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Everything posted by valhary

  1. I was thinking in use a vf 0a head without laser cannon but if you make it I will use yours although personally I prefer the other version
  2. valhary

    Macross 30

    someone know if come the yf 29s ozma?
  3. my wings are on their way as the received I try to post pics
  4. hey Kurisama do you have advanced pictures of the upgrade kit for the meltraedi armor? I really considering take advantage of the 20%
  5. I believe the head is very confused because in some pics looks one visor and in some screenshot with two like "A" type
  6. I already ordered I can't wait my old vf 0 back to life
  7. maybe Is my imagination but reached to see a face like in the regular kai???
  8. like I said before for a valk dubbed lucifer the color scheme should be red or black I want to see more pics with better resolution
  9. I dont know if someone happen the same but like the vf 17 (I like the "D" but looks better the toy with "S") in the line art prefer the "S" but with the pics I like more the "F"
  10. like Twoducks i want to see how looks ozma wearing alto armor
  11. just to be clear still missing the visor of the head right?
  12. I'm undecided so I hope pics to make a decision
  13. for that price not only should include a exclusive display stand also the fastpack and the option for make the hikaru version (I know probably in the near future yamato repainted with that scheme)
  14. no cost is free send me a pm with your adress and will send you in the regular mail like a letter like said before I dont need it and if this will help a macross fan is enough to me
  15. yeah even yamato make it I have one unassembled 0 that need your conversion kit
  16. looks a little limited of articulations and overpriced but the wait has been too long where are the links to buy this bird!!!!!!!!
  17. negative I custom my non color version (vf 1s) and that part is useless for my project
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