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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. RIP; at least he lived long enough to see Boba escape the Sarlacc pit.
  2. No, you do not want epoxy on that; it is too brittle. What you are going to want is Devcon Plastic Welder. it is a two-part adhesive with far better bonding power and durability. If you live in the US, they have the black version at Home Depot in their Automotive aisle. Trust me; I use this stuff all the time and it's far better for these kinds of repairs. Clean the break and the part that broke off with 91 percent rubbing alcohol, them mix up the material, apply and place the snapped hinge part. Once cured, it should be as good as new.
  3. So Discovery's tanking has pretty much poised the well insofar as future funding for anything else? No surprise there.... Especially with money being short all around due to COVID taking a chunk out of films and whatnot, the studios' parent companies aren't willing to risk precious funds on yet another potential "sinking ship" if ViaCBS can't produce something with more coherency than the dumpster fire DSC remains. Too bad they didn't thing of Strange New Worlds first, right? Then again, we may not have gotten the version that we all want now if that were the case...
  4. Thanks for clarifying that, Seto; yeah, it was the Titan comics version. I wasn't sure and I didn't want to just assume.
  5. Is it possible they may also be trying to keep anyone else from using the VF-1 design aside from bootleggers? I recall something about not showing the VF-1 design in the recent comics (unless I miss my mark).
  6. And apparently Strange New Worlds is on that pile as well; I've seen/ heard nothing concerning it since the supposed announcements. The fans are the ones who are getting burned here, as I stated previously. Apparently, the showrunners are so in love with their failing/ failed concept that they can see nothing but that concept. At this rate, once they cancel DSC, they may as well leave Star Trek to lie fallow for a couple of decades or so.
  7. So we go from a galaxywide burn to a one-person burn? I think the real burn is being foisted onto the fans at this rate...
  8. I've used that set for pilots before; should be an easy go of it!
  9. Taking a break from the Regult for a bit... kinda burned out on it. meantime, did a small side-project based on FEXT Hobbies' "Sci-Fi" hangar system (the one I saw in the following pic was specifically designed and printed custom for someone named "Saburo", for a Macross setup: Well, being continually broke, I was left to my own devices (and paintbrush): I put my own spin on it, doing just a small section with a door (based on the Macross Factory door). I didn't want to totally rip off the poor guy, but it was just too cool a display to not want!
  10. Boba could use his own series, with the same actor playing him in The Mandalorian taking the role. One story from the comics I wish they'd do (though it's when Vader was alive) Is "When the Fat Lady Swings".
  11. No problem; Axoid was my first Revell Valk, folowed by Vexar; I have both again (thanks to some friends here )painted in their Macross colors (Roy and Hikaru, respectively). And I remember the box well: BTW: anyone ever notice in these pics that the legs are on backwards in Battroid mode?
  12. From YahooNews: (more): https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/tommy-tiny-lister-friday-actor-021338362.html
  13. If I ever do a Glaug pod, I'll name it "Ernie"
  14. UPDATE: Well, did some improvements to the Regult to bring it more "in line" to what it should actually look like: I re-did the front faceplate to sit more flush with the rest of the main body. Additionally, I extended the "chin" on the main body, as it was way too small and was throwing off the look of the entire model. The feet got a makeover also: While not as curvy as they should be, they are a vast improvement from the previous ones that were barely there. To rebuild them, I used cardboard tubing and hot melt glue to build the feet up, then drilled a wooden dowel into the shin/ ankle to mount them on. I may do more improvements on them, so this is by no means "final". Onto the top of the head, now: Thanks to an early Christmas gift from a good friend ( ), I was able to make the mounting dome for the rearward head cannons. They swivel on a styerene "pin" that I made from a piece of sprue. I just need to outline and detail the main entry hatch for the cockpit, and then "detail out" the various details still lacing on this model (panels, signage, etc). Stay tuned... don't make Bert (yeah, I named him "Bert"!) angry...you wouldn't like him when he's angry...
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