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Everything posted by Mog

  1. After looking at the front of the Tread last night (see pic here), I too am starting to have concerns about the Legioss/Tread connection. The following two things struck me from the above pic: 1) The front part of the connecting boom is much thinner than the part directly below the Tread. 2) There's a lot of space between the connecting boom and the cockpit/chest of the Tread. When you take these two things into consideration, it's very likely that the pic we all saw IS how the actual Legioss/Tread connection will look. Here's how the combo currently looks: [attachmentid=42232] But if we were to raise up and "push in" the Legioss into the Tread, here's how it may possibly look (apologies for my crappy (and small) MS Paint job here): [attachmentid=42233] Based on all the prototype pics we've seen so far, I don't think my redesign is plausible, especially when we consider what we've seen of the connecting boom. It's just too thin to make up that much of the underside gap. Or we would have a noticeable gap of space between the Legioss and the top of the connecting boom. Hopefully, it's still early in the design cycle. But I would really like CM's to redesign the Legioss/Tread connection. Probably the least drastic way to do this would be to increase the thickness of that connecting boom. It'd make the Legioss sit up higher on the Tread, make the whole combination look more asthetically pleasing and "in-line", and the thicker connecting boom would actually be more accurate to the lineart. As it stands now, I really ain't digging how the connection's looking. Nothing I've seen of the combo, whether it's lineart drawings, models, or even Toynami's prototype, have ever shown that much of drop-off/dip between the Tread and the Legioss.
  2. That, and failure within the Empire usually resulted in a video call from everyone's favorite black-clad Sith Lord....... <Imperial Admiral>: "Lord Vadar........Ahck!!" [drops dead]
  3. Maybe I should whine more often! Like everyone else here, I really hope that's not how the Legioss-Tread connection will actually look. The Legioss should definitely be sitting much higher up, practically in-line with the "chest" of the Tread. (Hate to say it, but the Toynami version does have the "look" of the connection just right.) I hope future updates from CM's will alleviate our concerns. Gotta admit though, I am digging the beefy, imposing look of CM's Tread in soldier mode. Any official word yet on when CM's Legioss/Tread combo will be released?
  4. <cough>Link <cough> Also, I'm sure there's a bunch of pics of the flexi's in battroid action in the "Strike a Pose," "Display Your Collections"(?), and "1/48, 1/60.......Gallery"(?) threads. Hell, do not disturb once posted a pic of a Valk doing a mid-air flip-kick, using the flexi's.
  5. I really didn't mind the Dooku fight and death scene. I wouldn't call that scene an Anakin clinic. Dooku was holding his own against both Obi and Ani. And it wasn't until Dooku flung Obi across the room (and dropped the walkway on top of him for good measure ) that Anakin got pissed and opened up the can of whup-ass. I'm sure the novelization does a good job in describing Dooku's tought-process throughout the whole fight. But I also think the look of shock and surprise on Christopher Lee's face said enough in the movie itself. If I was to fix anything in ROTS, the Dooku scene would be one I'd leave alone. ............Now as for that "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!!" scene, I "get" that it's an homage to Frankenstein. But I really wished they had tweaked THAT scene to make it more raw and visceral.
  6. Another "fun" thing to worry about is that none of those pics show the Legioss/Alpha holding the gun with its arm straight out. That doesn't exactly make me want to go out and buy these things. Heck, I'm willing to be a test dummy for the CM's version (ASSUMING they show us some more pics and give us some updates!!). But for these 1/48, 1/55, 1/52.837532, or whatever the heck-scale versions? I'll pass.
  7. Mog


