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Kyp Durron

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Everything posted by Kyp Durron

  1. http://www.yourcentralvalley.com/story/d/story/breaking-news-grace-lee-whitney-janice-rand-of-sta/59006/FOK2_p3fKUezOgKbksZ8_A R.I.P.
  2. Of course it's going to happen that way, I can't see it ending any other way.
  3. I posted and said that it was too light and that I hoped it would be fixed before production.
  4. Jesus Christ, I'm seriously beginning to think those guys are freaking color blind. >.<
  5. I'm glad I didn't preorder the OD, I would have been pissed. They teased us with this : And we ended up with this :
  6. Been saying it for years, but I also wish that Bandai would follow Arcadia's sales model.
  7. I'm VERY sure she knows. I'd be more surprised if she didn't.
  8. Oh well, looks like I'm going to have to bend over and take my Ebay raping to get one, it honestly looks better than Arcadia's version of the YF-19.
  9. Anyone know when they'll have the preorder up?
  10. ^This. BTW, I saw the behind the scenes video of that episode, it pretty much confirms that Which is why her lightsaber blades will be shown in season 2 as the color
  11. And the best news of all kids? You won't have to play the F5 Boogie to try and get one!
  12. Just a heads up for those who collect the Moebius prefinished BSG models, BBTS apparently has some of the rare Starbuck weathered versions, I bought one to replace one that got knocked off a shelf, and low and behold, I couldn't believe my eyes when I opened the launch tube package and found a rare weathered version of Starbuck's viper WHOO-HOO!! I don't know the production numbers, but they came random packed in cases, and this one has 11/25/2013 as the production date stamped on the bottom of the model, that's the original run of the ones with the female pilot's call signs on them. Only Starbuck's viper had a weathered chase variant.
  13. LOL, I see that Bandai is still up to the same old preorder Shenanigans. Glad I got out of this game a while back, now I get to sit back and watch everyone else do the F5 boogie.
  14. Nor should it, in my honest opinion. What good is that when you're not even able to order the Goddamned things?!
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