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Everything posted by Skullsixx

  1. Flying V huh? Cool! How about just a kick ass Strat or Les Paul?
  2. I think he'd make a better Harvey Dent/Two face.
  3. That still had a better production than Total Recall!
  4. You're dead right! I'm looking forward to the character and his development as well!
  5. Dude, are you one of those guys at the Star Trek conventions that always points out inconsistencies with fictional technical concepts that William Shatner or the rest of the cast don't care about?
  6. I shrieked at the price of the PS3 when it was first announced. I thought about just breaking down and getting a 360, but the basic model is $400 and doesn't come with the HD wire for my HDTV. So, I figured I might as well as wait for the PS3 and be able to play my Macross PS2 game on that as well. I guess if I'm gonna shell out $500.00-600.00 I might as well be satisfied.
  7. It's weird, I look at that face, and I do see a little potential. Though I've always felt Jim Carrey would make a cool joker and was horrifically miscast as the riddler. 417815[/snapback] Oh please! Crispin Glover will do just fine. After all, he IS weird!
  8. I always thought Roy's death should have been on a much more grand scale. Like taking out a few hundred Zentraedi at the same time. I dig the guy, and I wish he woulda gone out with a serious bang.
  9. Very cool... but what's with those red stripes on the feet?
  10. Bukkake? Hmmmmm.... Ya think Claudia was really up for that?
  11. Dyno... not only do you have a gnarly collection, but that display case you have them in is NICE!!!
  12. The firing of the battroid's rifle is music to my ears! It sounds like nothing else and that's one of the things that dissapointed me about RT Battlecry. However, I was thrilled to hear it over and over again when I got the Macross PS2 import game!!!
  13. It definitely makes the live action film look like the POS that it is!!!
  14. you can fix those binding lines in photoshop.
  15. DUDE THAT IS AWESOME!!~ Any pics? 409410[/snapback] Oh yeah! I forgot I ran into Arnold last summer while coming out of a diner in Lake Tahoe.
  16. You know how much fun those staccato are to play on a real guitar? 409270[/snapback] 13 frakin' minutes!!! That's one of those songs that the late night DJ plays when he's gotta go take a dump! Great song though! I guess you can throw GnR's Coma and Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven in there too!
  17. Let's see... Kevin Nealon (SNL) Alex Lifeson (Rush) Alan Thicke Dan Castalinetta (Homer Simpson) Matt Groening Ron Perlman Glen Danzig David Lee Roth Billy Sheehan (DLR Band/Mr. Big) Gregg Bissonette (DLR Band) DB Sweeney I know there are many others, but I can't think of 'em all right now.
  18. Yeah, that would rule. But first, I'd like to see an AC/DC Edition. After all, the Gibson SG was made most famous by Angus Young. I'd actually pay to see someone dress up like Angus and play "Thunderstruck." 408914[/snapback] Dude.... AC/DC kicks ass!!! I think we're on the same page!
  19. Hey, no Star Trek movie is as bad as The Voyage Home. Corny dialogue, stupid time-travel plot, stupider "save the whales" plot... 408855[/snapback] ST V was one of the worst films I've ever seen period. That's what happens when you let Shatner direct. Hopefully they get Nicholas Meyer (ST II & VI) if they do another.
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