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Everything posted by Mog

  1. That's my guess too. It'll probably fold upwards to help to hide the cockpit and still let the Tread sorta look anime-accurate in Soldier(?) mode. But I'd still like to see how the Tread looks in fighter mode with that boom hidden, as if it were in mid-flight.
  2. Wait a minute. Misa regularly cleaned up Hik's place BEFORE they were officially an item, she apparently knows how to cook, she waited almost a whole freakin' day for Hik' to show up for their picnic (and only got pissed when she finally saw the initials on the scarf), she doesn't get in the way of Hik' doing his job, and she's a career woman with no aversion towards having kids. Yeah, I'd go after Misa. ............assuming she's sporting her DYRL hairstyle.
  3. One additional lineart pic of Legioss/Tread goodness (from the DVDs) to go with the ones from chowyunskinny: [attachmentid=40740]
  4. It looks a little more stylized than what I'm used to seeing. But this is a good first start. Glad to see they're putting a cockpit on the Tread! Hopefully, we'll see a few more pics of both the Legioss and Tread in their various modes in the upcoming months, along with some painted prototypes and some pics of these toys in posed-out, bad-ass action. Assuming the price is reasonable, the joints are solid/tight, and a few touch-ups are made to these prototypes, I can easily see myself getting one of these. Perhaps, my Mog avatar will be making an appearance this year afterall.
  5. ^^^Dammit , that price is starting to get very tempting.... Must maintain my Macross World "street-cred"!!! True. But typing "FB" is faster than typing "foldildo." (Then again, typing "FD" is slightly faster than typing "FB.")
  6. Have a safe flight and a fun time, Graham. Looking forward to seeing the pics and/or reading the report.
  7. I don't know. This last episode was kinda meh. It was a little funny seeing Starbuck and Apollo get knocked the frak back by the Tyrols during the Raptor rescue. But overall, both the A and B stories just felt underwhelming and a little "off."
  8. ^^^Here's a very good primer/thread from a few months back with a few tips and pointers about taking better photos: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...;hl=photography Definitely taught me a thing or two.
  9. Speaking on just the FP and FB issue here, I kinda regret calling the Fold Booster a "foldildo" now (though I'm sure someone would've eventually come up with that particular nickname). Make no mistake, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE how the FP's look on the 19. And I totally understand the business logic behind Yamato packaging the FB, the FP's, and Yang together like this. But I just can't justify spending that much money on four pieces of armor that I really like and two other accessories that I'm (personally) ambivalent about. For me, it's the asking price (and what we get at that asking price) that's keeping me from taking the plunge. I'm cool with not buying the set. Though, I imagine if I were someone who'd been waiting YEARS for a FP'd YF-19, I'd be frustrated or a little torn by this whole situation. Look, I have my reasons for not buying this. And others have their own equally justifiable reasons for buying this set. I think this board is big enough for both sides to peacefully co-exist.
  10. Very nice weathering effects too. Quite impressive, especially considering this is your first custom.
  11. ^^^Misa's gone Meltran on us!!! ..................... Just need to PS some doves and some swaying bamboo branches, and this can be... [attachmentid=40458] .....1/60 MACROSS, John Woo/Wire Fu Style!!
  12. This is speculation on my part, but two reasons: 1. The Scott's were the first Alphas to be released, so they're probably getting harder to find. 2. The Beta: most figure it'll be released in blue (IF it's released). And I'm not trying to be a jerk here or anything, but the "Toys" sub-forum is for Macross-related toys. All other toys (even the Robotech-branded stuff included) usually get posted in the "Other Anime or Science Fiction" sub-forum. Secondly, "VFAs" wasn't exactly clear. Adding in my lurking time here, I've RARELY seen folks on this board (or on the RT forum for that matter) refer to the Alphas by the VFA designation. For all we know, you could've made a typo and forgot to add the 1 for "VF-1A." Lastly, I don't think any of the responders were being "anal" (a little sarcastic, yes. But definitely not anal). If anything, the tone of your second post kinda brought it on yourself. Generally, this board is pretty tolerable of and quite helpful towards newbies (I don't see any newbies getting "hazed" by the old-timers here.). Even when a newbie makes a mistake, most of the posters are patient and willing enough to point the guy in the right direction. Just my 2 cents and some friendly advice. Do with it as you please.
