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Everything posted by Jasonc

  1. This is why I'm sooo glad my new girlfriend knows and understands what I love and what I collect. I learned the hard way and now I'll just let them know upfront what I like, what I'm into, and if they aren't cool with it, it's their decision. Never compromise part of you for P*ssy! Women will respect you more if you stand up to them. Sometimes it takes a little bit of struggle, but at least they'll usually respect you for having the cahones to stand up for what you enjoy. I tried to compromise with my ex, and like someone said, that foot became a yard, then a football field. Cut the problem at the root, and as long as your manly duties are there and you're keeping up with your end of the marriage, don't give in. I'm not saying anything bad about your wife. Many women get like that after time, and especially in marriage. Hope I don't catch hell for this, but it's that whole "independent woman" thing and she wants control. Control in a marriage should be a blissful balance, and I'm sure there are other things you can work out that will make her happy and forget about trying to make you rid yourself of your collection/hobby. Update us on your situation, and I hope it works out for you. Marriage is very important as well as principals that govern it. I'm sure it'll work out fine.
  2. Honestly, I had this problem with my EX-WIFE. She kept on ranting about how she wanted me to get rid of my "childish" toys and grow up. What I knew was that her other B**** ass girlfriends kept making comments and wanted all their men to be a certain way. I didn't change when we met and after we got married, she did. That seems to be the case here. You haven't changed and you are keeping what is a part of you. Yes, they may just be toys or VHS tapes, but there's a principal here. Trust me. I've been around the block a few times and have had many things in life go good and bad. If you can compromise where you're not losing out, and if both of you can come to a happy arrangement, that's good, but just remember that like what others have said here. She married you for who you are, and those things are a part of you. For her to make you get rid of them is to in a sense, try to change you. Many problems begin with the significant other trying to change the other. Those problems need to be dealt with in a delicate, yet hastily manner. Good luck man. I'm pulling for you to keep your stuff.
  3. These sound hot! This will give me ideas to dress my girlfriend in for Holloween or just the bedroom Wow, a long dreamt fantasy come to life. But seriously, I'm actually looking forward to seeing these come to existance. I'm hooked.
  4. Jasonc

    Mac 2 monster

    That's what I'm also waiting on is the Max Q-Rau set. The Milia 639 and the Max 001.
  5. Nice work there. I always wanted the 1A Max type, but I've been so busy. Pics coming soon of the VT-1 in progress. Nice work Bluedeath
  6. Jasonc

