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Everything posted by bigkid24

  1. I had to run her down for her picture. She walked pretty fast despite the boots.
  2. I finally saw Chobits. Maybe it was because of this Chii.
  3. Geez, this pic looks familiar....I'll just cut myself out.....
  4. Pat, yeah, they're from DOA beach Volleyball. Exo, this'll save me the trouble of e-mailing the pics to you.
  5. This topic has gone on for way too long without me posting my pics. Although I think I've posted most of these before.
  6. Whaaa?! Chloe's dead? Pete not a regular? Lois is coming to Smallville? Weird.
  7. To the parents: Congrats! To Jeffrey: Welcome to the (Macross)World!
  8. I think this OVA suffered from the same problem that a lot of anime suffers from. The series starts out interesting enough with a cool premise and then it's like the creators get bored with the series and just leave it hanging. The ending to episode 12 didn't feel like much of an ending. I'm sure they wanted to leave it kind of open but c'mon!!! I felt that Gunslinger Girl suffered from a similar problem.
  9. So is thing up on either Kazaa Lite or the imacross servers still? I got the old .rm copy that was on the servers so I'm looking for a replacement.
  10. Yeah, what he said. It think aside from Prime and Starscream the only other one worth getting is Mirage as he actually looks like the G1 version.
  11. Hmmm....I think I have the answer to my "What would happen if the Human Torch farted while flaming?" question.
  12. Wow! I visit the fan works section but last I saw you were still figuring out how the thing on top attached. That is incredible. Great work! How about a nice a SDF-1 for your next project?
  13. Okay, that's a cool collection, but I kept thinking don't you play with anything?!
  14. That Mullett is even more incredible!! i hope the pics was taken back in the days of winger and def leopard otherwise, hes got no excuse for rocking that hair cut. as they say on MAX-X SWEET MULLET! This guy reminds me of a cross between my co-worker and Nick Lachey. Oh yeah, and the Star Destroyer is pretty cool too.
  15. I'm waiting on the TV pilots
  16. Geez, they are really milking this. I guess I may have to sell my DVDs then. So does that mean I don't need the director's cut DVDs that just came out if I buy the Platinum?
  17. I've downloaded through episode 27 but have only watched through about episode 8. It's basically about two kids whose father left them in wartime, and later on their mother dies. The two kids are trained in alchemy and decide that they should try and bring their mother back from the dead. Alchemy with human subjects is forbidden and things go awry so the younger brother loses his body (so his older brother attaches his soul to a suit of armor) and the older brother loses his arm and leg which is later replaced with auto mail. The show, as far as I've watched, is about them searching for a way to give the younger brother a body again. I think it's pretty good stuff. The characters are interesting and uses of alchemy are original. Definitely worth checking out if you've got the time.
  18. but you will end up getting them slower....=) And you had to buy two to get that price...sigh... The speed at which I get my stuff doesn't matter as most of my stuff isn't on display at the moment anyway. Plus, one of them is for a friend so even though I'm fronting the cost of two, the one set I'm keeping will still only cost $18. Oh and if you're curious, the shipping on one set to CA would have been about $12.
  19. She doesn't really look like Misa, but if you really want her, you should still be able to find it. I got it from toy-wave even though he didn't put it up on his website. I paid much more though -- 3x the Minmay school uniform figure. There are very few figures of Misa. I hope the Misa in the second set of CM figures will look like her. Here's a recent shot I took. This should look better than the one I posted a few months ago. Wow, it looks like your Misa stands on her own. My always falls forward. I don't think I displayed her once in a standing position.... hmm...that sounds funny.
  20. I ended up getting two sets so hopefully, I'll just get one big box. The toys were $19.80 and my total was about $36 so about $18 per set once it's said and done. Comparing to twin moons I save on shipping and tax since I'm in CA.
  21. I don't think cosplay is a bad idea but before I go into some lengthy discussion let me just point you to exhibit A...my avatar. I asked you before for that pic... send it to me now!!! Alright man, don't get your panties in a bunch. PM me your e-mail address.
  22. I don't think cosplay is a bad idea but before I go into some lengthy discussion let me just point you to exhibit A...my avatar.
  23. I don't understand the trend towards busts. Statues, okay. Statues at least are the full body and some of them are really cool. Why do I want just the head of some character?! I really don't understand the TF busts either. They have the least about of detail possible.
  24. Lucky you. I have a Misa in her bridge outfit but I didn't see the rod and threw it away.
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