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Everything posted by Rabidweezil

  1. That's always been my gripe w/exclusives. It seems to be something that every Toy company does even though it just pisses off the fans and makes the scalers happy. And it seems that Yamato is jumping on the exclusive bandwagon. Which sucks. Limited is one thing, but exclusive to one magazine, or shop, or convention is another. I'm a completest. I had all the 1/48's until the Weathered 1S came out. I figured one hole in my collection isn't a big deal (even though I would have snatched one up if it had been somewhat easy to obtain). But if Yamato is going to keep up this trend I might end up w/lots of holes. again...sucky
  2. Oh...how I hate exclusives. The weathered Roy was one thing...I already have 2 Roys...but a Max 1A? *string of curses heading Yamato's way* Well..I have money for one if anyone can give me the hook up
  3. When I saw the pics of the fast-packs and Cannon-Fodder a while back, I had planned on getting a few fodders and enough fast packs for all my valks when they finally put them out. But since it's all being released in sets do I want 4 extra VF-1S's and multiple Max, Millia and green fast packs to fullfill my wish? Nope So instead of Toynami getting money out of me for 8 fast packs and 2 cannon fodders...they are only getting one fast pack set. Too bad.
  4. All 3 of mine showed up today from HLJ. I do like them. IMO they are more line-art accurate then the Kaiyados. The Revoltechs look to "super-hero" like for my taste. All and all they are pretty cool. But the price isn't justified. I'm not surprised though, that's pretty much how Yamato rolls. Hopefully if they make more they will be a little less $$.
  5. I remember that...it caused a really big stink on here. And, like you, I'd be curious to see it now and check out if all the fuss was warranted. And as far as Toynami..they DO release their stuff. They just show it at toyfairs for like 5 years first. To generate LOTS of hype
  6. Haha...damn...I also thought this post actually had a schedule in it. No...someone at Yamato thinks that generating hype for a product isn't good for business. So they are super-secret-hush-hush about their stuff. Although, a few of their things ended up vapor-ware. So it's a coin flip as to if I'd like to see something on a list that never ends up released...or be in the dark until like a few months before it's actually released. Both are kind of annoying actually. So it's a lesser of 2 evils thing.
  7. Delimiter mode on this would be so lame. Sure the legs would come off...but with a nice clean and undamaged looking Valk, it would just look like it didn't get it's legs put on at the factory yet. Save the delimited mode for the "YF-21 Final Battle" version that looks beat to s**t
  8. Bump Anyone with these shelves own a tapemeasure?
  9. Someone needs to tell Toynami that the purpose of the toyfairs is to show items that are being released at some point in the near future. They keep showing the same stuff every convention maybe with one or 2 new things, but for the most part it's like they keep unpacking and setting up the same items for like the last 2 years with no release date in mind. I was completely expecting to see the same fast packs AGAIN at this years. And...well there they are again. I keep thinking they will realize that actually releasing products is the way to go to earn a profit.
  10. can someone with one of these post the shelf dimensions please? Ikea has dimensions listed but I imagine that's for the whole unit and not just the shelf space. Thanks!
  11. The price is the same as the discountinued Hikaru Super 1J. Name is different though http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00026
  12. I wonder if I should keep buying the 1/60 M+ valks or wait until they decide to go back to 1/72 scale?
  13. I'm sort of annoyed by the news....probably one of the few that is though. I got all the 1/60's when they came out...then they were kicked aside to make room for the 1/48's. So I picked up all those. And now we're going back to the 1/60's. I'm sooooo glad that some of my other collections don't keep switching scales and starting over. I guess the hook for me on these is going to be the price. If it's reasonable...then I don't mind buying another of all the valks I've already purchased twice already.
  14. Wonder if they are going to correct the FP colors for the leg armor of Max and Millia? It's supposed to be red and blue to match the valk...not the grey-blue like it is now.
  15. How about what happened to the VF-0 replacement shoulders that were supposed to be made available?
  16. So, do we have a source for replacements other then HLJ? I have a cracked shoulder 0A that I would love to get fixed....but not for $40.
  17. After reading all of this and seeing the result. I'm thinking that what HLJ sent out are not the Yamato replacement parts. It's just arm parts from a regular parted out 0S. That would explain the price and why the whole arms were shipped...along with the fact that it broke just like the regular arms did.
  18. I totally didn't think of looking there....but that's what I needed to know. Thanks!
  19. Can anyone who has the PG Zaku please tell me what size battery to use for the mono-eye? Thanks!
  20. Hobby Link Japan claims they are customs http://www.hlj.com/showreports/animefes07/...s/cimg0878.html Course they also called them "fantastic" When I first saw them I got a "Team America" feeling. Except maybe not so much America...but certainly Team "Something."
  21. I know no one has posted in this topic for a while. And this has probably been covered somewhere in all the pages. Regardless of the reason HG got their liscense...usually they aren't forever and have to be renewed. I doubt Big West would renew such a liscense...so I wonder what the deal is. Robotech was like forever ago, yet HG still has the liscense to make products on their own and block others. So does anyone know if they did renew their liscense or if they have some "until the end of time" version?
  22. No fast packs shown at the Toy Fair or anything Macross for that matter from Toynami. Does that mean the line is dead? Wouldn't surprise me
  23. I edited it at the same time you quoted it. But yeah, I don't appreciate someone getting all smart assed and trying to make me look like an idiot by arguing something that is completely off the mark as to what I'm talking about.
  24. You are completely missing my friggin point. And I'm not liking the fact that you are directing a nasty tone in my direction along with putting words in my mouth in regards to what I am trying to say. Which clearly you missed. It's NOT that they have things in different scales, it's that they have yet to complete ANYTHING in one scale. They keep dropping one scale for another. I care less if they release Macross Zero and Plus valks in 1/60 scale. That makes sense...1/48 would be to big for them anyway. But why can't they do that PLUS continue on with that they started in the 1/48? Like I said, it would be Hasbro releasing Star Wars 3 and 3/4 figures, but then dropping the line for the 12 inch. Then dropping the line for the 6 inch. Then dropping the line for whatever. And I never said to count unique releases. I'm not sure where you pulled that out of. I was saying that every VF that has been released in the 60 has been released in the 48's WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE 2 SEATERS. to quote myself in case you missed it "The 1/48's have released all that was in the 1/60's and then some as far as the normal VF-1's."
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