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Everything posted by Mazinger

  1. Hmm, the real question for me then becomes what quality the DS9 and Voyager episodes will come in. At the moment we lack an HD transfer of those shows. I hope the Netflix deal helps alleviate that issue.
  2. Well, not the venue that the con was in last year, but possibly the 502 seat James R. Armstrong Theatre might hold enough. It's a part of the same complex.
  3. Funny, my whole life I pronounced Macross "Maaah-cross" because that was what I heard growing up with RT. I accepted hearing it pronounced "Muh-cross" in the Japanese version and never thought twice about it. But then hearing "Muh-cross" in English makes me do a double take. My ears are still getting used to it.
  4. Just got back and my $.02 is that I liked it. While it can never replace the original, it had plenty of good moments. It was definitely the most family friendly of the Bridesmaids crew movies. The trailers really didn't do it justice, which in retrospect almost seem like a bizarrely great marketing strategy to build low expectations. I looked forward to #2. And #3. I think they've launched the franchise.
  5. Well his account does appear to be closed, or at least in active. I did meet him recently at AnimeExpo 2016 and he mentioned that he had probably been banned. I didn't inquire further since I'm sorta new to this online Macross community in general and didn't want to get into any unpleasant details that I didn't have context for.
  6. Though they might not be line-art accurate, I'm quite satisfied with my old 1/35 and 1/100(?) Legiosses (Legiossi? What's the plural?). Granted the Legioss transformation isn't that difficult. I'd be more interested in a durable, easy to transform ride armor. It could even be parts-formerish in my opinion. My old Gakken is easy to transform and sturdy, but not easy to handle, where as my CM corp ride armor has me sweating bullets every time I want to change a pose. I'm starting to think that best compromise would be a figure with a cycle that doesn't transform *AND* a a ride armor that clips onto the shoulders like a backpack.
  7. Mazinger

    Hi-Metal R

    For reals though. Well, at least for something near the pre-sale price, as there are a few on eBay which have crossed the 100% markup line.
  8. Mazinger

    Hi-Metal R

    I've been wondering about the numbers of the production runs as it seems there are still plenty of Glaugs and CFs to be found. I'm probably wrong, but it almost seems as if the Max pre-sale was shorter than the order pre-sales, almost implying a smaller production. Could that be true?
  9. Dang Anubis. You've got some painting skills.
  10. Mazinger

    Hi-Metal R

    Curious as to what you guys think are the chances that there will be more Max pre-orders before the actual sale date? What tends to be the mark up for post pre-order sales? @Mr Bomber: Ese precio incluyo shipping a Guayaquil?
  11. Bwahahaha! Don't let that pass in the next pod cast!
  12. Regarding Stealth, I watched the trailer on YouTube before watching the movie and going by the trailer alone I expected it to be completely awful. Then I was surprised that I actually didn't hate the movie. Planes and dogfights weren't bad. The AI as an enemy angle was actually good. It is reminiscent of MPlus, and now, in retrospect, the plot point about corruption seems very NUNS/Grace like. So if ID:Resurgence is equal to or better, I'll definitely watch it. I found the ending of the first incredibly hoaky, but still had fun watching it.
  13. Some tweaks for a better color matches. Unfortunately the selection of LEGO parts in light blues or golded brown (feet/joints) is limited, so I'm gonna go with the standard grey blue in place of light blue and dark stone/grey for the gold. I can't bring myself to paint LEGO. I'll look around Bricklink to see if I kind find better matching parts, but my hopes are low. This will probably be it for now, but now I can say that I'm at least satisfied.
  14. Some improvements. Better arms with clown hands. Something like a head and a gun. Sturdier skeleton for easier transformation. Better color matching. Proportions closer to the line art.
  15. That was really the content of the presentation. Here's what I remember loosely from memory : He walked out to applause and flashed the Delta Walkure W. They asked that nobody take pictures or video. SK began with where he grew up, in a rural town and how later moving to Toyama, with it's industry and trains proved to be a culture shock. He brought up how his father was an engineer and how he received a Fischertechnik construction toy set as a kid. The set allow him to build toys with moving parts as opposed to early LEGO sets which were more static. Next he covered how he got into animation as a high schooler, showing slides of the project he and his friends finished in high school. He then talked about meeting the folks from Studio Nue and eventually going to work for them while in college. He showed a slide about his first task as a 19 year old college student, the Diaclone Robot Car line which eventually became Optimus Prime. The slide got a lot of applause. He then went on to chronicle the beginnings of Macross and of transforming planes. He talked about how he and the younger Studio Nue staff came up with the idea for the next project, which was to be about planes. He initially wanted to only have a gerwalk transformation mode, but was told to make come up with a humanoid form. He worked on SDF and DYRL throughout college and it's success and the demands of putting it together eventually led to him dropping out in his third year. Toy makers were skeptical that planes or space toys would sell. After he worked out the mechanics for the valk transformation in a paper model and the same toy maker from before was won over. He had mentioned before that his own culture shock is probably what contributes so largely to this being a plot device in his stories. He mentioned that he wanted to find a way to differentiate Macross from Star Wars in that he wanted to find a way to win a war with culture. This became the justification for having a town and a singer in it. Obviously I'm leaving a lot out. He did mention the other collaborators and creators throughout, but I don't want to get the names wrong, and that's info that's easily found online.
  16. After the presentation. The whole thing was worth hours it took to get it.
  17. I taken at least one serious stab at getting a decent looking Orgoid put together in LEGO, but I was never happy with the results. The orgroid is a challenge because of all the organic looking curves it uses. While it's transformation is very Valkyrie like, it's easier to pull off if you have wide variety of Bionicle parts. Getting the look to come out right is the bigger challenge because Bionicle parts just really don't want to be combined with the classic LEGO system parts. Anyways here is the result of a few hours work, taking what I've learned from my previous attempt. I still need to come up with a head and figure out how to do the backpack hinge.
  18. Beautiful man. Seriously. What is the your pilot sculpted from.
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