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Everything posted by Mog

  1. No wonder Flint wore gloves! No telling what VD's were lurking in the LJ!
  2. Where's the "Can't access the boards or site thanks to the firewall" option?
  3. WARNING: POTENTIAL SEASON 4 SPOILERS IN THIS LINK. Anyone see this pic and info. yet? http://www.ew.com/ew/article/0,,20169703,00.html Intriguing/interesting stuff coming from Ron Moore......
  4. Can we get some battle-damaged Regults with bloodied, bullet-ridden Zent's? Seriously though, I wouldn't mind a few Zentraedi mechs. The possibilities for both comedic and bad-ass poses would liven up the old displays a little bit.
  5. The hip joints on my Lady Jaye were pretty loose when I first bought her (that just sounds so wrong! ). I found that a drop or two of superglue in the gaps where the plastic hip meets the metal T-bar makes the joint a little tighter. Just put the drops in the spot, wait literally a few seconds, and then start moving the legs around a bit. (Don't let the glue dry without moving the leg around a lot!!) You should find that the legs are a little tighter and able hold their positions and poses a lot better. Hope this helps!
  6. It'd probably take more than one post to see the full magnitude of 'zilla's collection.
  7. Look here. wolfx posted the links awhile back (before the leg issues portion of the thread).
  8. I know I've been one of the more vocal idiots here about wanting a Tread/Beta. But I can't support this product at this price. When you factor the additional shipping this dumb Yank will get charged, it's just too high a price for a product I'm not completely sold on. I'm sorry but the look of the fighter linkup is very important to me, and I'm not willing to pay this premium charge for something that was never properly corrected. CM's originally planned to release this back in the summer. And we mentioned the problems with the Legioss/Tread connection fairly early. The fact that this was never fully fixed bugs me. I'll grant you that they fixed the Legioss arm/booster situation (sorta). But the tailfins sticking out (in combo mode) and the inaccurate fighter-combo look are just frustrating. CM's may refer to this as a "toy." But again, at that asking price, I personally consider it a high-end collectible. I have certain expectations for something at that price range. And unfortunately, I feel that CM's hasn't met those expectations. If it was at least US$50 cheaper, I'd probably come back to the bargaining table. And I think it's somewhat presumptuous to think that if we don't support this line, we won't get any more Mospeada products. At least 3 or 4 companies are already planning to release ride armors/cyclones. And even though I initially didn't agree with it, jenius might be on to something about the advantages of upping the Legioss/Tread to a 1/35 scale. Unfortunately, this is a niche market. And about the only way I can show my disappointment with this product (and especially its asking price) is by not buying it. I shudder to think what sort of impression I'd give the toy companies if I just accepted this price. Believe me, I wish it didn't come to this point. And it scares the hell out of me that Toynami is my only other potential option at this point for a Tread/Beta (though I do prefer their Beta's asthetics a bit more). But them's the breaks. Just my 2 cents.
  9. ^^Especially if you're trying to do a Gerwalk or Battroid pose, it's absolutely essential that you mix and match the rod lengths.
  10. Thanks for the reference pic, 'skinny. Guess, my initial impressions about the arm armor size were wrong (wouldn't be the first time ). More than likely, I'll just wait for the reviews from you guys before I decide which of these lines to get.
  11. Beautiful work as always, Ryuji!! I guess I'm the weird one here, 'cause I think the open-mouthed one looks more like Misa. Must be something with the eyes on that one....
  12. Yeah, that sucker better have tampo printing!
  13. Quick question: was Yellow's arm armor really that big? I always thought it should be just a bit smaller.
  14. I tend to disagree. I mean they're asking for a good chunk of the tailfin to fit into that shoulder section (See here.) And even if it did work that way, wouldn't you think that CM's would have taken the time to transform it properly on all those promo pics we've seen recently and in the past? Either they should kill the guy who's posing these things for the advertisements and promotions, or that's just the way the toy transforms.
  15. C'mon now, who else but Roy would be bad-ass enough to: 1) shrug off bullet wounds, 2) make it all the way back to the living quarters without ever complaining or acting like a b!tch, and 3) spend the last few moments of his life peacefully chillin' with his lady. All things considered, it ain't a bad way to go.
