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Everything posted by valhary

  1. I have that part if you are interested but I paint black
  2. cool!!!!!!!! it comes with the head for battroid mode?
  3. will be possible that landing gear is the same of the vf 1
  4. excuse me but it was a roy scheme should have the head type S so this repaint it would be okay in the ozma variant
  5. its true that the transformation is more complicated than the 17 but so that there are no voids on the sides for my totally worth it and I think nobody mention that for the lock the chest have to push until hear a click and you see what solid is the battroid mode I hope this lock system to the future yf 19
  6. just perfect I hope you also do head
  7. so beautiful I only hope yamato do not follow the stupidity of bandai with limited stock I'm pretty sure the most of us want more than one
  8. what about the side holes of the chest still look similar that in yamato´s or they have fixed?
  9. but which is the verdict? best, worst, equal or same compared to yamato's
  10. damn it just now I got the alto's durandal as I definitely pick one ozma version
  11. I really dying for make the comparison between this bird and yamato´s personaly in the lineart I like much more the 171 but after what happened with the heads of the "S" and "D" I'll have to wait before making a judgment
  12. anyone can confirm? listen bandai are delaying release dates at least in the myth cloth ex series for problems in their china factories so we should expect a delay or not to worry about
  13. I really want the superparts but I do not think pay more that cost me the own durandal so assume that wait if discount in the future to pick one by the way I try to emulate this pose
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