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Everything posted by lechuck

  1. I can only hope they get rid of the rage meter and bring back the multi-tier super arts selection.
  2. A bit late, but count me into the group that does not like the complementary wing design on the new (or revised?) X. But I do like the slick side profile of the whole fuselage. If they wanted to keep the whole "X" theme, maybe they should have just make the wings align diagonally. Or just give it forward swept wings, that always makes things "new and fast"...
  3. lechuck

    Hi-Metal R

    Great, so it's not just a straight re-release. If anybody from Bandai is reading this, PLEASE ADD SIDE COVERS!!!
  4. Why is it we have so many bloody YF-29 prototype variants instead of VF-29A/B/C/D...
  5. I disagree that Bandia waterslides are bad. Have I had them come off after applying? Sure, but only when I accidentally placed my thumb or finger on one without having top coated it yet. Anyway, from the new images the PG Unicorn arm/leg proportions look good to me now, not sure how they got that down. The Unleash mode is not canon? Can't remember seening that in the OVA. And some pics of upcomging stuff in case they were missed: MG Gundam Double X MG Exia Dark Matter MG Z Gundam III B Type and P2 Type - web exclusive MG 1/100 RX-0[N] Unicorn Gundam Banshee Norn (awakening) - web exclusive This sucks, I passed on the yellow psyco frame one, because I was hoping to settle for a cheaper green mass release one, and then they pull this off... grrrrr!!! MG Rick Dom (Dozel Zabi) - web exclusive RE/100 Gundam Mk III RE/100 Gundam GP04G RE/100 Dijeh !!!!
  6. lechuck

    Hi-Metal R

    Great news and slick market move by Bandai. I hope they make a Hikaru S-variant and maybe they can improve by adding some side covers. If this line produces the right variants and different types of Valkyrie, I can see myself scaling down with the hobby. The bigger toys might be more detailed, but they are not really fun to fiddle with. And as has been said before, these will go great with Master Grade Gundams!
  7. I would just like a reissue of the pirate version, best head design for the YF-29.
  8. Looks really promising to me, might eventually ditch Arcadia's YF-19. So the upper leg area is just as hollow as we have come to know Yamato/Aracadia only difference being that Bandai was able to create wall on the inside of leg area, creating the illusion it was a solid block from front or 3/4 view. Hopfully we still get plug-in pieces. And even with that rear view picture of Battroid, I still can't grasp how sideways articulation works in the upper thighs??? Arm joints seem nice an beefy, thankfully we don't have the movable bicep-cylinder thing again and all hip movement seems to be handled from one joint alone. Can anybody confirm if there is a working egress hatch?
  9. Amazing, it really looks like a waist joint. This is why I like Bandai, they are truly a "robot" company, when they give one these type of extras. Also ineresting to see the leg swivel just below the intakes in tandem with the forward bend articulation, would like to know how they did that.
  10. Or we can just continue talking about it here, because it doesn't seem to be harming anyone except you. I realize you won't be able to reply to this now, as you wouldn't want this thread to go to the top.
  11. The T-Bar system has to go, period! I epxect this from anyone making a new VF-1 toy in the size class of Yamato's or higher. It's sad that one of the "simpler" VF design has to rely on this outdated method for leg deployment I would like to have fuselage that aligns properly with the backplate and no void "airy" spaces behind it, allowing for proper seat tilting and egress hatch functionality and none of that faux extra parts things that we have to use.
  12. The Xi Gundam better be the MG Ver. Ka for next year and nothing else!
  13. Nice! I like that there is no more filler pieces necessary at the back of the leg and the whole chest area looks more snug in fit compared to the Yamato/Arcadia implementaion. On thing that has got me intrigued and hoping is that horinzontal cut just where the cod piece is. I really hope that is a waist joint, that would put this this realisation above what we have now.
  14. Yeah, I am not really 100% convinced with Katoki leg thing argumentation. HGUC version of Unicorn or the Nu Gundam Evolve Mode look proportionate to me, granted one doesn't transform and the other has a more subtle extension. For PG I would have thought they could find a better middle ground between transformation and proportions. And isn't Katoki behind V and V2 Gundam, those aren' very leggy designs. You know that ridge on the biceps has always bugged me. It seems like it was intended to extend too, but was completely forgotten (even by Katoki himself) to be implemented.
  15. I was listening to AFN Wiesbaden radio this morning and had to laugh. They were mentioning the trailer and how the team was hyped for it. Anyway they were saying that amongst the team was a private that apparently after watching trailer asked if "Ultron" was a Transformer! I guess some fictional universes are not easy to distinguish. Good thing I wasn't drinking coffee at the moment.
  16. Well if it indeed is a PG, then I am shocked that a lot of the problems with the MG have seem to have made it over. - leg to arm ratio still looks bad - you still have that plastic bit interfering with inner elbow articulation when in NT-D mode - and still nothing seems like it locks and holds together
  17. Heh, from a European perspective your complaint is funny to read. I'm with you, thought it was good show, but would never give it a triple "A" ranking. Story and characters are nice, but when it comes to the robot mecha-pron eye-candy Turn A does not deliver at all. I noticed on MW there seems to be a somewhat burning passion for Turn A compared to other places, maybe it's conditioning from constantly defending Macross 7. Wish I knew they were selling for $30 somewhere else, I think I paid on avarage something like 40€ - 50€. But Gundam Unicorn was released like every half a year, so it wasn't that bad and looking back at the OVA, each episode has been a worthwhile investment.
  18. Caught these previews for Ultimetal Optimus Prime from tfw2005. Snap fit magnetized armor! And normally I am not a fan of lights and sounds, but for this I would make an exception. Sadly I do not have the funds for this.
  19. The face of the Basara figure reminds me of Gingerbread Man, a bit eerie in a way.
  20. F-Type vs Corvette - tough one, as I like them both. Have not driven any of them, so I can only really judge the aesthetics. Being a biased Jag driver I would have to give the nod to the F-Type. There is something about the modern and clean design style of Ian Callum that clicks with me.
  21. Hi, the lowest I know of is at NY. They are offering it for 3,620 JPY. MG 1/100 Hi-ν Gundam Ver.Ka - HWS Expansion Set
  22. Happy for those that wanted a PG Unicorn Gundam. I guess that means no more new MG anouncements for this year. This probably explains why there was no MGs to coincide with OVA #7 release. Still waiting for a regular release OVA bare bones green Psycoframe Unicorn and Banshee Norn.
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