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Everything posted by Mog

  1. Generally, you wouldn't get any argument from me on the above viewpoint. But for this specific figure, I'd have to disagree. Nothing about that facesculpt (or those lips) reminds me of Resolute Scarlett. I'm not saying they have to be big or even red. But making the lips a tad more pouty might've been a good first step to improving the facesculpt.
  2. Yup, that Baroness figure was one of the biggest reasons I finally caved in and purchased that third Cobra 5-pack. For once, I think a more animated look would have done this Scarlett figure better. The figure also needs those pouty lips that she had from the Resolute cartoon.
  3. I'm pretty sure Floyd Mayweather said the exact same thing!! Getting back on topic, Batman and Robin is probably one of the worst offenders. Also it seems like every third movie in ANY comic book series is usually pretty disappointing.
  4. Toynami never capitalizes on areas untapped in the Macross or Mospeada market. They never jumped at a chance to make the GBP-1S armor back in the day. They never made their own SDF-1 or re-released the Matchbox version with a few tweaks. They could have easily released a TV VF-1A Max (just a simple repaint for them), but they never did. While everyone in the 1/48, 1/55, and 1/60 scale sleeps on the enemy mechs, Toynami does NOTHING to take advantage of the situation. Although I'm thankful that Toynami finally released the Beta, their reputation and track record have taught me never to put any faith on them releasing anything groundbreaking or original.
  5. Judging by this teaser trailer ( ), I always thought this movie was never gonna take itself seriously.
  6. Looks like Toyark got pics of the Star Wars figures on display at Toy Fair. First the bad news: Damn you, Hasbro!! Just release a Bespin Han already. No one was clamoring for a Han wearing the Bespin outfit but sporting a huge-ass, thick parka! The new Luke definitely looks like Hasbro's way of saying, "Yeah. We screwed up with the first vintage Bespin Luke and his headsculpt. Hopefully, this one is more to your liking." Big improvement over the last Bespin Luke they released. And as Scream Man said earlier, that Hoth Leia is flat out awesome! Accurate facesculpt. Good articulation (though I'm a little worried if there's no ankle aritculation there ). And if that vest can come off easily, that's just gonna be bonus points in its favor.
  7. Or at least, get rid of the die-cast content. And ratchet-joint the shoulders! That's where the ratchets are truly needed. Regarding Maia's bird, it's too bad Toynami didn't make the shoulder sensor a grey color instead. The white just stands out too much on Maia's color-scheme.
  8. Along with a TV-style Roy and Hikaru, let's up the ante, and make them add ANOTHER Hikaru pilot. But make this second Hik' pilot have Misa sitting in his lap, post-Alaska Base rescue.
  9. Just when you think you've seen everything from Jack, he pulls the proverbial knife out of his gut and shows you just how hardcore is! If I was Leoben, I would stay away from kitchen knives, nearby airlocks, and obsessions with women who show no interest whatsoever in you. And after seeing the preview for next week's episode, why do I have the feeling Jack's gonna do a re-enactment of Lethal Weapon 1? That Russian goomba is so dead.
  10. ^^Did you find Snowspeeder Luke yet, Shin?
  11. Thanks, myk. It's been a draining, crazy, and busy experience so far. But the kid's worth it. I'm thinking of a hills and valley stage where you have to destroy all the Zent' shuttles before they reach a certain point and "escape." You usually had to fire a healthy barrage of missiles just to get even one of those stupid shuttles to blow up. And you'd fail the mission if even one Zent' shuttle managed to slip through the cracks. I usually find the mid-air/outer-space dogfighting stages and the last two stages to be the most enjoyable for me.
  12. Battlecry can be a fun game, but those blasted "Protect the Cat's Eye/Shuttle" missions and those "Destroy All the Zent' Transports/Carriers Before They Escape" missions really drag the game down for me.
