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Everything posted by Rabidweezil

  1. no, I'm not wrong. The 1/48's are more complete as Mister E pointed out. Go ahead and count them if you don't believe me. They just have not released the 2 seaters that were put out in the 1/60's.
  2. The only thing that makes the 1/60's more complete is the 2 seaters. The 1/48's have released all that was in the 1/60's and then some as far as the normal VF-1's. I don't know if the fast packs for the 1/60's were supposed to be released separately or as new Valks. But prototypes of VF-1A's with Fastpacks were shown http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/1...to_fastpack.htm And hasbro does make larger scale toys. But they don't abandon the other sizes each time they do.
  3. It's not that they switched scales. It's that they keep flopping around. First it was 1/72. Then that went away...here comes 1/60. Now 1/48. Now 1/60 again. They have YET to finish a set in any scale. The 1/72's never came with a YF-19 FP. The 1/60's never got the fast-pack VF-1's that we were shown the prototypes of (besides the Strike) and now the 1/48's aren't getting any 2 seaters. Even when Yamato released the 1/60 Cannon Fodder, it was put out to only take partial fast packs. It was an oversite that Yamato apologized for on their website and said they would make parts available to allow the valk to be fully fast pack equipped. Guess what? They abandoned the line and that never happened despite the assurance it would. I don't see other companies flopping around like that. It's like if Hasbro kept changing their scale on their Star Wars figures without releasing all the characters. Or Bandai stopping the MSIA scale, then going to HCM Pro scale, them back to MSIA scale, then off to GFF scale. You're right. No one would be twisting my arm to buy them. But I certainly would think twice about doing so for a company that has a track of not finishing something. Nothing would stop them from starting another scale, then quitting for something else before that's done. "hey now that you've bought all of our new and improved 1/60 VF's. We decided to stop that line because...well just because. But hey..good news! Check out the new 1/55's that are on the way!"
  4. I'd be livid if yamato went back and re-did the 1/60 VF-1's. I can spend my money on this hobby only so long before it just gets to the point I'm pissing it away. And getting all the 1/60's, only to find they aren't making anymore and going to the 1/48's...getting all of those then to find out they are going back to the 1/60's... ...well that would be the last straw. (other choice words would describe my feelings on this, but I can't put them here )
  5. I'm ticked that Yamato isn't going to make any 2-seaters in 1/48. It's been proven to be possible. I guess that leaves the only reason to be "We just don't wanna"
  6. If this gets off the ground, I'm down for 2 sets.
  7. Rabidweezil

    Please Read

    I just went and inspected my 0S and 0A even though I've transformed the S like 3 times and the A only once. The S has a nice size stress mark on the right shoulder. But I think it will be ok. I loosened the screws on both shoulders just to be safe. And the A's right shoulder...ugh...it's a hairs breath away from completely falling apart. Nice. The left is fine though. Looks like I'm going epoxy shopping today.
  8. I gotta agree that $60 for that is insane. I like this stuff, but I'm starting to think if I keep paying it, Yamato will keep increasing the prices little by little. I think I'm going to make a stand and not purchase the fast packs. It will be the first yamato Macross item I will not have bought. Which is too bad...but until someone stops being so greedy...I'm going to have to start picking and choosing.
  9. Looks nice... But I'd love to see just ONE decent thing for Macross come out and not be way overly priced. Seems to be a trend.
  10. Rabidweezil

    Graham's Sig

    2007_the_year_for_macross! That would be cool....
  11. Rabidweezil

    Graham's Sig

    I love my Yamatos. But when you talk about a company that might not announce what they plan to make and risk letting people down when it fails to materialize, and actually look at their over the top prices along with somewhat lacking QC...that sounds highly unlikely that's the reason. I don't own a business, but I certainly would put much more conscious thought into making a quailty product for those that can actually shell out the money for it instead of who might get disappointed by something I never end up making. Like I said, I love my yamato's. But I'd love them a lot more if they were cheaper and a little better made. But seriously...I doubt Yamato has our best interests in mind when it comes to future release announcements.
  12. Rabidweezil

    Graham's Sig

    I have always found this whole yamato "top secret" thing completely annoying. Seriously, what's the big concern? They really have no competition when it comes to Macross. If they said: "We will be releasing the YF-21 sometime in 2007." Do they think other companies are going to run out and make a YF-21 of their own? Throwing a bone in the way of future releases to the fans would certainly be nice instead of this cloak and dagger stuff. Not sure who gets a kick out of that other then Yamato and Graham. Because I collect other things, and news is released way in advance. Maybe yamato was founded by a former spy or military officer that just can't let go.
  13. Thanks for the compliment. Those are Takatoys stickers. And to get rid of the tail skulls, I used ELO. Easy Lift Off. It's a decal and paint remover that's not as harsh as paint thinner. It was sort of weird though. Some of the grey came off on the first fin I did because the skull was being stubborn. But I had a grey I mixed for something else that was almost identical. It's barely noticable. The other fin, not a smidgen of grey was removed and the skull came off a lot easier.
  14. A few quick photos of my nearly completed Stealth. All I have to do is add a few stickers and paint on a few small details
  15. I wish it did come with a black heatshield. I'm a member of the "black heatshields on all VF-1S's" club. If anyone, for some odd reason, wants to trade a red for a black, let me know
  16. I just got my Hikaru 1S today. A few minor gripes (like the gunpod handle not collapsing when attached to the arm in Battroid/Gerwalk mode) , but all and all I'm impressed with the thing. After buying (regretfully) all the banpresto's a while back so I could have a valk to mess with that didn't cost $$, I have to say comparing it to the banpresto's is like comparing the 1/48 to the MPC. I can't say I see it as being worth $20 (more for the convention exclusive) but under the circumstances beggars can't be choosers. I don't see Yamato making a smaller, playable Valkyrie ever. So this is all you will probably get. IMO, after a lot of failures, Toynami finally scored. Seems making cheaper stuff is their niche. I'm certainly looking forward to see how far they take the line.
  17. Can anyone that has one of these tell me if they look like they can be taken apart somewhat easily? The reason I'm asking is that I doubt my chances of getting and exclusive Hikaru 1s for a decent price are pretty slim. So, if I can get a Roy 1S and Hikaru 1A, combine them and still have a spare for some type of customizing, that might end up being the better deal. If it looks easy to do that is.
  18. Looks great. But personally I'd rather have you make all the GPB stickers like on the Yamato sheet and pay a little more for them. Random thought-And I wonder if the upcoming LV GPB will have different colored stickers? 401766[/snapback] Stop complaining and just buy it. 401778[/snapback] Complaining? I was just stating an opinion. I have 14 1/48's and 9 fast pack sets, all stickered with Takatoys stickers. I know it's a good deal. I've been waiting to sticker my GBP with his stickers and I'd love to have all the options that yamato has from them. That's not complaining.
  19. Looks great. But personally I'd rather have you make all the GPB stickers like on the Yamato sheet and pay a little more for them. Random thought-And I wonder if the upcoming LV GPB will have different colored stickers?
  20. Look behind the missile rack. 381837[/snapback] Yeah, that's what I was talking about
  21. It looks like it comes with an unpainted VF-1D head too...hmmmm
  22. Where do customs go? Under the series name if they fit there, or variations?
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