  16. So, did the teeth marks make the Valk look like it got smashed up a bit? Admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovering from Valkoholism. I recommend a slow, yet steady acquisition of sub-par Yamato releases (Valk's with crooked skulls, VF-0's with crumbling arms, Garlands with breakable parts, etc.). And then follow that up by b*tching here on the MW boards (see the b*tching serves a purpose! ). Hopefully, this deliberate process will slowly wean you off of your Valkoholism. Getting back on topic, similar to eugimon, I find that I sorta went through that initial "crazy" period with my first few collections (where you buy almost anything and everything). Then I kinda slowed down and became a lot more picky and selective. Anyone else notice that trend in their collecting patterns?
  17. Awesome work on the custom and the pose, Ghostkiller. Very cool!
  18. ^^Fair enough. I remember seeing the ratchet-jointed hips on the original prototype's pics. But the shoulder joints were always something that worried me about the Tread's (and Beta's) design. I just hope the shoulders were solidly made and hold up over multiple transformations.
  19. First off, thank you very much for the detailed pics, SaveRobotech. I'm very happy you were able to post and share them with us. My thoughts after reviewing the pics? I don't know what it is, but I'm getting a "DC Animated Universe" toys vibe from these sets. Sort of a cartoony, almost "plastic," and not as much realistic detailing as I'd like in the whole thing. Starting with the Legioss, I kinda wish there were more panel lines and detailing, especially on the canards(?). The bird just seems kinda blank and lacking. Regarding the Tread? I'm really having a bunch of issues with the overhead missile rack. Now that I'm seeing it painted, it just doesn't look right (again, too much of an animated feel and not "realistic" enough for my tastes). Add to that, I still haven't seen that missile rack fully pushed down in bomber mode yet. I'm getting a bad feeling this is gonna be another issue like the Legioss tailfins. I'm also worried about the Tread's arms/wings. I really hope that it's just a mistransformation, but the way the arms are drooping down a bit on the green Tread scares the hell out of me. Of course, the fighter connection looks about as bad as I expected. But damn, I'm not sure if any amount of modding by me could even make it look any better or anime accurate. You know, I really want to like these releases by CM's. But after seeing them painted and everything, and then seeing that asking price ($270?!), I just can't justify purchasing it. Never thought I'd see the day after CM's unveiled this, but I'm really longing again for Toynami's version of the Beta.
  20. ^^About the only thing I'd consider selling off are my RT/Macross Saga MPC's. But even then, I'm still happy with how they're currently set up. They're still in scale (for the most part) with the MPC Alphas (with whom they share a display space). And despite a few issues with 'em, the Alphas ain't going anywhere anytime soon. The other stuff? Absolutely off limits. I just like 'em too damn much. Getting back on topic, with anime character figures from shows I like, I think I'd have a hard time choosing them. I mean, I'd like something oozing style and coolness. But at the same time, I wouldn't want to get something that's a little too risque.
  21. For me, I have to really LOVE a show or have a lot of nostalgia for it before I'll even consider buying a mecha or character from it. Currently my collections are split between Macross and Mospeada stuff, Star Wars figures, and the 25th Anni. GI Joe's. Since I'm trying to limit my collection spaces from getting too out-of-control, I even find myself getting a little more picky about what I collect from just these three or four groupings. As such, things like articulation, overall look, and my own personal "favoritism" for certain figures or schemes comes a lot into play. So with these factors in place, a mecha or character I have very little familiarity with would have practically no chance of being added to my collection. But for a mecha from a series I actually love, like say Eureka 7's Nirvash (Spec 2)? It would have to be solidly built and be poseable as heck. But even then, I'm sure I'd say to myself, "Where the hell am I going to put it?!" Space considerations, they can be a b*tch.
  22. You mean this: Linky (scroll down a bit). Yeah, it's one of the forgotten/buried links on the main page.
  23. Example 1 Example 2 Examples 3, 4 Example 5 Example 6 Example 7 (Below) Just to name a "few." Trust me, there's much, MUCH more already posted on the boards.
  24. I so disagree with this statement. I think there's enough pics riddled throughout the board that show that the flexi's are quite capable of handling extreme angles and unusual poses.
  25. GEEZ!!! Ignoring the anime magic or accuracy of dnd's or eugimon's....umm....birds , what in the name of Zardoz's mentally deficient, adjustable anhedral, delimiter moding, beaver tailing, beefier legging, gunpod color confusing, black or clear stand wondering, Fast Pack-packing, but Foldildo-lacking, not enough b*tching for Wicked Ace's tastes is going on with this thread?!!! ..............in Eugimon's Omega Pants. (Did I miss anything?) Oh yeah, I blame >EXO<!
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