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Everything posted by Rabidweezil

  1. Considering how auto-tuned Rebecca Black is on her one song, I have serious doubts she can actually sing without being run though several pieces of equipment. Bieber sounds like a girl anyway
  2. Ranka vocals being replaced by Justin Bieber *shudder*
  3. Honestly the whole, "What if" is just that, speculation. But I refuse to believe that after all the years of Macross releases in various forms, Harmony Gold and their rabid lawyers have not had an affect on even a small percentage of it showing up in the US either translated, subbed, dubbed or just plain cheaper.
  4. Prior to several C&D orders from HG's lawyers, there were a lot more US sellers that sold Macross items for less then it took to buy and ship from Japan. And I remember vaguely seeing or hearing something about the original 1/72 Macross Plus Valks selling at Toys R Us in the US way back before they were released. It's not a matter of what you cannot find as much as what you could have found for a lot cheaper. Given the fact that all kinds of Anime get released in the US, I see no reason Macross would be any different. It's not as popular as Gundam, but it certainly has to be more popular then some of the stuff that ends up over here. Macross II and Macross Plus made it under HG's Radar. It seems illogical to assume they would have just stopped there if HG didn't get in the way.
  5. Has anyone heard if Bandai is going to continue or stop production on Gundam Decals? They haven't released any since GD90 which came out in December. And I'm curious if my Deathscythe Hell and Shenlong will get decal treatment eventually. Thanks!
  6. Wow, you must be watching a different trailer then the ones I've seen. Unless, by "another version of War of the Worlds" you mean, aliens attacking Earth. Or that the both titles contain the letter "A" Yeah, I see what you mean now.
  7. EW Deathscythe Hell is on the way! Sadly though, I won't be building it for a while. I bounce around from model to model before they are done. So now I have about 3 or 4 half completes. So I'm finishing them one by one before I start on anything new. Besides, Bandai probably won't release the decals for it in like 3 months anyway. I did finally get around to finishing this one
  8. Well it would make sense to make the Tallgeese at some point. From the basic frame they could make all 3 versions, and correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the Leo use the same frame as well?
  9. For the Wing fans, looks like Epyon is going to be a MG release Hopefully, followed closely by Wing Zero Speaking of Gundam wing, is this the same as this? They seem identical with the exception of the stand piece. I'm confused though because HLJ is not listing the Ver. Ka as discontinued. Seems odd to have the same kit still in production in 2 different boxes under 2 different names.
  10. That sucks the ghosts got lost in the mail. I thought I could help you out but the only extra ghosts I have are the QF-4000 group. Too bad I check Ebay just about daily looking for the last 2 I need for all 4 series, the series 2 Ranka secret and the Klan secret from series 4. If I happen to see those ghosts I'll let you know.
  11. I was happy to see the 2 new sets of these. So I went into storage and grabbed one from the 1/100 sets I already have, which happened to be the VF-1A Hikaru. Excited, I started messing with it. However, during the transformation process the legs and arms kept constantly falling off. After several minutes of frustration I boxed it back up in disgust... While putting it back in the closet I remembered WHY they were in storage in the first place.
  12. I wanted to put the destroids up higher, but there wasn't any room sadly. And I have a clear fan racer that came with the Angelbird. I just haven't done anything with it. Thank you. And the Angel bird is on the Yamato stand on the second shelf...in front of the VF-1D
  13. I can just see it, get opinions from us MW members if we would purchase this, then make it an exclusive those of use outside of Japan cannot buy seems about right
  14. Pure genius mate. I literally slapped my forehead for not thinking about such a simple mod myself. And then I immediately applied it to mine Honestly, I’m confident that THIS is the way it was supposed to be put together at the factory. Fantastic job! Thanks for sharing!
  15. There is a little tab you have to move. They point to it in the directions on step #16. It slides out and pushes in to lock/unlock the middle section and allow it to spin. I can't remember which way is which, but if it's locked now for you, the opposite would be unlocked Also want to add, just in case you already found the tab and that's not the issue, you have to pull the legs down a little and the bottom part of the middle slides in. Shown on the 2nd pic on the right in step #13.
  16. Fixed mine up a little. A little wash and some panel-lining really brings out the amazing level of surface details that is hard to notice without it.
  17. Unfortunatly when I ordered this several months ago I chose SAL. Now I have to wait Not to nitpick...I mean this looks like an amazing piece, but I'm curious as to why Yamato chose to not allow the rail guns to point directly forward in cruiser mode. Seems odd to nail down so many details but miss something that was pretty standard in line-art, anime, and other toys/models.
  18. At some point during the VF-1's developmental career, shouldn't there have been a transformable prototype? One would think so. Yet I don't recall seeing any line-art for one. Maybe they just tossed it into production and hoped it all worked out in the end.
  19. Here is a B/W scan from my work copier. They look to be stickers and not decals. They are pretty awful actually. Every artwork image or toy/model of the AB shows the tail numbers in white. Yet they chose black. The other parts are blue on top and red on the bottom. They might say in the directions where they go but I haven't looked there yet. I still can't believe they skipped the "angel birds" for the legs. Yamato included it in the 1/48. Shrinking it down wasn't an option? They toy looks fantastic. Sad Yamato toy design dept felt like putting in more effort then Yamato sticker dept.
  20. Just got mine. I'm at work and only had a chance to look it over in the box. It looks great! I really don't care about the fan-racer though. I'm not sure if I'll sell it or paint it orange and white or try to trade for a regular white fan racer kit. I was hoping Yamato would put some effort into the AB stickers. No luck. Besides the standard marking sheet, there is nothing that says "Angel Birds". Only black tail numbers (box shows white tail numbers) and some blue and red stickers that I'm not sure where they go. Pretty much minimal effort for markings on Yamato's part Now I wish I had some Hasegawa 1/72 Angel Bird decals to put in it.
  21. Predator More here And Gigan! yay! more here Hopefully they do a Godzilla final wars Gigan one day also. I read though there will be no Godzilla, Mechagodzilla or Ghidorah. I guess Kaiyodo does not have the license to do those
  22. I'm waiting for my first set of decals from Samuel decal. I figured he sprayed them before he sent them out. To me, that should be part of the decal making process. Bummer it's not. I imagine there are some lacquers that work and some that could ruin the decals. Hopefully I don't choose one of the latter.
  23. Got my 2 boxes. I am amazed SAL showed up as fast as it did! They are all pretty cool. Even the nail-polish versions aren't THAT bad now that I look at them more closely. Actually, the one I like the least is the Hikaru VF-1A Academy version. That's just cheap using the EXACT same valk from another series and putting it with a stand that says something different. Out of the 2 boxes I ended up not getting: VF-171EX with Sheryl markings VF-25S Ozma Armoured (metallic gloss finish) VF-25S Klan red version (from Macross Trial Frontier PS3 game) VF-25F Macross Zero movie, VF-0 stand-in version (white) VF-25F Alto Super (metallic gloss finish)- this one is on Graham's list but I don't see pics of it on the inserts. So I'm not sure if it was a mistake to put it down or not.
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