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Everything posted by Skullsixx

  1. My small collection. More to come...
  2. Putting Tigh as commander would have given the show a bit more room to expand on, Except that Tigh is useless as anything except Adama's XO and everybody knows it, including Tigh. -And remember, Tigh stated when Adama was down that HE never wanted a command.
  3. A Commanders rank and he's tapping Dualla? NIIIICE!!!!
  4. I got it, Dualla as Minmay. She looked pretty good last episode. Hikaru of course is Apollo. Hey, if Starbuck keeps up the boozin', she could be Roy!
  5. "Since when is "rewritten and spliced-together" a genre? Macross and Robotech are the same genre. One's just a poor hackjob while the other is the original product." DAMN RIGHT!!! I don't like being sold an inferior product!
  6. Dude, where are the real toys? Those "midget" ones are lame.
  7. I'd like to see some better shots of that Akira bike. Especially some from the sides.
  8. So, is it just a disc that you bought from modchip.com? I too have a flip top and would love to try this out!!!
  9. Being a visually oriented person, I would say that I fell in love with the TV series when I first saw it as RT (age 12). Now that I am older (age 34) I am more critical of it. I do feel the story is more complete and detailed than DYRL, but I have such a hard time watching the series now due to the quality of animation. I recently re-watched it about 3 yrs. ago. I admit I love that fact that Kawamori always refers back to DYRL as the "official" visuals (mecha/character designs) of the Macross origins. I absolutely loved Mac Plus and Zero, although I think Zero lacked a bit in story development. As far as Mac 7 and Mac II, I never really bothered because of the negativity in opinion that surrounds them. I do admit when I buy anime I stay away from series and lean more towards OVA and anime movies because I know their overall quality will be better and more consistent. I am also not that enthusuastic about watching Mac II due to Kawamori having nothing to do with it, and Mac 7's whole idea of watching some guy cruise around in his VF-19 while playing guitar is not that appealing to me. Although I am very curious to see what happens to Max and Millia. Unfortunately, the anime DVD rental store near me does not carry Mac 7 and has no plans to. Oh well...
  10. I definitely see way more maturity from Hikaru in DYRL than I ever did in RT. Perhaps because in RT he had kind of a dorky-innocent voice? Notice how much deeper it is in the original Macross series as well as DYRL.
  11. General Manager. I run a successful local business... sub-contractor, contractor, etc. I love it and it allows me to fulfill my Macross appetite... among other things!
  12. 1. Every Batman film except Batman Begins, hell... every Tim Burton film blows! 2. Robocop/Paul Verhoeven films 3. T3 4. Sin City (I actually love Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller, but after dragging my woman to this film, I leaned over and apologized after seeing the first 10 minutes.) 5. Any Bond film with Timothy Dalton
  13. Does Shawn even come in here? And what in the hell does Graham do for a living anyway? Doesn't he live in Hong Kong?
  14. Uhh.... where is this located? I did not see the location mentioned. I know I'll definitely be at San Diego Comic Con this year.
  15. Skullsixx


    How can I get this? I have a flip-top/Swap Magic PS2. Will that work?
  16. I've noticed that when I watch the 20th Anniversary DVD footage for VFX 1, it seems like Aegis is piloting a VF-11, then in VFX 2 I think he's piloting a VF-19A according to the Hidetaka Tenjin Art Works of Macross Valkyrie book. Can someone confirm this? I have never played either VFX games and I am curious. Also, is there much more animation in the games than what is shown on the 20th Anniv. DVD?
  17. Dude, It has just about every Valkyrie imaginable. It includes the Series, DYRL, VFX 1 & 2, model covers, MZero, and a few other paintings. As far as technical info... it's pretty much an art book. Unless you know how to read the small print in Japanese. Thare are a few new pieces such as the cover (which is incredible) and a illustration of a WWII Bristish Spitfire, a gnarly unfolding pullout of Hikaru and his Valk in the hangar, and a new one of Roy in his flight suit.
  18. I just got this bad boy today and it was worth every penny I paid for it! Talk about some killer paintings! Anybody else pleased/displeased with this book? Opinions? The newer paintings dated 2005, such as the cover art and the one of Roy are breathtaking!
  19. R.I.P. Pat... and thank you for the wonderful movie memories that you left for all to enjoy... God Bless!
  20. Now that I read your post with the cell of Hikaru again, I can see that you are doing this digitally. I did traditional cels for an animation class once and damn was it time consuming! Good to see your project is still rolling. I look so forward to seeing the trailer! Keep kickin' ass!
  21. Thanx for the insight Pat Payne. I understand what you are saying. It just bums me out that we the "fans" pretty much get screwed as far as pricing and availability due to HG's practices. I'm glad that we have sites and forums like this to express our views. I guess what I had posted was wishful thinking, especially with the development of films like "Superman Returns" and "King Kong" being handled by filmmakers that are true fans. Even the remade Battlestar Galactica, which at first was not welcomed by the old hard core fans has achieved much success. I would just love to see Macross made available to the worldwide market in it's truest and purest form for those of us who want it. Hey, if you like RT, good luck to ya, and enjoy. But my point being that us Macross Purists are stuck with high price imports, or HK copies with bad subs. I guess ya gotta do what ya gotta do...
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