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Everything posted by F-ZeroOne

  1. Shh! Everyone knows the -35 can't dogfight, right?!
  2. If you look at the computer image in the article, a bit further down, the intakes appear to be somewhat bigger and - I'm not sure what the term is - appear to have some kind of reverse slant going on, like the intake on a Super Crusader. I understand however that these are concepts, the exact configuration has not been decided on and there are several possibilities.
  3. The UK (uh, that is, er, us) has revealed its next generation fighter proposal. Fast enough to put a girdle around the Earth in 40 minutes? https://ukdefencejournal.org.uk/uk-unveils-new-next-generation-fighter-jet-called-tempest/ Interesting that if the model and computer image are accurate, it appears to be a cranked delta with what appears to be one heck of a chine around the nose.
  4. Well, the Battle of Britain is perhaps one of the reasons why those particular aircraft models are hard to find now... On the same note, the second-to-last surviving Battle of Britain veteran (at least on the RAF side), Wing Commander Tom Neil has died at the age of 98.
  5. As you probably know, a certain someone is visiting my side of the pond at the moment and as a result, a number of Marine (M?)V-22s have been seen over London. I'm curious, how did they get here? Did they fly over with aerial refuelling, get shipped over in another aircraft or are they kept stored here in good old Blightly just in case of such visits?
  6. This isn't quite the right date, but seeing as theres a centenary flypast in London shortly... Happy 100th Birthday, the Royal Air Force! Per ardua ad astra.
  7. I loved "Battle of the Planets" as a kid, and even then knew there was something different about it compared to the other "cartoons" I would watch (and, er, also that Jupiter doesn't have an atmosphere that you can race horses in but never mind... ) The reveal that Zoltar might actually be a woman [1] blew my tiny mind at the time. It was the start of a long road that led eventually to several wonderful adventures in Japan, but thats another story... I think what I love about Gatchaman is Galactor, especially the first incarnation from the original series - they're the Evil Anime Organisations Evil Anime Organisation of choice. I was also impressed, watching the original Japanese incarnation with the character of Jun - yes, that skirt - but shes also usually the more considered, intelligent one compared to Ken and Joes go-to solution of "MOAR MISSILES!". [1] Was a long time later before I found out the "truth"...!
  8. IIRC, the English Electric Lightning could mount unguided rocket pods above the wings.
  9. Of course, what we really want to know is... will there be singing?
  10. So it looks "The Dirty Dozen"... but in SPACE - I mean, AIR!...?
  11. Good grief, is Russia in response patenting some sort of disposable rocket interceptor that fires one salvo of rockets at the incoming B-17... I mean, B-1 formation and which then rams its target whilst the pilot parachute... I mean, ejects?
  12. Minor bit of F-35 news, the first nine F-35s for the UK are due to arrive here in mid-July.
  13. This will probably mean more on my side of the pond, but former Sinclair industrial designer Rick Dickinson has died. He designed the case for the classic, rubber-keyed ZX Spectrum home computer (for the UK, the NES of its day). The Spectrum was the right computer at the right time at the right price, but its Dikcinsons design that made it an icon here.
  14. I don't know why they don't just flat out state that what they basically want is a FFR-41MR Mave "Yukikaze"...
  15. Good grief, that looks like someone had some "Ring Raiders" toys as a kid...!
  16. British Airways, and I flew out from Airstrip One... sorry, I mean, Heathrow Terminal 5.
  17. F-ZeroOne

    Hi-Metal R

    Okay, thanks for the replies about the wing issues!
  18. F-ZeroOne

    Hi-Metal R

    Hi, apologies if this has been asked before but I''ve just picked up a VF-1J Max and Millia pair and I've had trouble getting the wings to stay inserted on their mounting points; is this a known issue with these toys or do I need to try inserting the wing a bit more firmly?
  19. I've just got back from one of my trips to Japan and was rather interested to see that the airliner I got back was a Boeing 787 Dreamliner, which felt rather new. I was in economy, but one impression I got was there seemed to be more vertical "space" overhead than I've felt before in other airliners. Mind you, this might be just because the plane I flew out on was so old I think it still had Frank Whittles signature inscribed on the engines...
  20. At this stage, its almost obligatory for a British person of a certain age to use the following quote: "GET OUT!" [1] [1] A reference to the TV show "Spaced", where "Hawk the Slayer" featured as a minor plot point. The series is perhaps best known for if not making Simon Pegg famous, at least pointing him out as someone to watch in future.
  21. Well, an entirely domestically developed F-3 is. Sounds like they're going to reach out to US firms for possible co-development. Not strictly aircraft related, but the wreck of the USS Lexington has been found: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-australia-43296489 Not completely certain, but does on of those images show the infamous 1.1 inch AA gun?
  22. Reportedly, Russia has deployed up to four Su-57s to Syria. Why is a bit of an open question, as by most accounts they're some way from being operational and its possible they might give away more to interested parties than they take from the experience...
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