    Is this where the wing (or wing root) starts sagging when you pose it in battroid? If it is, I had the same issue before. Kensei posted on how to fix it. Here's the direct link to the relevant posts: Linky I wasn't able to get the whole leg piece out. But once you unscrew the necessary part, you should be able to open it just enough to have access and to tighten the screw that pivots the wing. Hope this helps!
  8. Glad to see they're reinforcing the wings a little. With these additions, the POM in the next VF-0's shoulders, and the re-release of the Super M&M's, I hope this is a sign of Yamato taking our concerns seriously. I know this is stupid, but when I saw that first pic of the white prototype in the link, I was like "Hey! It's the ANTI-Anti-Pope!!"
  9. Yeah, my "Now what?!!" was a rhetorical question. It just surprised me that they resolved the suitcase nuke (aka, "snuke" ) crisis relatively early, as compared to other seasons. Not that I'm complaining, mind you. You're right though: I too am a little intrigued to find out what El Presidente gave up in exchange for Jack.
  10. Back in the Day: One of those somewhat small Convertors knockoffs back in the 80's (a Fast Packed VF-1S, if memory serves me right). Recently (as in maybe three years ago ): Bandai Re-Issue 1/55 VF-1S (no FP's, though).
  11. Nice work on Exhibit F there. I think that's the first time I've seen that particular pose done with the 19. Very different and unique!
  12. Well THAT was different. Glad to see Jack bringing his kill ratio back up to its usual high standards. For one brief second there, I seriously thought they were gonna go with a "Manchurian Candidate"-style swerve on that final phone call. Guess, I was the only idiot thinking that. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there still like 6 or 7 hours left? Now what?!!
  13. God, last night's episode was GLORIOUS!! Now, I know why I waited until Wednesday night to watch "24".........so I would be in the perfect snippy mood to watch last night's South Park!
  14. I'm trying to do this all off of memory, so someone correct me if I get any of my facts mixed up. A couple years back there was an offer for a limited edition all-black VF-1J Valk'. Problem was that it was limited to just three valks. And you would have to sign up for a Japanese credit card just in order to get into the drawing for one of these rare birds.
  15. Squad Colors: Primarily black, with some grey here and there, and a smattering of red trim and red markings. Squad Name: "Sliver Red Aces," specializing in espionage and reconnaissance. (You know, all the fun black ops stuff. )
  16. More importantly, what's the deal with the kite logos? They don't look right (unless this is the new symbol for the new series...........which would be wrong for so many reasons).
  17. Just watched the season finale. Dammit, I gotta wait until NEXT YEAR to find out how all of this is resolved?!! I think my DVR cut off shortly after the "Stay Tuned" part at the end; I'll have to check out what I missed (if anything) on the re-air later tonight. I'm not sure I buy the whole idea of a "certain someone" being called to the witness stand. Mind you, I have nothing against what was said in the speech (since what was said makes a lot of sense). But it was just the method in which they got to that point (plot-wise) that I'm having a hard time believing. One other thing, is it bad that I laughed at Baltar's "butterfingers" line?
  18. Eva Unit 19 [attachmentid=41465]
  19. ^^Well last week, they instantly went straight into the story without showing the usual opening credits/montage. During the episode two weeks ago, Sackhoff's name was out of the credits. But if I remember it correctly, nobody's name was moved from its usual spot during the montage. The spot where Sockhoff's name would usually appear was just left blank. Probably was cheaper to do it that way than to totally rework the credits.
  20. ^^I remember someone a few years back posting a pic of the 1/48 M&M's doing a tango. I'm too lazy to search for it now, but I always thought it was a pretty cool pose and pic. ....I actually have the Toynami MPC versions in a similar pose, but I don't want to sully this thread with pics of Robotech products.
  21. Well, part of Spidey's appeal is all the trials and tribulations he goes through during his "real" life. I'd go into a longer rant. But it's late and I'm sleepy. In any case, here's the final trailer for the movie: http://www.comcast.net/providers/fan/popup.html?v=219583909 Hope this third movie in the trilogy delivers!
  22. Mog

    Graham's Sig

    It's all in good fun. Though, one of these days Graham's gonna drop an obvious hint on us (like "You have the Alpha, but I hold the OMEGA." or "Thunderbolt and Lightning.....very, very frightening me!") And we're all gonna interpret it 21 different ways but the right one.
  23. Mog

    Graham's Sig

    <Puts pitchfork down after all the talk about the VF-11> So, does this mean we can expect 21 reasons to celebrate after the SV-51 is released?
  24. As much as I'm a fan of the Stealth/Low Viz schemes, I wouldn't mind the Supernova Blue scheme more. There's something "Max Jenius"-esque about the scheme that I just like (Plus, it's something a little different). Gotta agree with Valkyrie addict's earlier comments, as well: a Skull-Leader color-scheme would be pretty cool too. As I've said in other threads, the thing I don't like about this particular scheme is that the shield is just too light; I'd rather have the shield's color blend in more with the rest of the plane.
  25. Just to play devil's advocate here, Lee has always been just a bit of the idealist/"I believe in the system" type person, even during the mini-series. He sided with the Secretary-of-Education-turned-President in the mini-series against his dad's orders. He said that he understood (maybe even supported?) Zarak's fight back when he first met Zarak. And of course, he pulled the gun on Tigh during the Season 1 cliffhanger. I am a little surprised no ones thrown some flack at the Admiral for his part in Lee's actions. No doubt, Lee's gotta take the responsibility and burden for his actions against the President (And IF Baltar walks, Lee's gonna have to carry that huge-ass weight too.) But the Admiral didn't do himself any favors by giving Lee those law books, grounding him from flight duty, assigning him to guard Baltar's lawyer, and then chewing Lee out after Tigh's debacle on the witness stand. Hell, it's almost embarassing how differently the Admiral treats his own son compared to how he treats Tigh. A couple other random notes: * Even with my little rant above, I did like the episode AND the direction all the main characters were heading towards. * Loved that Helo-Gaeta scene when Gaeta delivered that deadpanned "Sure." .........Guess he hasn't gotten over that whole Tigh almost spacing him bit, has he?
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