    Mac 2 monster

    Definitely something I was hoping for was a 1/60 MKII monster. But it seems like something that was put out as a tester idea and then canned since I haven't heard anything myself on it. The best way to go is to make the paper monster.
  7. 1/60 OR 1-72 perfect transformable. To have one, I'd fork out the dough. Bring it on!
  8. Southern Cross/ Robotech series 2 needs some love. I'd buy a perfect variable AJAC fighter that transforms, but I would like it in 1/60 scale. I know that's not too much of a popular scale, but if no 1/60 scale, then 1/72. This would be such an awesome kit. If it's made, I'm down for one and would commit to one.
  9. And who said we needed Overtechnology??? Just let modern science evolve and it'll take care of itself. Maybe we'll end up being Zentraedi. The irony of it all.
  10. You know, I think it was on the old forums for the design. There was a very good thread in the old forums that had many custom designs. This one will be much different. And as far as the red, I usually give all my customs a dull coat. I've never been into the glossy, flashy look, especially since most of these planes would never be shiny to begin with in reality. You'll have to let me know how your custom comes out and post up update pics. It's always cool to see others' processes.
  11. I've actually wanted to do a DYRL Max and a Kakizaki, but I just have these two to get through and honestly, with a new girlfriend, I am having a hard time getting to my Super-O I'm working on. But I do agree with you on Anasazi's decals. They are the best, and I get mine from him all the time. Anasazi, that sucks going through personal stuff sometimes. Especially with holidays coming, but man, you're part of the Macross family, and we're always here. Especially your faithful customers. Valkyrietestpilot, I've been using those blank side view pics of the vfs to go through color scenarios, and soon I'll post those up so people can see what looks better as far as color arrangements. It's easy when you have a reference, but alone and original, it gets a little tricky. Just wanna have it done where I won't look at it later and say, "Ah man, I should've done this or that to it."
  12. Yeah, I've seen the customs in the gallery, but it's gone quite stagnant for new stuff and I was hoping to hear what everyone who customizes was planning or doing now. Kinda like an unofficial updates page for customizers.
  13. Probably a Dunlop, Yokohama, or Pirelli tire for that price. Or it's just a big tire or low pro. My tires are $225 US dollars each.
  14. I'll post some pics soon of my 1/55 Super O that I'm working on. Still not done yet, but I should be done soon if I can escape my girlfriend's house for a couple evenings. After that, I will begin work on a complete custom. I want to design and paint a "Red Baron" color scheme. I was thinking red and white with a little black trim and the iron crosses, but Should I do that or use a grey in there? It'll be something not done before, cause I'm kinda tired of seeing the same valks over and over again. I'm just doing the Ostrich cause I always wanted one and never got one. They're also too expensive and don't even resemble the movie. Well, pics to come soon of my crappy work area and of my work. Good to see people here are still doing some customs. Post up your projects here.
  15. Just curious, but it seems as though this forum is slowing down to a grinding hault. I was wondering if anyone is currently working on new customs, or has just finished anything new. As for myself, I am currently working on a VT-1 custom, and it's looking pretty good. I still need a lot of putty and sand for the resin parts, but I have a custom on the way, then a "Red Barron" VF-1J I'll be doing right after. If you're working on something, or planning, or have pics of works in progress or just finished a custom, post here. Just wanting to see if the love of custom toys is still around.
  16. Jasonc


    That's hot! Ohhh so hot! That's the easiest and most convenient rundown I've seen for a modification I've ever seen. Thanks for the instructions.
  17. Jasonc


    Please, please put me down for 2 if possible. Thanks! This kit is just too good to keep from.
  18. Jasonc


    I just bought that set on ebay. Makes me wish I was a cartoon.
  19. So far, my parents bought me a crapload of Guess clothes, and a surround sound system for my widescreen. As far as Macross stuff, I'll have to buy my own stuff. Probably the VB-6, and whatever else comes to mind. I do need money though, for my 05 Subaru STI.
  20. Jasonc


    Funny thing about this is that I've seen that pic and wanted so bad to take one of my Q-Raus and make it. Now that I know there is a gasaphon with that pose, hmmm. That pic is just hot. Well, if Milia couldn't make it as a Valkyrie pilot, she could've gone far at Hooters! Milia: "What would you boys like to drink?" Jason: "Uh-duuuuuuhhhhhhh, dah dah dah" (Then rolls tongue off floor)
  21. Payment sent, buddy thanks!
  22. Sent you a pm. My vote for next model is Myun. She had a great body and was hot in a skirt.
  23. Macross Jack is the bomb!!! He won't make it till you order it! Funny stuff. Some of you should not act like you've never seen a boob or panty before. I've never laughed so hard in any thread as I have on this one.
  24. Question, is the MPC VF series really a "stolen" mold? I mean, the mechanics for it are the same as the Bandai's, but mold? Don't think so. Same for the Alpha MPC. Personally, I think doing a Beta for them would probably be the easiest toy to design and produce. Come to think of it, how difficult is the transformation of a Beta? If I remember correctly, that thing what quite simplistic in its transforming process and shouldn't be too much trouble. Toynami would have great success doing that as I'd buy that for sure, and I think it'd actually be a better toy than the VF and Alpha series put together.
  25. The FX set is a good set. All eps., short movies, bonus eps., Dynamite7, the movie, and videos. Not a bad investment for $40??? Maybe $50 or $60, but Still not too bad.
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