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Everything posted by Rabidweezil

  1. I'm pretty sure Erick doesn't make stickers from requests. He has them printed up at a print shop which requires a certain amount ordered to be cost affective (I'd imagine at least a few hundred)
  2. It's only 17% off now at 26,790. Was it cheaper a few days ago??
  3. If anyone is looking for any loose figures, I'm in the process of cataloging my old collection to put on ebay in the next few months. I've got around 1040 (yeah..ugh ) from POTF2 all the way up to the 30th anniv collection. And about 70 vehicles. Chances are if you want it, I've got it!! Let me know!!
  4. Beyond the many fine vessels that have already been mentioned. I always thought the R-Type Arrowhead was a neat ship. And the only Star Trek boat I really liked was the "All Good things.." future Enterprise D
  5. I could have sworn that it had VTOL mode, but I never owned one. I'm going off my memory and it's a good chance my brain is just making sh*t up again.
  6. I thought that was the case from some of the other pics I've seen. Bandai did the same thing waaay back when they used to sell Mobile Suit in Action Gundam figures in US retail. All the Gundam wing MSIA's were first put out with Yellow, and then again later with Gold. And I have yet to see any indication of a secret in series 4. In all the other series they had a black dot over 1 or 2 valks in the early group shots. Hopefully I can get a full set with 1 or 2 boxes.
  7. I believe the legs folded down for the VTOL mode. But I don't remember it having a Gerwalk mode with arms. Interesting....
  8. On Ngee Khiong there is a nice pic labeled as Series 4 from the event. But sadly it's actually of series 3.
  9. Looks great! The missile tips are removeable though. They are barely glued on. I just stuck a safety razor under the edge, spun it around and twisted the blade slightly to loosen the glue. Then I stuck the back of the tips to a doubled-over piece of scotch tape and painted them. After they dried I just used a drop of model glue to get them back on.
  10. Saw it this weekend. Both my girlfriend and I thought it was pure fun. Funniest movie I've seen in a while. As far as numbers go though, it's a shame it's doing poorly: The other new wide release, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, had a much harder time connecting with audiences. The Michael Cera-starrer grossed only $10.5 million, far less than the studio had hoped. The film from British director Edgar Wright, with a budget of $60 million, was a huge hit at Comic-Con that hasn’t translated to the real world. Those that did attend the hyper-kinetic action love story had a great time, though: The film generated an A- from CinemaScore with audiences under 25 giving it an A. Still, Scott Pilgrim is likely to be viewed as a significant under-performer for the studio The reason that Edgar White crammed all the novels into one movie is that he didn't want to leave it hanging for a sequel that never gets made. However he did say he would make more if the movie does well. So here's to it pulling surprise profits out of somewhere.
  11. I'm pretty sure I tried it from there, but it didn't work. It's way in the back row in my display case now, but next time I re-arrange I'll give it a shot just to be sure. Thanks for the tip!
  12. That's how I have mine. It stays, at least until you touch it or move it slightly. Then it falls off.
  13. Maybe it's just my experience, but Toynami doesn't seem to have a good track record with making toys with lots of articulation. A few of my robotech alpha's blew apart as well as a few of my 1/100 Valkyries. So unless you want "battle-damage" right out of the box, I say let them keep it simple
  14. Looks good mate! I'm still one shy, the series 2 secret. I have mine all set up in my display case. Some of them were hard to get to work with the stand. The VF-0D was one off the top of my head. Did you have that problem?
  15. Looking forward to these. I don't know why, I've seen most of the other Gundam series but I tend to be drawn to the Wing Mechs(especially Endless Waltz versions) more then most other Gundams. Maybe it's because they have not been done to death like some of the UC stuff. Who knows
  16. Yeah, fansubs is how I got the TV series. I would love to support the official product but not to the point of spending money on something I cannot understand
  17. I apologize if this has been covered, I can't find it anywhere here or online, but has it been said that the BR disk will contain english subs? Thanks!
  18. At least there are no "De-Culture" versions in this set. Those took up so much space in series 3. I had to buy a lot more boxes to get a complete set then I did with both series 1 & 2 because of them.
  19. Not sure if this has already been posted, but light Missile Regult was on display at SDCC http://gallery.figures.com/showphoto.php?photo=1145&title=toynami&cat=516
  20. Pretty much one coat will be enough so you shouldn't have any problems with splotches. The nuke missile tips come off...well some do easily. They are glued on, but Yamato did not use a lot of glue. They are easy to pry off with something thin like a safety razor blade. Then they need to be glued on again. The weathering was pro-modellers wash. A while ago I would have gushed about how cool it was, but they changed the recipe of the dark wash and I don't like it at all. It took a lot of mixing to get it where I even somewhat like it.
  21. While the predators have displayed some "honorable" moments in previous movies, I wouldn't go that far as to call them honorable creatures. They hunt down targets using vastly superior technology. They primarily engage in melee combat while invisible and use powerful energy weapons at range. To me, they are just like big game hunters. There is nothing honorable about tracking then taking down a lion from yards away with a rifle. It's purely an ego boost to the hunter because they defeated something dangerous even though the playing field was far skewed in the hunters favor. Edit: spelling
  22. Weathered, stickered, and a few modifications. And as cool as the black feet and jet intakes were, they didn't match the anime or any pictures I've seen. So I replaced them with grey from a spare Hikaru VF-1J I have. forgot to pull out the shoulders
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