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Everything posted by DewPoint

  1. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    AmiAmi (Pre-owned ITEM:A/BOX:B)HI-METAL R - Regult 13,780 yen. Prices have gone up!
  2. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    So I guess we're back to speculation with this image again:
  3. Like how some country may be hiding an alien spaceship that crashed landed on a island in the east pacific?
  4. Did they say if these cars will have stock engines? Or will it be whatever was known to have been in the cars/vans/motorcycles used in filming the shows.
  5. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    I like it! Too bad there is no thrusters swivel. If you could only transplant the HMR ones... I assume that this is a stop-gap project until Bandai releases a real HMR Scout? Looking forward to your completer custom.
  6. Explain this one! I remember watching this live on cable way, way back in the day. Watch the top center of this "high quality NASA" video.
  7. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    Not I. I saw it last night and really thought about it, but passed. sh9000 and tekering's photos really make you want to army build though.
  8. For me DS9 was my least favorite Star Trek series. The story concept was very limiting since they were stuck on a space station. Runabouts can only get you so far, everything else had to come to them. I felt that the writers finally gave up when they started the war and gave them the Defiant. I liked Voyager. It improved quickly when they dumped that Maquis nonsense. My only issue with it was that any series following their return to earth would be difficult. The technology that the Voyager crew returned with was way way unbalancing. Slip-Stream Warp!
  9. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    Miss Cat has been on the racy side lately. I think the heat is getting to her. Someone seriously needs to get her some ice cream, chocolate or both.
  10. I believe that's part of it. Back in WWII days it was the norm to have about 4 ships in a particular class before building the next improved design based on the performance of the proceeding class. Post WWII we see anywhere from 10 to 30 of any of the more successful(?) destroyer designs as well as 1 to 5 of a myriad cruiser designs. So, yeah, nothing wrong with making new ship designs, but they really don't need to. I guess it's the Director's or Producer's choice?
  11. Nebula Class XL where? I do have a issue with Star Trek Federation designs. Rather than making small variations in ships, the ship designers or people in charge seem happier Frankensteining ships together. It's one thing if your are cannibalizing parts from ship remains to repair/rebuild ships because you are in the middle of a war, but these "variants" seem way too lazy and unrealistic. Generally the variations we see the Nebula Class ships, to me, are more realistic. Maintenance would be a nightmare if not for replicator technology.
  12. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    The Bridge detail alone would be a massive undertaking at HMR scale. Full Bridge crew with multiple levels and maybe Minmay performing. It would be a sight to see though.
  13. You could try to track down a used AnimEigo DVD version of it. I'm not sure what they go for now days.
  14. Interestingly, I got this: My seat gimmick assembly is just friction fit together. I can pull the entire thing apart. It disassembled itself when it came out of it's bag during shipping. I'm somewhat sure that most of my other Arcadia Valkyries have the correct neck filler plate, but i'm not 100% sure. No biggie though, I will most likely not use the part. Most of my Valkyries are in their boxes as I have very limited display space.
  15. I got into this hobby right before Delta aired. I really like Frontier. By the time I even considered getting a VF-25 they were like 8 years old and (arguably) not ageing well. The plastic failures worry me more than the yellowing. It's what kept me for hunting them down.
  16. I looked at that. It is my last resort before going to replacement parts. My major issue, as you all know, is that the part needs to widen to go back in place. Major stress on the re-bonded joint. My co-worker is a Machinist by hobby. He has milling machines, lathes, 3D printers, laser engravers, etc. Doesn't hurt to ask!
  17. Depending on what Tatsunoko decides to do late 2021 or early 2022, there is a possibility of reissues. As of now, no one knows what's going to happen. So buy now? Wait? You need to decide for yourself.
  18. True enough. It will function fine with a single support.
  19. T-REX's involvement in the design is comforting, but that also increases the cost. They really need to show us a prototype Tread to go with that Legioss. I'm sure that will push the total cost, for a set, well over 60,000 yen.
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