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Everything posted by Rabidweezil

  1. Actually, as far as the clear Yamato stands, HLJ has been out for at least a few months. It used to say Aug restock and they changed it. I've been wanting to get at least one and can't seem to find a place that has them in stock. I agree they should have included something else though. Keep the clips with the stands or sell a clip pack. I doubt there will be to many people that will buy a stand for EVERY one of their Valks as opposed to having another part like side covers instead.
  2. Thank you for the compliments everyone Yes, it is promodelers wash. I'm just about out too. Time to order some more! All the stickers but 2 are from the Yamato Sticker sheet. Personally, I would rather have non-diecut stickers then decals. Decals would ruin the weathering job When I use the Yamato stickers I have to trim the heck out of the anyway. I'd rather just cut the whole thing out myself.
  3. Sorry for the late reply. Thanks for the compliments! I do use pro-modellers wash, but I panel line first with gundam markers. I also painted the arm missiles, reactor missles and inside of the manuevering thrusters red. Some scenes of the series had them that color so I thought it would look neat on the TV Valks.
  4. Angle and the VF-1A is slightly squatting.
  5. I wasn't sure if these lasted long enough to get dirty before they blew up. But I figured there were at least 1 lucky bastard every now and then.
  6. I would wager they are not glued together...but rather Bandai just didn't include any parts for Gerwalk and Battroid mode.
  7. I just have one of each. I've weathered and panel-lined them all. Except the VF-1A Cannon Fodder. I just got that one and haven't had time yet. There are pics of some of the others on the first 2 pages of this thread http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...=29427&st=0
  8. I just used a gundam fine point gray marker. If you panel-line it before you apply weathering wash, the wash cleans up the lines. Even without the wash though, you can use an eraser to clean up any mistakes.
  9. My Max Valks so far.... ...which by the way, were all panel-lined with Gundam Markers
  10. I got my copy a few days ago. Pretty cool stuff. I really need to learn to read Japanese though. Anyways, I highly recommend this book. Roy, did you order your Ebay copy from nippon-dodododo? That's who I got mine from and I have no complaints. Actually it was a great transaction.
  11. I wouldn't mind the Yamato stickers so much if they either: A. Cut them closer to the marking. The amount of the extra clear flashing around the marking is seriously to much on most of them and completely unnecessary. B. If they gave me a non-die-cut sheet. Trimming the flashing off a die-cut sticker is a pain. If I have to go through all the trouble of cutting, I'd rather just cut the whole thing off the sheet to begin with. At least that way I can get closer to the marking. But yes, Tampo is best. And more is bestest!
  12. It doesn't seem to have the Tampo printing the 1J had. Curious as to why that is considering the 1A came out later.
  13. Thanks for the tip Graham but I just grabbed one off ebay. It cost me a little more but it looks like this book is worth it. Out of curiosity I checked your suggested sites anyway. It doesn't look like HMV has any in stock and I didn't think Amazon Japan would ship to the US. I may have been misinformed though.
  14. HLJ had this listed as a July release and then suddenly it is discoutinued. Does anyone know of another place that has this book in stock and ships to the US? Thanks!
  15. Ok...confused. This was showing up on HLJ as a July release a few days ago. Now it's "discontinued" status. http://www.hlj.com/product/SOF35182
  16. Yamato's web site still is listing the DYRL Kakizaki as a May release. http://www.yamato-toys.com/items/detail.php?gid=1290
  17. I can't stand it when companies do trading figures where you cannot get a complete set by buying a box. Yamato did that with the first 1/200 Macross series. 12 possible figures and 10 per box. Fortunatly on their series #2 they changed it to 12 possible and 12 in a box. With this series there are going to be 16 possible figures and only 12 in a box So if anyone wants a complete set, that boils down to: 12 at regular retail price. 4 at high ebay prices
  18. oops....my apologies to you and your bank
  19. It might rub off a little. But I haven't noticed any significant smudging. A few transforms here and there but for the most part they are pretty much display pieces and not handled often. If anything, I'm more concerned about the stickers being moved then I am about rubbing off the weathering anyway.
  20. Thanks everyone I only used promodeller's wash and some creative "removal" I don't really think it's so much a waste. I just think for war machines a little grit is more realistic. Well...as realistic as toys can be
  21. I just finished fixing up my Max's
  22. Yamato's site still has it listed as June. http://www.yamato-toys.com/items/detail.php?gid=1300
  23. Mine arrived from Over-Drive today. I must say, I'm pretty impressed. I do have a question though. The tips of the feet are articulated. Are they supposed to be locked in a bent position when it's in gerwalk or battroid mode or are they just supposed to be springy like? I'm asking because one of mine bends and stays in place. The other bends, but will not stay. It sort of bounces back.
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