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Everything posted by Ahab

  1. I think it looks good, myself.
  2. I noticed its available in polished. Does this impact the hinge performance at all? Which do you all prefer? Thanks
  3. Are you able to achieve pretty dynamic gestures with the EVA? Also, how tall is it? Thanks
  4. 1/2000 Macross. The scale reflects the price. ....What's that honey? Dirt and bread sandwiches for dinner? Sounds good...
  5. I have the first release and the helmets are yellow, as weill. -Ahab
  6. Hey Mike, will you be offering these in the spring along with the boss pod? Thanks!
  7. Vt102, what material did you select? Thanks Ahab-
  8. I received mine a couple days ago. Nice kit with very clean castings. Overall, it looks great and looking forward to building this dream valk! Thanks for making this happen Valk009! BTW What kind of release was used on the vacuum canopies? I want to make sure I don't harm the plastic during prep. Thanks -Ahab_
  9. Looks great MT! Looking forward to the beauty shots... So, is the texture akin to the "shark skin" texture of the yamato 1/48's? I'm curious to see how the details hold up. It's exciting to see this bad boy painted up!
  10. I thought it'd be cool to explore the development of the valk's weapon systems. Gun "trainer" pod WIP pics: Next, I'll continue with paint, decals, and light weathering. Thanks for looking!
  11. I've had this Toynami pod collecting dust for the last couple years and decided to dust it off...and get it dirty. I picked up some weathering powders the other day and wanted to experiment on something pre-built. It was alot of fun, actually. I started with a matte coat, applied the powders and coated it once more. I then followed up with a mixed brown/black wash. This is where it stands thus far. I plan on adding additional weathering and detail (more decals, perhaps). In any case, I'm diggin it! Thanks for looking! Ahab
  12. Work is settling down a little, so I'm looking forward to making headway on that beast once again. I'll post updates in that thread soon, I hope!
  13. Yep, knowing when to stop is the challenge. Sometimes it's up to the client ( if it's for work) or its up to the psychotic demands of the individual modeller to draw the line. I've worked on large scale miniatures (9' to 12') that seemed to go by rather quickly, while more intricate pieces (4" x 6") took the same time, yet both held up to scrutiny. Complex pieces need not always translate to longer(or more detailed) builds when increasing scale. This may be an exception to the rule, but the 1/1 scale Gundam on exhibit in Japan a couple years back, is a good example. It appeared to have the detail of a high grade kit, but its 'presence' and craftsmanship more than made up for any shortcomings in detail. It's natural to want to increase the details when moving on to greater scales, but sometimes the 1/48 scale photo of the wife and kids taped up in the valk's cockpit just won't happen... ...who am I kidding, I have trash cans to sculpt for my 1/2000 scale SDF!
  14. Got mine yesterday. This is my first Mac F valk and I must say I'm pretty pleased with it. The only QC image I've come across is the fin on the head arrived bent....an easy fix. I was also pleasantly suprised that the yellow was deeper yellow than the yellow lemon light that we've seen in the promo photos. That being said, I'm prepping it for a low-vis paint job!
  15. I like the white on white, as well. Mine shipped out today...looking forward to my first Mac F valk,
  16. I love it. Looks like 90% of the clothes I own.
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