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Everything posted by Skullsixx

  1. I can relate to the allergies... but Thank God I grew outta most of 'em!!!
  2. Yeah... must see before I consider buying.
  3. Wow Dude! You're all the way in England! Fields to dry there? I'm in Oregon and it's the dry season, but it's still not all that bad. I fired my rocket off in a Jr. High soccer field.
  4. Yes they are addictive. I will be flying again on Sunday. For my next rocket I'll be completing one that I found at the hobby store that looks like a flying porta potty with Beavis and Butthead graphics. I almost bought it the 1st time because it said you could "fly the crap outta it!"
  5. Just returned from it's maiden flight. It went about 700ft. Slight wind blew it about 100yds. south of me. It's all good. It'll take another flight next week.
  6. I'll be sure to stay away from one. I dunno what the hell is in it now.
  7. Thanks guys!! I appreciate the advice and kind words. Low winds tomorrow maxing out at 5 mph from the NW. Hope it goes well. And yes, that is the Estes Alpha III.
  8. Here's a link... http://www.vishalpatel.com/features/giantr.../giantrobot.htm
  9. Damn guys!!! Whatta jog down memory lane! And I was just thinking of my old VHS copies of the live action Giant Robo from the 70's! I always loved that theme song and the bad guy in a black and white prison outfit, red cape, buck teeth and a peg leg!!!
  10. ...and another. I think I did OK for not having building anything since I was 12. The maiden flight is this Sat, Aug 5th.
  11. This is my first model rocket since I was about 12 (I am now 35). I just bought it yesterday and I am customizing the paint job to look like Roy's VF-1S. I'll post the pics as soon as I'm done. The fins were painted black with yellow ends and skull stickers, the body white with VF markings. It's currently drying so I'll get to some pics tomorrow.
  12. I really don't buy many "toys", but I will admit this is a weakness. I only own 2 Valks and am looking forward to getting a few more. These truly are awesome products that I display in my home. I get really cool comments all the time from people who know nothing about them.
  13. This past Tuesday at Best Buy. 417996[/snapback] I'm on my way to Best Buy!!!
  14. You hit the nail on the head with that 80's comment!!!
  15. Can you find that Gold Book? I'd love to get one!
  16. You were born in, what, 1984? You came into this world the year that the series began and 5 when it ended, so you're too young to really have any clue about the '80s other than what you've seen on VH-1's "I Love the '80s" specials. I grew up during that decade and watched the show every Friday night, with the exception of the final season. Of course by that time I was 16 and far too busy drinking with my friends on Friday evenings to care about any TV show. If you were actually old enough to have experienced the '80s and appreciated the original series, perhaps you would have an opinion similar to mine. 420649[/snapback] I am definitely in that 80's crowd too!!! I grew up then as well, and the chica/chico thing is Latin slang. Remember they went to Havana? Mann would never lower himself by doing a remake set in the 80's. C'mon dude... wake up!
  17. I can't wait to get my hands on this bad boy!!! This will be the crown jewel of my Valk collection!
  18. Except that there are some people out there that actually enjoy the Daredevil movie... 420028[/snapback] Look this director up on the IMDB. He's done nothing great. He is not a visionary and much like the Daredevil movie, I can indicate from the trailer that the lighting sucks!!! How about that scene in the trailer where the bike goes over the side of the building with the chain whip... so generic!!! It looks like crap. I watched the trailer several times and I'm already dissapointed. I ain't givin' up my $10 to see this POS!!!
  19. Just got back from seeing this... I liked it! Unfortunately my girlfriend was feeling ill and I missed the last few minutes of the film. Damn they crank that frakin' AC!!! I left off where Crockett took Isabel to the safehouse on the beach and Rico was in the hospital with his woman. Hopefully I didn't miss much. I thought this film was much better than Ali and I enjoyed it as much as Collateral. It was obviously shot digitally and I thought it looked great. Sometimes gun flares look like crap on digital (Once Upon a Time in Mexico) and I cringe when I see the scene in Collateral where Tom Cruise is in the building and breaks through the glass because it looks like crappy video. I never had that issue with this film. I will definitely pick this up on DVD when it comes out.
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