  13. I guess they don't frequent this board (Hell, even people on the RT.com board have been clamoring for this thing for YEARS). Either that, or they just have me on their "Ignore" list!
  14. Fair enough, BoB. You got some very valid and solid points there. I don't question Yamato's business reasons for packaging the 19's accessories like this. But like you said, the potential price (and my own personal preferences) are just gonna keep me from buying this.
  15. I can understand why some of us get sore when it comes to Toynami. Whether it's a lack of promised die-cast in their Veritechs, a game of Russian roulette with the Alphas, or getting burned waiting for the Beta, some of that negativity we slew on them is well-warranted. And as I've said in other posts, their style of marketing their products and handling customer feedback doesn't exactly build customer loyalty or, better yet, alleviate our concerns about their products. How often (and timely) is their website updated with new news and pics of their latest Robotech or Macross products? Other than a few initial prototype shots, how often do they give us fans (or just "interested parties") pictures or articles of their in-process products? What does Toynami do to maintain our interest and attention on their products? When we have valid complaints about their products, how does Toynami address them? We bring to their attention issues about floppy joints. And yet, their promotional ads for the new stuff keep touting their bookcases and minor stuff like rubber tires and such. If they really wanted to get people's attention, how about posing their latest Alpha, arms outstretched (and not sagging), holding a gun, and not needing a stand or something else to support that oustretched arm? THAT would impress me, make me worry less about their QC issues, and would show that they're listening to our concerns. Look, I'd love for Toynami to be sucessful and be another viable producer of mecha goodness. But to put it simply, I just don't feel "the love" coming from Toynami. And as a customer who's put down a good chunk of money on their MPC's, that's down right frustrating. And rather than looking at all this criticism and negativity as proof they should cut back on their Robotech products, I'd like for Toynami to take this as a challenge. Prove us wrong! Keep us updated on your progress. Show us the improvements you've made on your products. And show us that you can build a solid, durable, ultra-poseable, bad-ass toy! I hate to bring in another tired cliche, but until Toynami takes these kinds of actions to counteract our negativity, Toynami's just gonna "reap what they sow." EDIT: I totally agree with your capitalism and monoply points, LL Cool VF1J. But hopefully, Toynami remembers that they're still in a niche market. And we savvy customers still have just enough clout to give them a fatal counter-attack if they keep churning shoddy products (We just won't buy 'em.).
  16. To all our Tokyo-based MW bretheren, I just have one "minor" request: 1. Have Graham drink some sake. 2. Repeat Step 1. 3. Repeat Step 1. 4. Repeat Step 1. 5. Repeat Step 1. 6. Repeat Step 1, as much as deemed necessary. 7. Ask Graham about the upcoming Yamato products. (.........I'm joking, of course. )
  17. I know, Ginrai. But at the time, it was accurate. Although I didn't check the RT.com site at the time, Toynami had nothing announced on their website (as usual). You'd think they'd want to build up some hype and interest in their new lines PRIOR to the Toyfair. I mean, how hard would it have been to add a little blurb on their main page saying, "Check out our booth this weekend at the Toyfair. We'll have some new and exciting Robotech products out on display!"? Or if they wanted to spend a little more money, how about adding a little insert ad in all the SC DVD's, announcing the new Toynami products? Oh well, I ain't in charge of their marketing department. Sorry to go off-topic there everyone.
