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Everything posted by Rabidweezil

  1. I'm not a fan of the visible fuselage back at all. I would have gladly taken a slightly longer nose hanging down in Battroid mode then that part sticking out the top. If yamato would have left that feature out of the A/S/J and had it only slide up on the 1D, it all would have been golden IMO.
  2. The 1/60 2.0 A/S/J has the canopy extending above the V on the neck to allow for a shorter nose area in Battroid mode. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/V...Review/b-13.JPG If you filled in that V up like on the 1D the canopy/nose piece will still sit where it is on the A/S/J. Because the nose cannot slide up any higher. Where it is right now is where it would be on the 1D since it does not go past the flat chest plate. Which means that the 1/60 2.0 1D nose will have to be exactly the same as the others.
  3. If I could sum it up into one word it would be... Meh And that's not so much toward just the FP's themselves, but toward the whole Toynami Valks in general. The arms and legs keep falling off...especially with the FP's attached because of the weight. The boosters seem small to me also. If you really like the Toynami's then they are a great addition. If you think they are just "ok" then it might not be worth the extra money.
  4. What I remember from the line-art was that the nose was indeed longer in fighter mode, but it magically shrunk quite a bit in Battroid mode. I don't know how all you unhappy people expect a physical representation of the VF-1D to somehow incorporate the anime magic that was clearly present in the series. If they made the nose longer for fighter mode...then the "the Battroid nose it to long!" crowd would be chanting.
  5. I just want the Max, I don't care about the Hikaru. So if someone with a Japanese address feels like picking up a mag and sending the coupon in on my behalf. They can have my shot at getting the Hikaru. I'll pay for the mag, plus some extra for time and effort. Reasonable extra please...I'm not rich Course I'd have more $$ if it wasn't for this Macross hobby.
  6. I ran the text in the boxes through Babel Fish Box 1 (both pictured) First feature is proud of preeminent proportion and the deformation gimmick, from the corporation and 1/48 Valkyrie series of the mark, first merchandising with new modelling actualized, the TV edition VF-1A MAX machine. And, real it exceeds common sense of hobby [uezaringu] processing was administered, theater edition VF-1S w/super & 2 machines of the strike part Ichijo shine machine. In the application post card which has been attached to this journal 2nd number, cutting off the application ticket which has been attached to this journal first issue, please paste, mail. We send the inclination being packed paper. As for detailed purchase method please view this journal 2nd number. We announce price with this journal 2nd number. Box 2 (Max Pictured) If you mention the MAX machine, VF-IJ of the blue which is used at TV series final stage is famous, but the fact that he embarks for the first time is this VF-1A. White this fuselage of the refreshing impression which makes the accent of the blue the base be effective, this time it becomes first merchandising. As for largest feature of this TV edition VF-1A, head. The main camera has become bare, theater edition VF-1A it has become the design which differs largely. In order to reproduce TV edition VF-1A completely, perfection we modelled the head anew. It has reappeared the main camera where the clear part of the green is vivid, theater edition VF-1The place where feature of the head cowling and TV edition VF-1A of the line which differs delicately is done sweetly without. ** below the Max pic * The photograph is something which is in the midst of supervising. It differs from the actually commodity more or less. * For complete incoming order production, time being required to for the delivery, pardon it can receive, the fish you say to ask. Box 3 (Hikaru) 2008 spring, it is limited is sold with the net and at the corporation and the mark make 1/48 Valkyrie VF-1S [uezaringu] specification which gain large popularity, movie 'super spatial-temporal fortress [makurosu] ~ love it has remembered or, the leading part machine and the Ichijo shine machine of the ~' appear. Force super & it adds also the strike part one one machine, in addition to the charm of [uezaringu] which is administered politely in the manual operation. Systemic full armament of force of the rust scene of the theater edition which remains still in impression has been reproduced to real. ** below the Hikaru pics * The photograph is something which is in the midst of supervising. It differs from the actually commodity more or less. * As for [uezaringu] processing because of complete manual operation, the completion differs respectively. Please acknowledge beforehand. * This time limitation 250 it becomes the preparation. When desired one is large number, becoming pulling out selection, pardon it can receive, the fish you say to ask. I know Babel leaves something to be desired when it comes to translating. But the words "limited" and "250" only appear under the Hikaru. It sounds like for the Max you just send in the ticket for it. So..how do we get our hands on one of these mags for the ticket?
