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Everything posted by Skullsixx

  1. Next year I'll get my Nissan 350Z. Damn, I like that car!
  2. I've always liked that bike... looked cooler in MZ 23 part 2.
  3. Yeah...haha. Forgot about those questions!
  4. You mean the Armoured Gerwalk? 405208[/snapback] That looks like it could cause some serious damage... YEAH!!!
  5. Is that Star Trek PC game that came out a few years back still available? Wasn't that a Starfleet Academy game, or something like that?
  6. Are you a Yankees fan? Do you like Spanky in the Lil Rascals?
  7. This is an idea for people with too much time on their hands.
  8. I just saw this flick the other night. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Of course, it coulda been better. There were some compositing problems, some of the scale wasn't great and there wasn't enough character development. But for Brett Ratner taking over from Bryan Singer it coulda been a helluva lot worse. Unfortunately, it would been better if went out with a huge bang if they would have got a great replacement director like Ridley Scott or someone that carries a great resume.
  9. AreaSeven... is that a Playboy Playmate in the avatar?
  10. Use those big ass missles on 'em! That's what I do.
  11. Perfect symmetry. Poor Shatner was a terrible actor as well, only fitting that Affleck take the role 396018[/snapback] The ONLY way to pull this off is to go with unknown actors in the leading roles.
  12. She rides good but fueling her is a tad pricey. 403426[/snapback] Dude, You can shove banana peels in it for fuel! That's cheaper than the price of gas nowadays!
  13. Dude, This game smokes Battlecry! I actually feel legit playing it too!
  14. Small nitpick... It's just VF-5000. No "Star Mirage". http://macross.anime.net/mecha/united_nati...5000/index.html 401557[/snapback] Too bad the Macross Compendium doesn't provide pictures with all these listings!
  15. From what I read, the PS3 can play all region games. I guess I can pop in my Macross PS2 game with no problems or mods.
  16. Yo kingnor, Is the name related to the band King Norris, as in Fred Norris of the Stern show?
  17. Hikaru obviously went for the more "experienced" girl. I don't blame him.
  18. You can see all the game scenes on the Macross 20th Annniversary DVD.
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