  13. Great topic, Scream Man. In no order whatsoever: * Final Fantasy VI - With a screen-name like "Mog," would you expect anything else?! Simply put, this is the best game of the ENTIRE Final Fantasy franchise. At least three characters can lay claim to being the game's main character. Almost every playable character in the game has an in-depth, memorable backstory which is woven into the gameplay. The introduction of limit breaks; side-quests galore; the beautiful in-game opera aria; the ninja with the spaghetti western theme; a couple potential attempted suicides; some of the most memorable leitmotifs anywhere (right up there with John Williams' best stuff); and the baddest, most charismatic villain of all the FF games. None of the other FF main baddies can hold a candle to Kefka's success or his masterful style! * Gran Turismo - GT2 may have featured more cars and tracks, but this was the game that finally made me cave in and buy a PS1. Realistic handling and features for cars I could actually purchase in real life (and not just a collection of suped-up race cars)? Hell yeah! A mostly balls-out, rocking soundtrack with songs from Ash and Garbage? Yes, please. I mean how many other games are there where the techniques you learn from the gameplay can actually be applied in your real life? GT1 taught me that true speed is found not on the straightaway but rather mastered in the corners. * Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic - There's a reason this game won so many awards. It's like the old "Choose Your Own Adventure" books but on steroids. . . and brandishing a couple of lightsabers! Great story, cool characters (except Carth's a bitch!), and a loveable protocol assassin droid who will always put a smile on your meatbag face. * Super Mario Bros. 3 - The original SMB may be a classic. But I feel this game pushed the original NES to its limit. Look at most of the subsequent Mario games that have been released; you wanna know where those map set-ups, the various power-ups/suits, and the Koopa Kids all first originated from? That's right, SMB3. * Tecmo Super NBA Basketball - Similar to Tecmo Bowl but made for the Super Nintendo (and of course, for basketball ). I cannot tell you how many hours my brother and I played this game. He would choose the Bulls (in their heyday), and I would choose the Clippers (during the one year they were actually good). Hey! That Clip' team had Loy Freakin' Vaught (who the game listed as a 90 percent 3-point shooter)! Oh the strange quirks of sports video games!
  14. Not sure if this was posted earlier, but if only ROTF had ended like this: .
  15. I never understood why most film franchises feel you have have to kill off the villains after each movie. You mean to tell me audiences wouldn't be up to see Nolan's Batman and Joker square off for Round 2? At least with the latest Batman films, only Two-Face has been killed off; leaves the potential for any of the old bad guys cropping up in future films. Raimi's Spider-Man series did a good job of this with Harry Osborn (one of the few bright spots of the third movie). Of course Harry's butler waiting umpteen years to reveal the truth to Harry kinda screws that up just a bit.
  16. Seriously, in terms of music, characters, stories, and main baddy, I'd take VI over VII every day of the week. . . and twice on Sundays. Give me the psycho clown who , than that pansy long-haired pretender with the momma's boy complex. Heck, how about just one Magitek armor? They'd probably fit right in with the style of the figures posted above.
  17. I really wish there was more product out there for FFVI.
  18. Hackman's Luthor was good for its time. But my money's on Clancy Brown's version (from the DC Animated Universe) as THE signature Lex Luthor. Getting back to Spider-Man 4 (Spider 4ever!! ), I think a thrown-down with the Lizard would have been the most logical move.
  19. ^^Excellent points. Hollywood has a tendency to beat their cash cows into dead horses. I think the problem specifically with Superman Returns was that Bryan Singer was so hell-bent on making an homage and sequel to the 80's Superman films that it didn't really resonate with the current movie-going audiences. I mean did you ever consider Kevin Spacey's Lex Luthor to be a worthy adversary to Superman? He seemed more like a minor nuisance than anything else (not the master manipulator who could use the law, his wits, and Superman's own sense of justice to outsmart ol' Supes). Well that, and Kate Bosworth's Lois Lane was more bland than stale crackers.
  20. NBC's decision to choose Jay instead of Conan was a great choice. . . FOR ME TO POOP ON!!!!!!!!!!! Back on topic: was Dwane Johnson too busy making the Tooth Fairy to take this role? Sorry but Arnie's portrayal is so ingrained in the public's consciousness, that it's hard to imagine Conan as anything but stocky and a little more bulked up.
  21. Haven't watched Hours 3 and 4 yet (a little thing called "the birth of my daughter" ). But seeing bad-ass, muthafrakker Starbuck turned into this season's "CTU agent with an ugly secret from his/her past that will ultimately cause some mayhem at the most inappropriate of times" was a real downer. Doesn't help that her character has googly eyes for Freddie Prinz, Jr. Also, glad to see that Chloe's social skills haven't improved one damn bit after all these years!
  22. <Raises hand> Because there is something therapeutic about watching Jack kick ass; interrogate; torture; tell Chloe "THERE'S NO TIME!!!!"; and/or scream, "DAMMIT!!" So, who do you think bites the dust this season? My guess is Chloe or her husband.
  23. I just find it highly ironic that the title of this movie (about heavenly fighting angels) shares the same name with one of the Bible's more well-known DEMONS. Only Hollywood.
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