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Everything posted by Mog

  1. A few pages back someone (I'm almost certain it was Shin) posted a link of some upcoming vehicles they're gonna release. I believe Hasbro was planning to release the HISS Tank, the Sharc (or at least a vehicle with the same mold as the Sharc), and I think one other vehicle as store exclusives. The HISS was gonna come with a driver (who was just another repaint of the Cobra Trooper/Officer). And the Sharc was gonna come with Grand Slam. Hisstank.com is the most solid source for updates of all the latest breaking news and info. Yojoe.com is a cool archive/reference for all the old-school stuff and the released 25th Ani' Figures. They're sometimes hit and miss on the news front. But every now and then they'll be the first to post a pic of an upcoming figure. Joe Battlelines has some interesting reviews of the 25th Ani' Figures released too. Or failing all others, just wait for Shin to post here. (He's the David Hingtgen of all things GI Joe on the MW board!) As for Torpedo, they're gonna release him in Wave 6 coming up next year. And he looks quite awesome!
  2. Very awesome work on this dirty bird!! The amount detail and effort you put into this is incredible. Even on something as simple as the hands, I can see that you put a ton of attention and detail into them.
  3. Hmm, interesting sticker selection for the 19's shield. Never considered using the Spacy Kite on that spot. Here's the shield set-up on my 19:
  4. Exactly, I'd rather have Roadblock with his machine-gunning and culinary skills! Those two disconnected skills alone make him far more interest than Heavy "Doodie."
  5. ^^Cool, but I'm calling first dibs on using The Blackjack moniker for something I'll be working on next April. And ruskii, there's more than enough time for you to lust after the 21 again, after you've had your fling with Nora.
  6. Didn't want to disrupt the 21 currently listed for the number of votes. Usually wait for the big day to open the gifts. Didn't request any Macross items for Christmas. Though, I did link the YF-21 commercial in my wish list to my friends, as a "snowball's chance in hell"/"shoot the moon"/gag-joke idea. If I was serious, I think my family and friends would slap me silly for even suggesting any Macross mecha goodness, especially once they see the prices for the stuff. Not exactly sure what I'm getting this year. But I'm getting to that point in life where the joy I get from opening my own gifts is equaled (if not surpassed) by the joy I get from seeing and hearing my nieces' and nephews' reactions when they open their gifts from me..........Yeah, I'm getting to be an old fart.
  7. I might not be as crazy as ruskiiVFaussie and 4 early-birded birds. But I'll see the rest of your 21's and raise you a 42 (2 YF-21's). Looking forward to getting these "Blackjacks" in my hands! I just hope Yamato does their homework on the production version's design and then QC tests the hell out of these 21's before they leave the factory.
  8. <Christopher Walken style>........Needs more MILIA!! </Christopher Walken style> j/k
  9. ^^Correction: You got yamato'd by an HD-DVD. Damn new technology!
  10. Very nice description for the Joker, Smiley424. I really do hope that description stays accurate for the rest of the movie.
  11. I also wonder why they changed and "stylized" the card art a bit for Flash too? It's not overly noticeable, but the new card art looks different overall to the original Flash card art. As for the CG's, I'll still have to see one in person. But I'm guessing I may wait to see if there's any changes with the helmet design on the one coming out in the comic pack next year. Looks like I gotta get back on the horse and start "hunting" again.
  12. The trick is doing the sealing cheap and simple, but also unique. With enough care, anyone could replace a piece of tape or reapply some glue. With the right equipment and materials, anyone could re-shrink-wrap a package to make it appear factory-new. The seal (whatever form it may be) has to be unique enough that it's difficult to duplicate and also tamper-proof. Otherwise, it fails in its job to indicate a product as MISB. As I said earlier, I understand what the issue and problem is. But I'd rather Yamato focus first on toy quality and design issues before tackling the box security issue.
  13. Actually, I'm in agreement with you, eriku. But my point was that if Yamato decides to seal their boxes, I'd like it to be in an efficient, least obtrusive manner. Instead of having Yamato wrap the boxes in a unique custom shrink-wrap or designing some new-fangled, tamper-proof box, I'd rather they focus most of their efforts on making the toy inside as awesome as possible. Rather than Yamato brainstorming how to make their packages more tamper-proof, I'd rather they focus on making the toys themselves free of any QC and design flaws. If given a choice between the two, I'm sure most of us would prefer Yamato focusing on quality control, rather than box security. Which is why I was riffing on Toynami: they tend to focus on their box and packaging more than they do the toy itself. Look, I "get" why people would want Yamato to seal their boxes. But I just want Yamato to do it in a simple, yet effective manner (I think the holofoil dots on the four box tabs seems to be the best way to go.). Any more effort than that would be IMHO wasted energy and effort on Yamato's part.
  14. I always thought that the second half of the series was where the majority of the story "payoffs" start to kick in. Initially, I remember not being too impressed with the series until Episode 9 (where we learn about Eureka and the SOF's past). Then Episode 20 utterly sealed the deal for me (with that wicked payoff at the end of the ep). But rewatching the series now (and knowing how it all ends), I've gained a better appreciation for those beginning episodes. I especially like how the diner scene tied the first and last episodes beautifully together.
  15. Not the biggest of issues for me personally. But if it's just some small circular holofoil seals on the four tabs of the your typical Yamato box, I wouldn't mind it that much. Anything more obtrusive than that though, and I'd get annoyed (why act like Toynami and care more about the packaging than actual product/toy inside it?).
  16. Was still using the flash back when I was doing most of my VF-1S Roy pics. Here's one of the better and more unique shots I took: "Roy taking evasive action after getting nicked in the wing..."
  17. It would be nice if they could update the Skystriker's mold a bit to get the proportions a little more accurate. If they could make an X-Wing with better proportions than the original vintage one, then I'm sure Hasbro could do the same with the Skystriker. Almost 25 years of toy-making advancements can make this a reality, right?
  18. April release, huh? (Should be enough warmth and daylight by then to do some serious spray-painting sessions. ) I won't mind if the first release has just the FP's and the stand; the fold booster's not a big priority for me personally. But I do consider QC to be extremely important. So, I really hope Yamato's taking this extra time to make sure the design and build are solid and sturdy.
  19. Very nice touch with the Skystriker eagle emblem on the armband. But you all know my opinions about the helmet and the overall look of Ace.
  20. Much, much better installment. I too got a good chuckle from that fighting-game name-dropping line. So, did Ryu use HA-DOU-KEN!! to kill the sewer rats? The rats that he had to eat? "Jiminy Cricket's Dick!"
  21. ^^Just to clarify, that's pics of the YF-21. Not of Zardoz or something else. Yeah, this "like" crap is very hurtful to the YF-21. It's like you're saying you only think of the 21 as a "special friend" who's like brother to you....................
  22. I agree with the rest of the folks here: if there's certain niches or genres in either videos or games that are not supplied by the bigger store, that might be the business angle to consider. .....And >EXO<, don't forget about the Bon-Bons. B*tches just eat those things up when they're watching them chick flicks!
  23. The twins look promising, and I'm curious to see how the CG looks with his helmet on. Will the helmet look the same as the one getting released now/soon?
  24. It has been revealed! Grace Park looks HAWT staring into a mirror and wearing nothing but her skivies. Quiznos!! Mmm.....mmm....mmmm.......mmmm.................Toasters!!
  25. And it's because of those childhood scars that the YF-21 grew up to be one bad-ass mutha......<SHUT YO' MOUTH!>
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