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Everything posted by Podtastic

  1. They replaced Gloval with Lisa which didn't happen in the original. Why is that? Mb for the same reasons that other existing characters keep getting changed in comics lately? They're messing with my beloved nostalgia. Not a focus. Comparing a Zaku and a Bioroid? Other than both being sort humanoid in shape the Bioroid is vastly different to Zaku in every conceivable way: - The Bioroid responds directly to signals from the pilots brain and can respond reflexively as if it is the pilots own body. Zaku is piloted with manual controls via a standard mecha cockpit. - The Bioroid is as agile and acrobatic as its pilot and can do somersaults in combat. MB a Zaku can do that? - The Bioroid looks absolute great, every part of it is beautiful. The Zaku looks ok. (I do like Gundam but have no desire to grab a Zaku. I would cancel some of my stuff on order to grab an HMR articulated Bioroid for sure.) - Both Blue and Red Bioroids have iconic alien looking weapons. I cant even remember what the Zaku weapon looks like. The Inbit/Invid designs are just as cool. No we must have this...but I don't care if its just mehroplanes. You mean like that seen in Frontier where Alto and Klan fight in a Zentraedi "graveyard"? No I don't miss those I just want to see much more of the original designs and look that's all. I literally had to battle to stay awake during any extended Windsmearean scene. Couldn't relate to them at all. I did find the Garudans and Spherisians mildly interesting in the novels. Um, it isn't..but...I did like a few things from the first half of the Battlefield Earth novel. I imagined the Psychlo to look a bit like Grizzlor meets General Ursus rather than what we saw in that horrible movie. I also liked the Psychlo rebreather mask look on the original cover and the purple interior of the Pschlyo battletanks. But I digress. I do like them. I Might even get one if they start making them.
  2. But that's exactly the comment that should be going to them. Keep politics out of comics. Don't change things for "PC". Except...no Bioroids or Invid or SDFM Zentraedi anymore... and Windermear.
  3. What makes me mad is that instead of simply upgrading the art they decided to libtardise the story and @#$ the art. We didnt deserve that we at least deserved art like this: https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2F736x%2F52%2F9c%2F9b%2F529c9bc12433b770e71637050ae224fc.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.co.uk%2Fbdiegnan%2Frobotech%2F&docid=jTv7zCLwk1vGXM&tbnid=yyj-wW-cc90oqM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwj4sM2X3-faAhWELsAKHQeXC5gQMwg-KAswCw..i&w=735&h=981&bih=508&biw=320&q=bdiegnan art&ved=0ahUKEwj4sM2X3-faAhWELsAKHQeXC5gQMwg-KAswCw&iact=mrc&uact=8 The cover of issue 10 would be epic if done by a decent artist.
  4. Galactic Empire (Armada) vs Romulan Star Empire (Eaglemoss). Plus Sixth Scale Sandtrooper. Running out of space in my cupboard with all these Neca, Eaglemoss and Sideshow boxes.
  5. Not owning a car is not such a big deal anymore now that there is Uber. However you surely have a Will wherein you leave all these goodies to some beloved niece or nephew?
  6. Now I am imagining it next to a to scale version of a Thurvel Salan. Might need more than one lady to hold that though.
  7. Podtastic

    Macross figures

    I sometimes wonder if I am the only person on the entire planet who wants sixth scale (like Hot Toys SW line) quality Zentraedi figures.
  8. Podtastic

    Hi-Metal R

    Until they start realeasing more Zentraedi stuff my wallet will be wearing a Kursk Salient chastity belt.
  9. Podtastic

    Hi-Metal R

    Its Japanese torture looking at that thing, its like a Queadluun but not.
  10. "Brethren, this strange craft was recently detected in Auir's orbit." Cinemachines Predator Scoutship arrived today.
  11. Well since people are giving free advice... Two ways I keep control of my own hobby fanatism is to have a list of what I REALLY want and to ONLY buy that. More importantly I only purchase what I ALREADY have the disposable funds for, which must account not only for expenses but also the maintenance of an emergency reserve. Once you land that well paying permanent job its not a bad idea to invest in property and then pay it off asap by pumping as much you can spare into the Bond every month to save on YEARS of interest. You can also rent it out and get income which helps to pay off said bond. (I dont know if property ownership is the best investment nowadays, but it certainly worked out for me.) The other thing you need to do once landing that job is to start saving for retirement, its never too early.
  12. Moms all have this script God bless them. Btw no interest in any Zentradi mecha? The HMR Regult? The Queadluun?
  13. Podtastic

    Hi-Metal R

    Its another Valkyrie. No surprises there. Hopefully they will release the Nousjadeul-Ger or the Phallanx next.
  14. Podtastic

    Macross figures

    Is that Myria/Millia or just a bridge bunny? if they made her in her SDFM Meltran uniform with a Zentradi seat it would be a must buy for me.
  15. Podtastic

    Hi-Metal R

    And even more patience is required by us enemy mecha fans.
  16. That's aggravating rather than mitigating. Trying to fix what wasn't broken. Its ghastly. It doesn't matter to me if its Robotech or Marvel/DC, I'm not buying any comic with artwork this bad.
  17. Can't agree though. Comico was just badly drawn (they couldn't draw Bioroids properly if their lives depended on it), this is badly drawn+messed-up-design+messed-up-pc-leftwingnut-plot.
  18. "Keep firing! Don't let those Zerglings reach this level!" Hot Toys 1/6 Jedha Patrol, Snowtrooper and TIE Pilot came over the weekend. Quite pleased with the customer service from Manofactionfigures thusfar, they seemed quite interested in ensuring that I actually received the merchandise.
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