I was thinking about picking it up, its only $30 @ EB GAmes after mail in rebate, and you get a month for free.. it might be worth checkin out. But i agree... longterm the $13 a m onth is pretty heftyy.
  7. I've heard I look like Waldo (from the books, not the fresh prince). But way cooler!
  8. currently there is only one version of Two Towers on DVD, but theres going to be a second extended version out soon for it. And many people are prtty sure that the 3rd movie will be getting hte same deal, 2 DVD versions.
  9. who knew Agent One was Mike tyson? I just bought the three individual extended editions. I didnt wanna wait for 4 years to watch fellowship of the ring w/o renting it. Unless they put some AMAZING extras in the uber-boxed set, then I'm just gonna get the Paul Champagne case and make my own "box" set. I kinda think that the idea of releasing different versions wasn't too horendous an idea, i mean, some people dont want to watch the super long version, casual fans i guess. at least they announced that there would be different versions ahead of time. I hate it when they release a movie, then 6 months later release the exact same movie with a little better features
  10. heh, my bad, i reread my post earlier, it didnt come out as i meant. what i meant to say was, how can you call all someone shallow if they dont like how she looks, especially if we're all just judging her based on looks. no one knows her personally. just that some people like different looks. but anyways! back to matrix.
  11. hahaha... i like how you call everyone shallow... so, i guess you know her personally right? everyone has different tastes... I'm looking forward to the 3rd matrix, but I don't have the same over-hyped feeling as i did for reloaded. edit: oops
  12. dang, it looks like some people like ALL of the mobile suits. I guess for me, I like the 3 Gundams from 0083. They weren't TOO extravagent (well, except the 03.).
  13. I read about this somewhere, one of those "transformer guide" books that they sell at Urban Outfitters. I'm pretty sure its legit.
  14. I voted for Kate Beckinsale... cuz shes a hottie. but I think Lara Croft would have gotten a bunch of votes.
  15. im a supporter of animeplus.com cuz they've bene around awhile... you might wanna check the "where to buy" forum, there might be some ideas in there.
  16. I played the demo, its definitely worth checkin out... our EB sold out its 8 copies on the first day.
  17. Britai 7018

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    I think it looks great... I'm definitely going to get one. I only wish they would release it seperately... that way I can dress up some of my earlier valkyries... it'll help ease the pain of no seperate 1/60 Fast Packs.
  18. Well.. the original Macross was nice. Gunbuster! that was a great ending... a real tearjerker for me... I thought the end of the 3rd season of Buffy was good, when Angel just walks away, to me that was the end of the show, and it was a real sad ending. but tops was definitely Gunbuster
  19. i like mine, but its never going into battroid mode, the chest plate just wont slide down. I don't mind too mch, because it looks better as a gerwalk or fighter, but still... for paying 80-90, you'd kinda expect a little better quality. overall, i say get one, its still a tight toy, even if mine is limited to 2 modes.
  20. I think it should be pretty good... but the reviews on EBgames.com havent been so hot, supposedly alot of framerate issues or something... I'm not sure, I kinda just skimmed it.
  21. just to throw this in... evne though its not out yet, the Nokia N-Gage will soon join this list.
  22. cant say much for the other Gundams... but 0083 is one of my favorite series of all time. take away all the continuity problems w/ the other series. on its own, its fantastic... characterization, mecha designs, story, the soundtrack... they were all great. and i do agree that its a cashcow for bandai... those mechs are everywhere. i think they're kawamori designs.
  23. Recently, EB stopped its policy of giving away preorder items because it became to common where people would put down $5 to preorder a game, get the game cd, or lightsaber or tshirt, etc. and then just cancel the preorder. Our EB ran out of those preorder discs less than a week after we got them...
  24. Throwing a couple out there... Chrono Trigger Final Fantasys... 4,5,6,7 Secret of Mana Einhanzer
  25. As far as if you bought the Xbox or PS2 system @ EB or not, it doesnt matter... thats just the trade in value. No receipt necessary. sort of like how they buy back most used games. BTW. DDR Max 2 just came out.
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