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Everything posted by Chewie

  1. I always thought the theory that the emperor made the stormtroopers miss all the time on purpose held some water. In New Hope Ben tells Luke "these blast points are too precises for Sand People. Only Imperial Stormtroopers are so precise." That opens the door for the theory that they were supposed to get as far as they were but the emperor didn't know who Luke was and he monkey wrenched the crap out of it.
  2. I broke down and bought this. It's not my usual cup of tea; never played the Batman games or Devil May Cry(from a gameplay standpoint) but I had a blast throughout most of it. Biggest weaknesses for me were the plot being a sideways story and a difficulty level that didn't scale well. Played through on Warrior(medium) and died more times than I care to recall. They also missed a huge opportunity with playable characters. While every Decepticon under the sun was there, 5 Autobots made me sad. The crafting and weapon system seemed kind of weak and on more than one occasion bugged out on me and I had to restart the game. Didn't like ammo either. With as often as it dropped, it never felt like I was needing it except once or twice. They should've just made guns limitless or recharge. They were very unused for me and melee for the whole game felt...off. Otherwise, the game was absolutely gorgeous, the voices were perfect, the cheese was where it needed to be and the controls were tight. Back on topic: bought Galak-Z this morning, I'll get to play it this weekend. I'll chime in next week.
  3. The hips(and that sticky leg tab) were the scariest. I didn't realize that the hip levels/raised groove thingies were spring loaded and needed to be depressed to move the hips back down for fighter. I have sausage fingers so I had to use tweezers. (again, dat iPhone repair kit doe) I like it in fighter more anyway and short of my earlier rage, I do think it's quite an amazing piece of tech and toy. Another thanks for the little nudge I needed to buy it and to Anubis for supplying it.
  4. Has anyone started watching Netflix's Seven Deadly Sins? Just noticed it last night. Gonna give it a try.
  5. Finally got around to fully exploring this beast and I'm mad at you guys. No one warned me how goddamn hard it was going to be to transform it into battrod mode. It's never leaving plane mode again. Ever. EVER. Edit: ALSO, and to piggyback on the below post and blame Bandai, I had to use an iPhone toolkit to get the right wing peg out of the leg. And no, I did not watch the videos because I'm a man and real men don't watch videos or read the stupid tiny Japanese(duh) instructions until :KJ!@EU&GHKJBSC! (I didn't actually think of that, just banged around in the instructions for over an hour.)
  6. I won a $100 Steam card that should be arriving today. Gonna pick this up as soon as I can. =D
  7. Far happier than it could have been. I lost a friend on Sunday who was 4 days short of his 31st birthday. It was incredibly sudden and he left behind a fiance and two children. At least Daniel had time for the little things, including seeing this movie. Apples and oranges, but all things considered, yeah.
  8. Yeah, Hobby Lobby's prices are weird. The T-65 ranges from $19 to $40 from them and on various sites. Different boxes, both are snap tite. Poe's black X-Wing is $20 at Target. 1 2 3
  9. Are any of you planning on or already subscribed to Smugglers Bounty? It's POPs licensed version of the Nerd Block. It's a tad higher than the others, is bi monthly and only offer two plans(at no discount for the year) but it does add an exclusive annual item for the yearly sub and it's all Star Wars themed I am on the fence. I bought one nerdblock and got some pretty decent stuff (got an awesome BB-8 plush) but I am wondering if I need that much extra Star Wars stuff every two months.
  10. Hey now, my nickname has been Chewie for a very long time. Long enough and used enough that were it not for so-called rules( ) on legal name changing, I'd have added it to my legal name years ago. I have several friends with children named Luke(because of SW), one with a daughter named Leia. Ain't be nothing wrong with having no Star Wars names. =P
  11. Hard to say. From a film/design standpoint, I'd absolutely say yes. They even sounded like TIEs in Ep. 3. However, it's hard to pinpoint the canon of it because the ETA and V-Wings were Kaut while the TIE was Sienar and TIEs are supposedly decendants(post prequels) of the V-Wing and who knows what actually remains for their made up manufacturers. The prequels really are just a mess.
  12. Certain point of view I suppose. For starters, the Delta-7 and the ETA-2 (Jedi starfighters)looked more advanced. They're still a decade+ older than the X-Wing. There were also no expenses spared for Jedi/Republic tech because at that time they had the resources of what would become the Empire. Take away all the shades of red on ships, add some more shades of grey and it's still the same shipyards, designers and banks funding the Empire that were funding the Republic. The Alliance was being funded and supported by a select few companies (Incom, who built the X-Wing) and people (the Organas before they got deaded) and they didn't have the money to keep everything looking all pristine and shiny, let alone build them in the numbers the Empire had. It was a near 2 decade long guerilla war before the first Death Star was destroyed. There was also a lot of EU background stuff on the origin of the X-Wing, B-Wing, A-Wings and where they came from which made sense with how they were built and funded. A newer version of the X-Wing was still the primary fighter in the EU 30 years after A New Hope. On the other hand, Lucas didn't have the hind/foresight/care to realize what the prequels were going to look like next to 20+ year old movies. Also, like M'Kyuun points out: in the Star Wars universe gravity is easily overcome with some sort of tech. Well, make sure he knows he can be anything he wants. =P
  13. Pretty sure it was this too. Seeing himself with a lightsaber on film is waaaaaay different than seeing it on a poster. He probably didn't even get to see it in post. David, can I post the picture from the Vanity Fair article insead? Was more for direct comparison to the costume.
  14. So yeah, Luke eh? Both are gifs. Click away. ::sorry, but I'm gonna say that 2nd pic's a spoiler, though not really plot-wise:: I would just change it from embedded to a link, but it was attached, so no easy way other than to delete it::
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