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Everything posted by Skullsixx

  1. I'm telling ya... that game rocks!!!
  2. Dude... I just checked out your artwork... great coloring!!!
  3. I'm checkin this flick out tonight!!!
  4. I just own what I think is essential. Next on my list is the Quadeluun Rau (Millia's), Roy's VF-0, and of course my favorite the YF-19! I currently have a VF-1S Super Valk, and the YF-21 as well as a few figures of Roy and Misa.
  5. After viewing that Valk scene... I must have this!!!
  6. Just turned 35... but age is just a number! Hell, Roy was older!
  7. Dude... their products just plain suck! Did you see the head on that VF-1S? What are they thinking?
  8. any system would be good for a new kickass one, but bandai licenses primarily to the PS family. and with the troubles sony is having making the PS3 on the production side, we'll be lucky if they don't bankrupt themselves first! thus far i've read 2 problems with the cell CPU's production, and another about the Blu-ray thing they were putting in 418328[/snapback] Yeah, I already read an article stating that Sony could be in trouble when competing with HD DVD due to the name "Blue-Ray" alone. Most of the general public may go with "HD DVD" obviously due to name recognition. I also hear that Sony's Blue ray costs more than HD DVD.
  9. Very nice job dude. Keep it up!
  10. That game just kicks major ass in general. I just pray that we get a new awesome kick ass game for the PS3.
  11. I actually avoided watching this for a loooong time. I saw Top Gun so many times as a kid that I honestly never wanna see it again. But, that was a great video. My props to the editor! Small Johnson? I laughed my ass off at that!!!
  12. Frakin' choice!!! Oh... and go WITH the DYRL styling! Looks sooooo much better.
  13. So when in the frak is this new version coming out?
  14. Looks damn cool from the site, but I can't get the trailer to view or open... oh well.
  15. That would be sweet, but I'd rather have Nikki Sixx's Thunderbird. Oh yeah... I almost forgot, I actually have one.
  16. I think that movie will kick ass! Heard about that a while back. Also sounds like Nolan's brother will be penning the script for the next Batman flick.
  17. Dude, this forum is full of "those guys" that like to talk about this stuff. If you don't care about the topic, don't post . 417864[/snapback] Macross is a fair bit more consistent than Star Trek. We just poke at the places where the physics diverge from reality. 417878[/snapback] i'm biting my lip on that one... cause honestly their fairly the same 417890[/snapback] Trek can't even maintain a cohesive continuity across one series. They contradict themselves every other episode. As far as consistency of a universe goes, they're towards the bottom of the list. 417922[/snapback] I was just being a smartass, remembering that SNL skit with Shatner... that's all.
  18. Has the atmosphere just like the comic book.
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