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Everything posted by Mog

  1. GEEZ!!! Ignoring the anime magic or accuracy of dnd's or eugimon's....umm....birds , what in the name of Zardoz's mentally deficient, adjustable anhedral, delimiter moding, beaver tailing, beefier legging, gunpod color confusing, black or clear stand wondering, Fast Pack-packing, but Foldildo-lacking, not enough b*tching for Wicked Ace's tastes is going on with this thread?!!! ..............in Eugimon's Omega Pants. (Did I miss anything?) Oh yeah, I blame >EXO<!
  2. Very nice work on the 25th Anniversary bird!! It looks significantly better all stickered up and without the gold brush scripts. Good job!
  3. That's fine if Toynami does that. But they better release the original blue Beta first. The blue one is just so iconic and so memorable in the series that it absolutely, positively has to be the first Beta released.
  4. True. But let's not forget, that particular sempai lopped off his prized pupil's legs and arm, took his lightsaber away from him, left him for dead on some hell-hole of a lava planet, and STILL managed to survive for some 20-odd years after the encounter. Another rule: if you're female and a singer, there's a good chance we're gonna see you nekkid (or at least bound by tentacle-like cables).
  5. Mog

    Every single 1/48

    I shudder in fear to see the updated, wide-angle shots of either kensei's or Godzilla's infamous collections.
  6. If remaining alive is a priority to you, then avoid being a sempai to another character in the show (Ivanov-Focker Collary 1-A.2(a)).
  7. Holy cow!!! Alright! Who ordered multiples of this?
  8. Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of: "When the first pics of the YF-21 came out, there was much spanking......in Eugimon's Omega Pants." ....erm....umm.......uhh......in Eugimon's Omega Pants.
  9. ^^If I remember correctly, it's just the 5-packs that are on clearance, not the regular single carded figures. As for Zartan, I think most of them are color-changing. If the face has a slight green hue to it, the figure is more than likely a color changing one.
  10. C'mon now. I wasn't aiming the "Ghost" law at you. The Ghosts in MacZero were cool and helpful little boosters (strapped to the back of the VF-0's). The Ghost in Mac+ was pretty much a mean little bugger. And I've only seen Macross F once or twice (unsubbed unfortunately), so the ghosts I saw in there seemed to get creamed pretty quickly by the bugs. If my understanding about that was incorrect, then I apologize for my ignorance.
  11. Cool. Thanks for the additional info. and background, jenius. I know that Toynami's pretty unreliable when it comes to projecting release dates (or keeping the fans "in the know"). So, none of this speculation or info. comes as a surprise to me. As for CM's I really am hoping they're taking our criticisms to heart. Either keep the price down or rework the sculpts to give us something WORTHY of that asking price.
  12. Linky! The Big Escape! I remember seeing this as a lurker and being amused as hell. Not sure where the original poster got the figures from. But you might wanna try asking nightmareb4macross if he's recasted any.
  13. It may have been buried. But this thread was never forgotten. Don't have much new stuff to post in this thread yet. But that'll probably change next spring/early summer. (Already have a few ideas brewing for this and the "Strike a Pose" threads!) P.S.--Thanks Toboro! I had a feeling they were different colors.
  14. Spanking?! Must.........not............make..........obvious......joke!
  15. I really haven't been following Toynami for awhile now (or they haven't updated their website....same difference), but did they ever release their Shadow Chronicles recolored Alpha? I figured that little bad boy/turd would be their next release.
  16. I won't disagree that there were patches of Season 3 where the story really dragged (the love quadrangle anyone?). But those first few episodes of Season 3 absolutely rocked my socks off. Also, the look into life in the Cylon basestar and learning more about the inner workings of the Cylon culture were intriguing. And then, there was of course the season finale that pretty much turned almost everything on its head and set the table up for Season 4. As I said, I still have my issues with certain parts of the season (I still consider Helo's killing of the infected Cylons the worst plot contrivance of the entire series.), but I would easily say Season 3 holds its own against the other two seasons.
  17. .....And lead us not back to Toynami (lest Toynami improves their quality). For thine (and mine) collections are empty without the power and the glory of the Tread...................Amen.
  18. Thanks for resurrecting this thread! Is it just me, or do the grey parts on the Max Rau look to be a slightly different color than the grey on the Milia Q-Rau? Or is it just the lighting?
  19. I really hope that price is inaccurate, because that's just unreasonable. Even if everything were perfect on this, that price would seriously give me some pauses. And with the issues I've already seen, there's no way in HELL I paid that much. I love me some Tread (and this Tread still looks good), but I absolutely refuse to pay that much for this combo. Geeze, do I have to add the phrase "reasonably priced" somewhere in my signature now?!
  20. ^^It was probably a compromise to keep the arms from dipping too low in fighter mode.
  21. FINE!! You guys can have the delimiter mode, as long as it's not a floppy mess.... .....in Eugimon's Omega Pants.
  22. - The best way to get a girl to notice and pay more attention to you is to crash your plane, preferably with said girl in it. - Unless it's strapped to the back of your ride, the only good Ghost is a DEAD ghost. - Don't point any sharp objects (such as knives or sticks) at anyone, unless you plan to hook up with said person down the road. (This rule does not apply to any sharp objects affixed to gunpods.)
  23. Very nice work and pics. I think most of the folks here would agree: don't worry about not using the flash. The flash usually obscures a lot of details or oversaturates the brightness of the pic, making the Valk and its colors look slightly different from what they are in "real life." I'd also recommend rechargeable batteries. Even without using the flash, I typically have to switch them out at least once during a typical multiple pose photoshoot. (And it'll save you from having to buy a ton of batteries for your digital camera .)
  24. As I've said before, I'm more for solid joints and tons of posing options. So, I'm actually against adding the delimiter mode. Visions of floppy or broken joints just worry me too much. It's more an issue of QC concerns than anything else. Besides how can Guld be a hardcore blocking the Ghost's direct shots if he doesn't have his tailfins/shields? What's he going to do?! Bleed all over the Ghost?!
  25. To eugi, no need to apologize; we were posting at the same time. I wasn't posting in reply to your post there. To Dante74, I don't know if I just made the delimiter mode more cool or uncool. But I just had to watch that Black Knight scene again after thinking this up. That whole scene still kills me!!!
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