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Everything posted by peter

  1. A little more progress: Cut these out from the numbering on sprues and runners a while ago, but didn't want to glue them on till I got the decals. These aren't screen accurate at all as my refit had way more destruction than the studio model, hence a few extra cracks and repair plates. The starboard side really took a $hitkicking. Just flat black behind the plates and I still have to paint the plates gray. After that, weathering. More to follow. Again, don't zoom in, lol!
  2. Pencil Aztec on the bottom of the saucer done (don't zoom in, lol!) Not very smart pencil Aztecing an assembled model that was jig-sawed back together. Cracked the starboard pylon while handling it. I mean, there's enough damage on the thing that most probably won't notice anyway, but I don't think I should muck about with it anymore and just finish the thing off with decals and weathering. Spray can jig to hold the pylon in place while the glue dries. The pylon is screwed in to the jig-sawed strongback so it should hold, but it might spin on its axis, lol! It's funny, even a brand new 537 kit, fresh out of the box doesn't want to stay together, stay straight and aligned, and not sag or break. I'm actually quite amazed this POS doesn't actually auto-destruct with the slightest breath, lol!
  3. A bit more progress last night. It looks really messy, but it's the best I could do with Ikea pencils, shaky hands and crummy eyes. It probably would have been easier before I assembled the thing as well, but if I ever do this again, I'll definitely remember, lol! Started the bottom side, will work on it more later today or tonight.
  4. Thanks guys When I first started, I wanted to invest as little money into it as possible and decided to skip the Aztec decals. I was hoping that the battle damage and weathering would distract from the lack of Aztecs, but figured it couldn't hurt to try. I'm not as in a hurry now as when I first started this build so I'll just take my time and slowly get there.
  5. Strongbacks showed up today, so now I have no excuse not to finish the Auto Destruct build. With the amount of time I spent waiting, I should have just taken my time to attempt the Aztecs by pencil. Needless to say, I spent a month looking at my stark white build sitting next to the one I did with Aztecs. Anyway, I started pencil work today, lol! Just tested the waters with spots here and there. Just penciled in random places to see if I wanted to keep going. I should have done this before assembly. What I have so far. It looks pretty horrible up close, but from a distance, I think it will be ok? Falling asleep doing this though so going to take a break before going on.
  6. The franchise definitely appears to be moving in that direction. Macross is evolving into Sailor Moon.
  7. I don't think I'd pay more than $100 USD for a KO either. Especially since the Canadian peso isn't even worth $100 USD.
  8. Ok, those are good points I didn't consider...the tampo stuff. One thing I really hated about the Yammies was applying stickers. And these things are pretty durable?
  9. Exactly. As I posted earlier, I found a "used" Yammie for basically the same price as a KO. The prices seem a bit high to me. I got a super-size KO Optimus Prime for about $50. Now to me, that's what KO prices should be like (like a 5th of the price of the real deal). To each their own though, and I guess the market is there for these KOs at the prices they are fetching. Sort of like those bastard DX 1/48s and how scalpers are able to rake in double the MSRP.
  10. I dunno, I've never heard of Grace Randolph until now, but she doesn't come across as a very credible journalist. Her presentation screams "click and subscribe" I could be very well wrong, but that's just my first impression of her.
  11. Lol, I used to be really into cars. Then I sold my NSX and got really depressed about it (I know, first world problems), so I could barely look at cars after that. I'm over it now (well, still miss my NSX), but I realized after cleaning up the house and digging up a lot of these models, I have no idea why I bought some of these. They just don't "spark joy" so I might end up flipping them or trading them for something, Anyway, neat thread, I haven't really poked my head in here very much. A couple of pages back, I saw an application for a Macross credit card: I actually got my wife to apply for that one and she got it. Ended up cancelling it eventually since she never used it. I know I still have it buried in the house somewhere.
  12. I think I paid 12,000 yen for a 1/60 V2 Strike Roy in Japan. Used shop, but the thing looked like it was new in box. If these things were $50 or so, I'd probably buy one...or more if they offered other types..
  13. Wow, this will breathe new life into the Yammies. I know for some, the chicken hands was either a deal breaker or a good reason to offload their collection in favour of the new DX line.
  14. I think that's about how much I paid when I was there in November.
  15. Holy $hit, $210 USD for that. It better be a decent size, at least the length of a 1/350 scale carrier.
  16. Me too. I'll wait until they're all released until I pop in for a free trial of Amazon Prime, lol!
  17. Meanwhile, our idiot PM: Anyway, politics aside, what's the deal, if you already have Disney+, you still have to pay $30 on top just to watch it, or is it free if you already have Disney+? If we have to pay extra, that's not a road I want to walk down, I'd rather just cancel my subscription.
  18. There are a few Macross kits in this pile. Justcleaning up the house, trying to find some space so when I build more of these, I'll have a place to display them. The ones you can see are mostly unbuilt. Stacked behind these ones are more boxes, either done or WIP. Not all models, some toys thrown in there.
  19. The F14 looks great. I have a big fat 1/32 waiting for me one day, hope it looks half as good.
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