  18. I'm pretty certain the Gakken Tread was significantly smaller than 1/35 (probably 1/72 scale or smaller? It doesn't mention the scale in Carl's article on the main website page.) But I understand your sentiment. ........................ Honestly Hikaru's VF-1S, I wouldn't even start asking about different colors or anything at this point. I'd rather b!tch to high heaven about the Beta having: * Solid, non-floppy joints (It'll be a disaster in fighter mode if this thing's arms flop); * Solid connection points; * No design flaws or brittle materials used; and * Minimal die-cast (unless it's used to reinforce the connection points). Besides, I've learned the hard way that, just because Toynami displays something at a toyfair/convention, doesn't mean we'll ever have it in our own hands. And until that day comes, I ain't waking my Mog avatar out of his hibernation.
  19. Love the Fast Pack armor, but I could care less about the green foldildo. Yang's alright, but I doubt I'd include him all that much when I'm posing the 19 in fighter mode. So if the whole FP set is gonna be $50 (before shipping), I'm probably gonna pass. Too bad they aren't offerring a release with just the four armor parts (and at a significantly lower price).
  20. I'm gonna wait and see on these. Personally, I wonder just how "articulated" these figures truly are. Can we pose them in a sprawled-out position, guns blazing, without worrying about the arms flopping down or the figure collapsing under its own weight? I'd wet myself if they had Revoltech-style joints on these, but I know that would just be wishful thinking on my part. Since I'm a bigger fan of Blow Superior/Lancer's ride, I'll just wait for the reviews on Scott's Cyclone and plan accordingly.
  21. Despite being a little formulatic, I'm really pleased with this episode. We got to see: * Helo "punished" with a crap assignment (even if it is indirect and/or unintentional). * Someone finally addressing where the heck all of those New Caprica refugees wound up (Now if we can just get a throwaway comment on where all the Pegasus' Vipers and Raptors are chillin'). * VICE-PRESIDENT Zarak ( ) bringing a nice counter-point to El Presidente. * The return of Caprica Six's guardian Baltar. (I cheered out loud for this one too.) * Cool little crew interactions (All the pilots busting Helo's chops for his assignment, Apollo standing up for his wife when Tyrol made an off-color comment, the little "Hey, what's up" nod between Starbuck and Helo at the bar, the lingering tension in Tigh, and yes, even, the mild annoyance from Starbuck when Dee and Apollo got all kissy-faced.) And just for myk, we got to see Racetrack slightly fixed up and out of her usual pilot's jumpsuit. Like I said, the main story's a little formulatic. But at least the episode felt like an ensemble piece again with all the pieces of the story moving forward.
  22. I wouldn't have minded if they left the cockpit present in the Alpha-Beta connection. Conceivably, it could have acted as another connection point for the two. BTW, if Toynami really wants to impress the hell out of me, they could have dropped the chest down and shown a barrage of removable missiles. But more importantly, I just hope they make the shoulders rachet joints. Or else, this will be a floppy mess. P.S.--Anyone else notice the wheel to the left of the Battroid Beta? Could it be a Cyclone/Ride Armor? (Nevermind, this is why I should look a little bit lower down the forum. ) PPS--Hey, Jenius, wasn't there a head-on pic of the combined fighter in Mospeada's opening credits?
  23. Sorry to go a little off-topic here, but what has HG's buddies at Toynami done now that they've finally released this video? Is Toynami taking advantage of the possible "synergy" here, and releasing some new Robotech stuff? OF COURSE NOT!!!!! Sorry for the rant, but I just had to let off a little bit of steam.
  24. I'm just glad they didn't go the route of "Morris the Mole." Though I'll admit, they had me worried there for a bit. As for them figuring out that it was Papa Bauer who offed Graem, we do realize that this is CTU, right? The same group of folks who season after season have a nice handful of moles within their midst. The same people who allowed a terrorist to walk right into their place with Agent Samwise's ID card. And I'm sure I could list more examples, but you get the picture. As fun as it is to watch Jack "interrogate" someone, I don't think he brought his A game for this one. Must be reeling from the Chinese torture, killing Curtis, and worst of all, dealing with his dysfunctional family.
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