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Everything posted by barurutor

  1. I just saw some of your work in the gallery. Amazing!
  2. One of these just sold for 11010 yen on YJA. Good or bad?
  3. thanks for posting, though it went much lower a couple weeks back at cdjapan (although the shipping was horribly pricey) before going out of stock. Wow, I didn't realize you could mount the stand vertically and keep the valk up high in fighter mode. Will have to try this out!
  4. Thanks, CoreyD. That's too bad, it would've been nice to have the additional tampo + option parts on 1 valkyrie.
  5. Really? There was a thread where the additional tampo on the TV 1A (Prometheus on the vert stabilizers, etc) was discussed. Just wondering if the same applied to the DYRL 1A. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=40308&hl=%2Bprometheus+%2Btampo#entry1088623
  6. Let me get this straight,the strike packs with option parts could have either white or gray option parts? On the subject of option parts color, the 1D had orange option parts. Question for the CF owners, did all 3 Yamato v2 CF valks (1J, TV 1A, DYRL 1A 30th) come with additional tampo printing?
  7. For a moment I was having second thoughts about my Hikaru 1S preorder because of the mixed reactions to the Roy 1S color, but then I figured I'm supporting Arcadia and there was no Yamato TV white 1S with red trim anyway.
  8. http://www.shapeways.com/model/463232/kanzen_henkei_1_60_scale_fighter_variable_hinge.html?gid=sg138207 http://www.shapeways.com/shops/RPG https://www.shapeways.com/shops/exodigital Here are the Macross related shapeways shops I'm aware of. First link is Veef's replacement shoulders.
  9. That valk color looks like the low-vis v2. nice
  10. Awesome displays right there, wish I had found their equivalent in HK last month. Cool! This item is in the pictures posted above! http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-1489455.html
  11. man, HG even messed with Battletech I like Battletech as well although those LAM designs look real bad to me.
  12. I have 1st release DYRL Roy 1S & TV Hikaru 1J (both had shoulders which eventually cracked, I replaced with Shapeways parts), no peeling canopies for either one. But they haven't been out of their boxes very long, only ~1.5 years. I wonder if that's a factor...
  13. The VF-1D should weigh the same as the regular VF-1 valkyries without super/strike parts IMHO. Around 1.5kg with minimal packing.
  14. It's still the same one used in all the earlier photos.
  15. http://ameblo.jp/digitamin/entry-11713774099.html New blog entry with new(?) pictures of the prototype. It has a lot of close-ups!
  16. Sounds like okinawaHAI got a V1. Plane mode's not bad, but that's about it. The V2s are light-years better.
  17. CDJapan has the VF-27 & RVF-25 at 30% off! http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/goods/list.html?ct_id=1011402
  18. On sale at CDJapan, 50% Off! http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/goods/list.html?ct_id=1011402
  19. On sale at CDJapan, 14000Y! http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/goods/list.html?ct_id=1011402
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