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Everything posted by OmegaD3k

  1. Just completed my 25. The stickers are fantastic and very thin! If I didn’t know any better, I’d say they are identical to the water slide decals, only much durable, and don’t have any excess transparent edges around each piece. The pieces in fighter mode don’t seem to fit and click 100% together properly. I must be doing something wrong. Gerwalk mode looks good. Have to pull the legs a bit apart at the hip in order to get a more dynamic stance. Battroid mode REALLY shines! Looks absolutely perfect. One word of advice: Before experimenting with the transformation process, complete the model first!! I didn’t know how the side leg covers flipped open properly in order to move the leg fins backwards and accidentally broke a hinge on the leg cover. You have to PULL the piece outward, before you open it. Overall I’m very pleased with the kit. It’s very well designed and was extremely fun to build.
  2. Well I'll be damned! O_O Now THAT is more like it! I'd say that is pretty much the best rendition of the 1/60 VF-25 yet! Congrats Bandai, you've converted me into a believer. XD
  3. Robotech in 89. I have no idea how it all started. I only remember having Robotech Volume 1 on VHS, and that I watched it over countless times, every day. Always wanted to know how the story continued... Then came Macross Plus in 97(?). Then Macross DYRL, Macross 7, Zero and now MacF. I'll always cherish Robotech: The Macross Saga for introducing me to the SDF Macross universe; but Mac is vastly and INFINITELY superior to RT, far by. Good thing AnimEigo released the original series on DVD - A great way to catch up. <- Has become a die-hard Macross nut.
  4. EDIT: O_O Now THIS is the OST I've been waiting for! My all time fave is track one "Prologue F". =D Gotta love the other BG music in this one as well, including "Shadow Of Michel". As for the singing, "Blue Ether" wins, hands-down. So sad, yet so powerful.
  5. Me, Myself and I or Clarke, Heinlein, Asimov
  6. Wow, I feel really young all the sudden. I wasn't even born yet, back then... Really wish I could have experienced Macross (or dare I say it? "Robotech") on TV when it first came out. My earliest recollection of Macross was back in 89 on VHS.
  7. Wait, wait wait... What is this? O_o Macross in the USA? As long as they don't call it: "Robotech Zero: Protoculture Begins" or something lame like that.
  8. Anything as long as it isn't RAP, R&B. or ANY form of HIPHOP whatsoever. I wouldn't mind some guitar, ala Mac7. Perhaps even some traditional music to reflect ancient or old cultures and civilizations.
  9. Looks like it's almost as flexible as a Revotec (sp?). O_o
  10. Just got my payment request from HLJ. :3
  11. After 50+ transformations, my VF1S's shoulder is still in mint condition with no stress marks or anything. I don't hold onto the shoulder itself (or the arms for that matter) while transforming or posing the figure; I always try to hold onto the tab on which the shoulder is connected to, while moving the rest of the arm. Perhaps that's why it's still in perfect condition?
  12. Ditto! XD Can't wait for the latest OST! The score alone is amazing. @_@
  13. Now THAT is a GREAT idea. In all seriousness, how much are we willing to bet that the "movie" edition will be nothing more than a recut of specific episodes, with very little new animation, much like with the Macross Plus movie? To expect the MacF movie to be like DYRL and feature nothing but new animation is expecting too much.
  14. Great ending which tied things up nicely. Well done to the MacF cast & crew for bringing us one of the best Macross TV series since the original! 20/10 - Clearly the best anime since two decades. (Macross 11 looked awesome btw. XD) Also, what unresolved love-triangle? It's pretty clear that Alto got Sheryl and Ranka has regained her brother. The scene where Alto and the VF-27 were flying side by side with those two images of Sheryl and Ranka not only confirms, but also underlines that fact, with a visual representation.
  15. $1,500 - $2,000 US DOLLARS!? What does it do? Communicate with the SDF 1 and show an interactive HUD on the visor? If it were the TV version (or you could take off the mouth piece for a more TV-series look) then I MIGHT pay a couple hundred for it, but not more.
  16. *ponders for a moment, on whether or not one should sell a MISB kit for an insane and ridiculous high price on ebay*
  17. *adds to the list* 9.) oversized, thick, clunky and chunky overall proportions, which make the thing look like a toy rather than a high end masterpiece collectible (this alone was enough to make me cancel my pre-order - want something accurate and as close to the original intent of the creator as possible) 10.) huge joints which are not well hidden within the design of the figure and are visually exposed for all to see (elbow/arm joints), taking much away from the overall aesthetic 11.) fighter mode is not sleek and looks fat 12.) Gerwalk mode - the pieces seem floppy and do not look like they blend in with the craft at all - giving a sense of a sloppy design work 13.) bigger feet than a Gundam The model version of the VF-25 is PERFECT. Strange though, I wonder why they didn't make them similar?
  18. OMFG. Is THAT the final sculpt!? O_o If so... I'm canceling my pre-orders for the Chunky Monkey V2. Bandai should stick with making model kits, and leave (Macross) "toys" to Yamato or other companies. Give me a QC riddled, but accurate Yammy any day! (honestly I have yet to encounter any QC issues with my Yammies. To me the whole thing is blown completely out of proportion.)
  19. Hideous?! The YF-21 never looked better. It was absolutely beautiful in Battroid mode, better than other version I had seen previously (it looks better in Battroid mode than in Fighter or Gerwalk mode). The thing even managed to stand on its own two feet, without buckling over backwards ,so that's a lot of plus points in addition. XD I'm sure Yamato will deliver another excellent valk. Looking forward to this one.
  20. Looks absolutely amazing. However one thing bugs me: The length of the fighter mode seems a bit squished and slightly deformed. The back seems a bit more boxy than I had remembered. Thought the VF-11 was a bit more organic. Gotta love the front view... mmmm... intakes. :3
  21. At least we know there will be FAST PACKS. XD From the silhouette, it looks like the thighs and legs will be a bit beefier. O_o
  22. Well... Look at it this way: If there is to be a 2nd season, then they could do this: XD
  23. If they do come with FAST packs, then will the mecha be able to move the legs and other pieces? (or will there be parts-swapping?) The VF1 requires a different leg/backpack position for the FAST packs to be installed. My vote is now Semi-Yes, but what would really make me go for these is if: - the line include valks OTHER than VF-1 or YF-19 or YF-21 (tired of those - not going to buy anything related to them anymore) - they are highly detailed, i.e.: cockpit, plus pilot and clear canopy (no bright-blue, solid canopy like the 1/200 (?) line) - they are accurate to the line-art and not chubby like the GN-U battroids
  24. I always chose EMS, never SAL. Takes about a week for something to get here. Haven't noticed any slow-downs. It's been like it has always been for me.
  25. Fighters only? Nope. YES for more 1/60 variable fighters (VF-3000, 5000, 4, 22, 0D, 171, 25, 27, 24, etc, etc, etc), destroids, and enemy mecha. :3 If I wanted fighter-only mode, I'd get those Hase model kits. So beautiful, so accurate, so detailed... @_@
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