  7. Hmmm...what to do.. Get the Macross Frontier Toys when Bandai Releases them in Japan? Or wait until Toynami possibly releases them and then charges more? Choices, choices
  8. It might be the same as the Sue Shadow fighter. Which is even lamer why they didn't put it in a SC box when the movie came out if that's the case. And apparently my math skills are somewhere else...there are 4 Beta's not 5 Blue Red Green Shadow Yeah....4
  9. ZOMG! A beta fighter! Oh..wait...we've been seeing that on display for like 3 years. But now in 5 COLORS OF VAPORWARE! woohoo! The 1/55 1D looks cool The 1/100 Battlepod looks cool The 1/100 GBP looks cool years from now when they finally get released I will probably buy them The Shadow Cron. stuff should have been released forever ago. Like maybe around the time of the crappy movie? All they are are repaints. I think now even the diehard fanboys have moved past the "pink alpha" interest.
  10. so I take it there is no limit per household then on ordering?
  11. Ok..so it's limited...but limited as in not a ton made, but more limited then 250? Ugh..this thing is a rollar coster of emotions as info changes..I'm happy..no annoyed..happy again...annoyed...
  12. What's with the row of heads below the 1D under the label "New Headsculpt for 1/55 collection?" Are they going to redo all 1/55's w/new heads?
  13. Yay..nice job Yamato! Making the first ever Max TV 1A an "I'll be lucky if I can get one" exclusive? You made a winning call there! Woot!
  14. I hope that's true about Max not being limited. That's the only one of the 2 I'm interested in. A reminder to please count me in if anyone can accomodate. Hopefully the window of opportunity isn't small and doesn't come when I'm not near my work or home comp
  15. eww....never noticed that neck before and it looks nothing like any Valks I've seen in any of the Macross eps. I find it amazing w/all the technology available, that's the best Yamato could come up with to work w/2 seaters. Ugh.... More love for my 1/48's apparently
  16. Thanks Wonder what their idea of "Limited availability" is?
  17. Yamato will release Side Covers. But they will be some Japan only exclusive
  18. (quoted without the pics) Can anyone translate the text please? I'm curious if it contains any details on how to obtain the Max (And Hikaru 1S for those interested)
  19. I'm eager to know that as well. I hope (times infinity) that it's just a mail in thing. If it's super-complicated then there will be a limited amount of people that would be willing to step up and assist us non-japan residents in getting one.
  20. damn....I gotta have that Max! I just gotta!
  21. hmmm....BBTS is still listing it as a 4 pack and charging the 4 pack price. But Twin Moons says it's now a 3 pack and lowered their price accordingly.
  22. I find it strange that neither the TV Max 1A, or the DYRL Max 1S have gotten any general release love (or in the case of the 1S any release at all) considering the battles w/both those Valks against Millia were among the best of both the TV series and DYRL Max's TV 1A also saw a lot more screen time then the DYRL 1A (which only had one really good scene when it pulled the Zentran out of the Pod) but the latter has been released multiple times.
  23. I've seen you go all out before to get people on here Japanese exclusives. I'd gladly pay extra for your time and effort. I guess we'll have to wait to see what the details are for these before we start nailing it down. Like you, I think it's going to be just a send in thing. Or maybe that's just me hoping so
  24. I'd appreciate it if you could provide an example of what sort of hoops you would think are worth the price of a 1/48?
  25. Clarified just for you I'm a completest. I had all the 1/48's that saw a release amount above 5 until the Weathered 1S came out. I figured one hole in my collection isn't a big deal (even though I would have snatched one up if it had been somewhat easy to obtain). But if Yamato is going to keep up this trend I might end up w/lots of holes I would have been hard pressed to get those 2 limited valks even if they saw general release. The all black one was kind of boring and I thought the comet one was pretty fugly. But knowing myself, I would have probably broken down and gotten them anyway
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